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Brake Handbook by F Puhn 176 page shop service repair manual (45_HP328)
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Racing Engine Builders Handbook by Tom Monroe 192 pages (72_1492)
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The Complete Encyclopedia of Motorcars 1885 to the present edited by Georgano 640 pages hardcover very comprehensive scholarly reference detailing over 4,000 makes of car (35_Georgano)
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Automotive Milestones Trivia of a Most Unique Machine by C Cassell 170 page history (50_MilestoneTri)
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Three Wheelers by K Hill a Shire Classics Library Book Fully Illustrated (50_SL165)
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Carrozzeria Motto coachbuilder 131 pages hardcover by Sannia (59788896796535)
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Extraordinary Automobilies by Peter Vann & Gerald Asaria Special intrest cars from Artz to Vector 1985 221 pages color photos pub by MBI (85_Extraordinar)
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83-84 The Best of Old Cars Weekly Newspaper Vol 5 1985 very large 592 pgs Krause Publications (85_OldCarsWeekl)
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The Legend of the Lucky Lee Lott Hell Drivers by Lucky Lee Lott 128 pgs pub by MBI 1994 (94_LuckyLee)
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Advertising and the Motor-car by Michael Frostick with a prologue by Ashley Havinden 159 quality hardbound pages story of how advertising developed, many makes of cars, black & white and color, special chapter on Fiat (40_Advertising)
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New Departure Classics by C Weldon hard cover history covering the origin of the New Departure Company the Rockwell Public Service Cab & the Allen Kingston & Houpt Rockwell Motor Cars (50_NewDepart)
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85-86 The Best of Old Cars Weekly Newspaper Vol 6 1987 very large 464 pgs Krause Publications (87_OldCarsWeekl)
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Car Beautiful a Complete Guide to a Shiny Well Protected Car by H Watts (50_CarWatts)
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Shelby: The Man. The Cars. The Legend. by Wallace S Wyss A complete biographical reference on the life of Carroll Shelby. From his racing days to his designing of the GT500 This books looks beyond the cars into his personal life 208 pages (67_10273)
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Custom Auto Upholstery How to Design and Create Custom & Repro Interiors by J M Lee 160 pages comprehensive guide to performing upholstery repairs on all kinds of autos (44_CAUpholstery)
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The World's Worst Cars, Timothy Jacobs, Well illustrated large format covering cars with dubious reputations. (44_Worst)
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Inside 100 Great Cars by David Hodges with cut-away drawings and fold outs (88_InsideCars)
$34.95 |
The Pictorial Treasure of Classic American Automobiles; Jacobs & Debolski, lg format; 192 pgs color illust (45_831769068)
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Airbrushing for Fine & Commercial Artists by Robert Paschal 120 Hardbound pages (50_AirBrushing)
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Veteran & Vintage Cars by P Roberts 128 page hard cover history (40_VetRoberts)
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Bonnard Sketches of a Journey Travels in an Early Motorcar From Octave Mirbeaus Journal La 628 E8 wiith Illustrations by Pierre Bonnard 175 page hard cover history (50_Bonnard)
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Power Behind the Wheel - Creativity and the Evolution of the Automobile by Walter J Boyne (88_PowerBehindW)
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Classic Car Restorer's Handbook by Jim Richardson (45_1194)
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Automotive Tune-Up Manual by J. Webster (45_AutoTuneUp)
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Basic Automotive Troubleshooting Manual for all cars by Petersen's (45_BasicTroubl1)
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Hemmings' Vintage Auto Almanac, 4th edition (45_HelmAlm4thEd)
$7.95 |
Basic Carburetion & Fuel Systems by Petersen's (no.6) (50_BscCarbFuel6)
$14.95 |
Hemmings Vintage Auto Almanac 14th Edition (50_HelmAlm14Ed)
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How to Rustproof Your Car Restoration Rustproofing Prevention & Maintenance New & Used Cars by D Jacobs 160 page Bodywork Manual (50_Rustproof)
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Basic Auto Repair Manual by Petersen includes Tune-Up Specifications for '72 (4th Edition) (55_BascAutoRep4)
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Automobile Sheet Metal Repair by Robert L Sargent (69_SheetMetRepa)
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Nuts Bolts Fasteners and Plumbing Handbook by Carroll Smith - How to Choose and Use hardware and plumbing - Build to Win your Race Street and Show Car 223 pages (70_NutsBolts)
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Chilton's Auto Restoration Guide by B. Mills (90_ChiltRestora)
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The Automobile; Horseless Carriages to Cars of the Future, Gary Reyes; large format; 140 pages color illustrated (20_ReyesHC2Cars)
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The World of Automobiles Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Motor Car 22 vol set (35_WorldOfAutos)
$129.95 |
Lemons The Worlds Worst Cars by T Jacobs 160 pages hardcover (50_LemonsJacobs)
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Index 21-25 by Automotive Quarterly to Volumes 21-25 hardcover 103 pgs (52_Index_21_25)
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The History of the Vintage Sports Car Club by Peter Hull (64_VintageSport)
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MG's Abingdon Factory by Brian Moylan A pictoral study of those who come to build motor cars 160 photos 96 pages (65_145980AE)
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The Motor Car in Art - Selections from the Raymond E. Holland Automotive Art Collection - by John J Zolomij - Photography by Bradley A. Schaeffer Design by Michael Pardo. (90_MotorCarArt)
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Car illustrated guide to how cars work, Richard Sutton. Well illustrated encyclopedia format. (90_Sutton)
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Kleinwagen - Small Cars - Petites Voitures by Von Mende H-U and Dietz M (94_Kleinwagen)
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Car Men 14 Piero Luigi Carcerano Automotive Design and Engineering by Automobilia (Men_8879601504)
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Taking the Wheel Women & the Coming of the Motor Age by V Scharff 219 page history (40_WheelWomen)
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Car Tales Classic Stories About Dream Machines by J Gottlieb 102 page hard cover history (50_CarTales)
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Car Talk With Click & Clack the Tappet Brothers by T Magliozzi 212 history book based on the national radio program Car Talk (50_CarTalk)
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Sportsmanlike Driving by the American Automobile Association published 1955 480 hardcover pages (50_Sportsmanlik)
$14.95 |
Hemmings' Vintage Auto Almanac, 9th edition 1992 (50_HelmAlm9thEd)
$12.95 |
Ferrari in the Barn & Other Stories by R Taylor 217 page history (45_FerrariBarn)
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Of Singular Fancy the Romance of the License Plate by K Marvin history book covering numerous license plates collected by the author (45_LicenseMarv)
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