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The Designers - Great Automobiles and the Men Who Made Them by L J K Setright (76_TheDesigners)
$29.95 |
71-76 The Best of Old Cars Weekly Newspaper 1977 very large 496 pgs Krause Publications (71_OldCarsWeekl)
$24.95 |
72 Cavalcade of Motoring by M Sedgwick Hardcover 88 pages (72_cavalcade)
$19.95 |
76-77 Veteran & Vintage Magazine Bound Volume #21 containing Sept 76 through Aug 77 (765_Vet_Vint_21)
$29.95 |
Car Mascots An Enthusiasts Guide by Giuseppe di Sirignano & David Sulzberger The original book on automotive icons 1977 pub by Crescent Books 120 pgs (77_Mascots)
$99.95 |
Auto Tune-ups Made Easy by Editors of Consumer Guide 96 pages (39_TuneUps)
$19.95 |
The Encyclopedia of Motor Sport by G Nick Georgano Foreword by Stirling Moss 656 high quality hardbound pages 1894-1971 tells story of racing development race tracks cars drivers many black & white & color photos many of which are unusual and interesting (50_Motorsport)
$34.95 |
77-78 Veteran & Vintage Magazine Bound Volume #22 containing Sept 77 through Aug 78 (775_Vet_Vint_22)
$29.95 |
Racing Cars and the History of Motor Sport; Peter Roberts, from dawn of motor racing thru 1973. (39_5_Hist)
$24.95 |
78-79 Veteran & Vintage Magazine Bound Volume #23 containing Sept 78 through Aug 79 (785_Vet_Vint_23)
$29.95 |
The Model Cars of Gerald Wingrove - by G A Wingrove with Introductions by Lord Motagu of Beaulieu and Gordon M Buehrig (79_GeraldWingro)
$59.95 |
77-78 The Best of Old Cars Weekly Newspaper Vol 2 1979 very large 464 pgs Krause Publications (79_OldCarsWeekl)
$24.95 |
Fill'er Up!: An Architectural History of America's Gas Stations by Daniel Vieyra 112 pages 130 illustrations (79_Vieyra)
$39.95 |
Automobile & American Culture edited by D Lewis published by Michigan Quarterly Review 781 page history (40_AutoMich)
$19.95 |
Troy Model Club Series on Commercial Vehicles collector models book by Cecil Gibson 62 pgs. (40_CommercialVe)
$7.95 |
Designing Tomorrows Cars From Concept Step by Step to Detail Design by W Korff 271 pahe hard cover History (40_DesignKorff)
$39.95 |
Price Guide to Metal Toys by G Gardiner 214 page history (40_MetalToy)
$19.95 |
Million Dollar Automobiles: A Connoisseur's Collection of Rare & Expensive Cars by David Burgess-Wise 240 hardbound pages (40_MillionDolla)
$24.95 |
Il Radiatore nel Tempo - Radiators throughout the Years - in French with english translation insert (40_RadiatoreNel)
$38.95 |
William Fisk Harrah: The Life & Times of A Gambling Magnate by Leon Mandel 223 hardbound pages with B&W photos (40_WilliamHarra)
$19.95 |
The Car & Its Wheels a Guide to Modern Suspension Systems By J. Norbye (65_CarWheels)
$24.95 |
La Frizione nel Tempo - clutches through the years - in French, with english translation insert (70_LaFrizioneNe)
$38.95 |
79-80 The Best of Old Cars Weekly Newspaper Vol 3 1981 very large 552 pgs Krause Publications (81_OldCarsWeekl)
$24.95 |
Diesel Car Book by R Barlow 246 page buyers guide (40_DslBarlow)
$9.95 |
Automobiles Built in Essex County, Mass by Hayden Shepley 64 pages self-published 1976 (76_EssexShepley)
$49.95 |
Street Was Fun in 51 by A Drake 88 page Hot Rod History (50_StreetFun)
$39.95 |
Gas Food & Lodging: A Poscard Odyssey Through the Great American Roadside by John Baeder 132 pages 300 reproductions of vintage postcards (82_Baeder)
$39.95 |
81-82 The Best of Old Cars Weekly Newspaper Vol 4 very large 552 pgs Krause Publications (83_OldCarsWeekl)
$24.95 |
Secrets of Automobile Photography by M Antonick 92 page history (50_AutoPhoto)
$14.95 |
Boss Kettering - Wizard of General Motors by Stuart W Leslie (83_BossKetterin)
$19.95 |
Import Book Volume 1 Step by Step Instructions How to Locate Select & Import Your Own European Car by L Smith 101 page buyers guide (45_ImportSmith)
$29.95 |
The Complete Encyclopedia of Motorcars 1885 to the present edited by Georgano 640 pages hardcover very comprehensive scholarly reference detailing over 4,000 makes of car (35_Georgano)
$29.95 |
Automotive Milestones Trivia of a Most Unique Machine by C Cassell 170 page history (50_MilestoneTri)
$9.95 |
Three Wheelers by K Hill a Shire Classics Library Book Fully Illustrated (50_SL165)
$11.95 |
Extraordinary Automobilies by Peter Vann & Gerald Asaria Special intrest cars from Artz to Vector 1985 221 pages color photos pub by MBI (85_Extraordinar)
$39.95 |
83-84 The Best of Old Cars Weekly Newspaper Vol 5 1985 very large 592 pgs Krause Publications (85_OldCarsWeekl)
$24.95 |
Advertising and the Motor-car by Michael Frostick with a prologue by Ashley Havinden 159 quality hardbound pages story of how advertising developed, many makes of cars, black & white and color, special chapter on Fiat (40_Advertising)
$24.95 |
New Departure Classics by C Weldon hard cover history covering the origin of the New Departure Company the Rockwell Public Service Cab & the Allen Kingston & Houpt Rockwell Motor Cars (50_NewDepart)
$29.95 |
85-86 The Best of Old Cars Weekly Newspaper Vol 6 1987 very large 464 pgs Krause Publications (87_OldCarsWeekl)
$24.95 |
The World's Worst Cars, Timothy Jacobs, Well illustrated large format covering cars with dubious reputations. (44_Worst)
$19.95 |
Inside 100 Great Cars by David Hodges with cut-away drawings and fold outs (88_InsideCars)
$34.95 |
Veteran & Vintage Cars by P Roberts 128 page hard cover history (40_VetRoberts)
$19.95 |
Bonnard Sketches of a Journey Travels in an Early Motorcar From Octave Mirbeaus Journal La 628 E8 wiith Illustrations by Pierre Bonnard 175 page hard cover history (50_Bonnard)
$59.95 |
Power Behind the Wheel - Creativity and the Evolution of the Automobile by Walter J Boyne (88_PowerBehindW)
$29.95 |
The Automobile; Horseless Carriages to Cars of the Future, Gary Reyes; large format; 140 pages color illustrated (20_ReyesHC2Cars)
$24.95 |
The World of Automobiles Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Motor Car 22 vol set (35_WorldOfAutos)
$129.95 |
Lemons The Worlds Worst Cars by T Jacobs 160 pages hardcover (50_LemonsJacobs)
$29.95 |
Index 21-25 by Automotive Quarterly to Volumes 21-25 hardcover 103 pgs (52_Index_21_25)
$29.95 |
The History of the Vintage Sports Car Club by Peter Hull (64_VintageSport)
$39.95 |
The Motor Car in Art - Selections from the Raymond E. Holland Automotive Art Collection - by John J Zolomij - Photography by Bradley A. Schaeffer Design by Michael Pardo. (90_MotorCarArt)
$69.95 |