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30-34 British Cars of the Early Thirties by Bart H Vanderveen (32_BritishCarsT)
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American Cars of the 1930s Thirties Olyslager Auto Library by Warne (35_Olyslager30s)
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Cars of the Early Thirties by Tad Burness (32_CarsEarly30s)
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Seventeen Sports Cars 1919-1930, Peter Hull and Nigel Arnold Forster; from Alfa to Vauxhall, 192 pg illustrated. (25_83760085)
$19.95 |
Cars of the 30's and 40's, Michael Sedgwick. Detailed lined drawings and color illustrations. 240 pg hardcover. (40_SedgwickCars)
$19.95 |
1930 London Motor Show & Paris Salon by L. Dalton (B00245RM1027U2)
$99.95 |
27-50 Auto Racing Memories Stories & Pictures of Racing in the 1930s & 1940s by U Stair 166 page hard cover racing history with numerous photographs detailing the racing scene in Los Angles in the 30s & 40s (38_RacingStair)
$99.95 |
Racing Stutz Ballentine Illustrated History of the Car Mark Howell 160 pg ill. (18_Stutz)
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Flivver King Story of Ford-America by Upton Sinclair 119 pgs 1984 edition of 1937 novel (25_882860542)
$15.95 |
British Armored Cars 1914-45, by B. T. White (30_BritArmorCar)
$19.95 |
Automobile Quarterly's Great Cars & Grand Marques, edited by Beverly Rae Kimes, 1976 (30_GreatCarsAQ)
$34.95 |
A History of Coach Building by George A Oliver 175 pages (37_CoachHistory)
$52.95 |
Touring Masterpieces of Style by Greggio 168 pgs hardcover about Touring carrozzeria until 1966 (59788879116770)
$89.95 |
Tentacles of Power, The Story of Jimmy Hoffa, by Clark R. Mollenhoff, 1st edition (65_HoffaBio)
$26.95 |
Great American Autos from 1890 - 1930 by Lester Brooks (20_ArtAm90230)
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Great Cars of the Great Plaine by Curt McConnell 267 pg (20_Great)
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Walter Reuther and the Rise of the Auto Workers; John Barnard 236 pgs. (30_ReutherRise)
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The Kings of Road, Ken Purdy, Classic history of great cars Bugatti thru Duesenberg to Morgan and more. (40_Rd_Kng_Purd)
$19.95 |
Marques of America America's Most Popular Collectible Cars 30s-60s 264 page incl AMC Bucik Cadillac Chevrolet Chrysler Desoto Dodge Ford Lincoln Oldsmobile Packard Plymouth Pontiac Studebaker & more (50_MarquesGuide)
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Sports Cars, Ian Dussek, Shire series.32 pg (50_SprtCrs_Shir)
$12.95 |
WHEELS novel by Arthur Hailey 501 pages (71_WheelsHailey)
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1805-42 Standard Catalog of American Cars 1805-1942 1,600 pages by B. R. Kimes (27_107306B)
$89.95 |
26-68 Unreasonable American Francis W Davis Inventor of Power Steering by H Branch 215 page hard cover history (47_FrancisDavis)
$9.95 |
Touring Superleggera Giant amoung Coachbuilders by Carlo Felice Bianchi Anderloni & Tito Anselmi incl Alfa Romeo Isotta Fraschini Lancia Fiat Ansaldo Citroen O.M. Bianchi BMW Stiegler Auto Avio Bristol Frazer-Nash Ferrari Pegaso Aston Martin Maserati O.S.C.A Lagonda Sunbeam Hillman & more (59782851201744)
$449.95 |
Early and Vintage Cars - 1886-1930 by Nick Georgano (B08_CarsGeorgan)
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The Finest Prewar Automobiles Vintage Cars this book looks in detail at over 45 of the most collectible and desirable vintage cars from the UK, Europe, and America. 192 Hardcover pages by Craig Cheetham (22_137431AP)
$24.95 |
Those Wonderful Old Automobiles, by Floyd Clymer, 212 pg. hardback, 1st edition (22_WonderOldAut)
$15.95 |
Justice In Transportation, An Expose of Monopoly Control, Arne Wiprud, 1945 (45_History)
$34.95 |
Starting Grid to Chequered Flag by P Frere 296 page racing history autobiography of the famous Formula One driver & jouranlist (50_StartingGrid)
$29.95 |
Classic 4x4 illustrated buyers guide for older four wheel drive vehicles from Jeep, Land Rover, Ford, Dodge, GMC, Chevrolet, International, and other manufacturers (52_125487AP)
$17.95 |
Adventures of a Vintage Car Collector, by Alan Radcliff (used, v. good condition) (60_517136589)
$24.95 |
Bourke Engine Documentary by L Bourke 148 page History detailing the 2 stroke engine developed by Russell Bourke (25_BourkeDoc)
$89.95 |
Veteran & Vintage Cars by Peter Roberts 160 hardbound pages (24_VeteranVinta)
$19.95 |
Model Veteran & Vintage Cars, by Cecil Gibson (used, good condition) (25_067048521X)
$12.95 |
Billy Durant: Creator of General Motors, by Lawrence Gustin (25_BilDurantBio)
$32.95 |
Speed Camera The Amateur Photography of Motor Racing by E.S. Tompkins (25_SpeedCamera)
$9.95 |
Sports Cars & Hot Rods by T McCahill 143 page History (25_SportRod)
$14.95 |
A Source Book of Vintage & Post-Vintage Cars by G.N. Georgano 143 hardbound pages (25_VintageCarSo)
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Wonder Book of Motors the Romance of the Road by H Golding 256 page hard cover childrens history of the early days of the automobile with chapters including motor camping military motors the art of driving & more (25_WonderMotor)
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A Guide to Automobile Selling by John O. Munn published March, 1950 (50_MunnAutoSell)
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Index 21-40 by Automotive Quarterly to Volumes 36-40 (52_Index_21_40)
$29.95 |
Shifting Gears, Changing Labor Relations in US Auto Industry, by Harry Katz - 230 pg, hb (55_262110989)
$6.95 |
Automobile Industry & Its Workers, between Fordism & Flexibility, 336 pg. analysis of auto labor by Steve Tolliday & J. Zeitlin (55_312005539)
$5.95 |
Motor History of America and the Gasoline Age by C.B. Glasscock and Floyd Clymer. original vintage publication 1937 (18_Hist)
$24.95 |
How to Buy a Car by the Editors of Motor Trend 156 page history (25_HTBMotor)
$19.95 |
Route 66 - The Mother Road by D Knudson a Shire Publication - The history of this iconic road that was the countrys first major east-west thoroughfare (50_SL675)
$9.95 |
Popular Mechanics Auto Album by E Throm 160 page history 1769 to 1952 (25_PopMechAlbum)
$9.95 |
Popular Mechanics Photo Album, Motor Cars in Pictures & Story from 1769 to 1952, 160 pg (25_PopMecHistor)
$12.95 |
Restyle Your Car by the Editors of Motor Trend 160 page history with articles on restoring vehicles (25_Restyle)
$19.95 |
Sports Cars of the World by Ralph Stein - 174 pages (52_SportCarsOTW)
$19.95 |