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The Sammy Miller Museum Collection of Road Machines by R Poynting featuring the magnificent road machines from the countrys foremost collection in full color in 228 pages with over 700 color photos (80_RL783)
$46.95 |
Cars of the World by J Scheel 216 page hard cover history (33_CarsScheel)
$9.95 |
Trucking Pioneers Book 4 by M Terebecki history book detailing the origins and history of trucking companies such as Delta Lines Inc Saia Motor Freight Line and many more (60_TruckPion)
$14.95 |
62-63 Veteran & Vintage Magazine Bound Volume #7 containing Sept 62 through Aug 63 (625_Vet_Vint_18)
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Great American Automobiles a Dramatic Account of Their Achievements in Competition 374 page hartd cover history (25_GreatAmer)
$19.95 |
Competitive Driving at the Wheel by P Roberts 142 page hard cover history with profiles of seven of Britains great early racers (40_CompDriv)
$59.95 |
63-64 Veteran & Vintage Magazine Bound Volume #8 containing Sept 63 through Aug 64 (635_Vet_Vint_8)
$29.95 |
Marketing Urban Mass Transit by L Schneider 217 page hard cover history focusing on the management of the urban mass transit industry in the mid 20th century (30_UrbanSchneid)
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The Picture Story of World Sports Cars by Stuart Seager 157 hardbound pages (32_SportCarHist)
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In The Age of Motoring. drawings Pierre Dumont, text Ronald Barker & Douglas B. Tubbs. 1965 (35_InAgeMotorin)
$2.95 |
Paul Frere: My Life Full of Cars: a facinating autobiography of the automotive writer, racing driver, & LeMans winner. 256 pgs. by P. Frere (62_130423AE)
$39.95 |
64-65 Veteran & Vintage Magazine Bound Volume #9 containing Sept 64 through Aug 65 (645_Vet_Vint_9)
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The Salt Walther Story for the race of your life by Walther & Little (80_Walther_Salt)
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How to Design Cars Like a Pro a Comprehensive Guide to Car Design from the Top Professionals by T Lewin 207 page volume with numerous color photographs (B03_DesignCar)
$24.95 |
Automobiles of the Future by I Stambler hard cover history (33_AutoFuture)
$64.95 |
This Was Trucking a Pictorial History of the First Quarter Century of the Trucking Industry by R Karolevitz 192 page hard cover history (33_Trucking)
$14.95 |
65-66 Veteran & Vintage Magazine Bound Volume #10 containing Sept 65 through Aug 66 (655_Vet_Vint_10)
$29.95 |
Automobiles and Automobiling by Pierre Dumont Ronald Barker and Douglas Tubbs with over 300 illustrations published 1965 (20_Automobiling)
$34.95 |
Memories of Men & Motor Cars by S C H Davis 274 hard cover pages detailing the authors experience driving and racing in the first half of the 20th century (30_MenMotorCar)
$69.95 |
Man & Motor the 20th Century Love Affair by D Jewell 205 page hard cover History (40_ManMotor)
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Great Cars of all Time - Fascinating stories of the origin, development, and famous feats of the world's most exciting automobiles - by Irving Robbin (60_GreatCarsTim)
$9.95 |
66-67 Veteran & Vintage Magazine Bound Volume #11 containing Sept 66 through Aug 67 (665_Vet_Vint_11)
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Golden Guide to Sports Cars by F Mortarini 160 page history with entries on such makes as Alfa Romeo Ferrari Fiat Lamborghini Lancia Maserati Austin Jaguar Lotus Triumph BMW Mercedes Porsche & more (33_GoldenSports)
$24.95 |
Classic Cars, Richard Nichols, large format color illustrated, covers major marques. (34_Clas_Nichol)
$12.95 |
67-68 Veteran & Vintage Magazine Bound Volume #12 containing Sept 67 through Aug 68 (675_Vet_Vint_12)
$29.95 |
Color Treasury of Racing Cars Seventy Years of Record Breaking by F Bernabo hard cover history (33_RacingTreas)
$24.95 |
68-69 Veteran & Vintage Magazine Bound Volume #13 containing Sept 68 through Aug 69 (685_Vet_Vint_13)
$29.95 |
Rat Fink the Art of Ed Big Daddy Roth by D Nelson 219 page history of the famous hot rod artist (74_RatFink)
$99.95 |
The Ultimate Classic Car Book by Quentin Willson (90_WillsonClass)
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Automobile Quarterly's World of Cars. 200+ cars in color 223 pages HB AQ (35_AQWorldOfCar)
$16.95 |
Auto Album, by Tad Burness; a collection of 'Auto Album' line drawing historical automotive features as published in may Newpapers during the 60's and 70's (35_AutoAlbum)
$12.95 |
The Dashboard Revolution 96pg guide to choice and fitting of supplementary instruments & accessories such as guages, tachometers & more (35_DashboardRev)
$55.95 |
History of the Motor Car, Marco Matteucci; 707 illustrations, 485 in color 376 pgs (35_Hist)
$24.95 |
Super Champions of Auto Racing, by Ross Olney (35_SuperChampsA)
$4.95 |
Chrome Colossus, General Motors and Its Times - Ed Cray (used, first ed., v. good condition) (45_70134936)
$28.95 |
The Greatest Cars by Ralph Stein, large format hardcover illustrated history of great cars and marques including Alfa Romeo Duesenberg Bugatti Ferrari Hipsano-Suiza Maserati Rolls Royce among others 240 pages (45_GreatestCars)
$19.95 |
Ford - the Men & the Machine, 778 pg. history of Ford by Robert Lacey (out of print) (45_Z_316511668)
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Cars I Could've Should've Kept Memoir of a life restoring classic sports cars 263 pages by Brooks (4_9780786428106)
$29.95 |
The Autocar Handbook - The Complete Guide to the Modern Car (50_AutocarHandb)
$12.95 |
Classic Cars in Profile Volume 3 Profile nos 49-72 editor Anthony Harding (50_Classiccars)
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Index 26-30 by Automotive Quarterly to Volumes 26-30 (52_Index_26_30)
$29.95 |
20-90 Truck & Van Ultimate Spotters Guide by Tad Burness: 400 pages detailing the appearance of all models (55_132935B)
$49.95 |
Stars Cars & Infamy by Martin Buckley 204 pages with 100 photosgraphs The story of famous people and events and their cars which have become famous Hardbound (65_760317054)
$24.95 |
69-70 Veteran & Vintage Magazine Bound Volume #14 containing Sept 69 through Aug 70 (695_Vet_Vint_14)
$29.95 |
The Modern Diesel Development and Design - Editor - DSD Williams (72_ModernDiesel)
$24.95 |
Peter Egan Side Glances The Best from America's Most Popular Automotive Writer over 100 articles originaly published in Road & Track Magazine compiled into 160 hardbound page book 2002-2005 (75_A_PERT)
$24.95 |
85 Art Center College of Design school catalog (85_ArtCtrCtlg)
$7.95 |
CARROSSERIE FRANCAISE -LA- (French Bodywork) by Bellu Serge (B07_2726887163)
$199.95 |
Car Men 7 Franco Mantegazza I.DE.A institute by Automobilia (Men_8879601083)
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German High-Performance Cars 1894-1965 Sloniger & Fersen 264 pg (355_GerHP)
$37.95 |