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58 United States Auto Club Yearbook (58_USACYB)
$29.95 |
57-58 Automobile Year Book on Racing history 225 pages (575_Auto_Year)
$54.95 |
57-58 Veteran & Vintage Magazine Bound Volume #2 containing Sept 57 through Aug 58 (575_Vet_Vint_2)
$29.95 |
58-59 Veteran & Vintage Magazine Bound Volume #4 containing Sept 58 through Aug 59 (585_Vet_Vint_3)
$29.95 |
56-58 Vanwall 2.5 Litre F1, A Technical Appraisal. In depth look at the car that won World Championship with Moss and Brooks. (57_Vanwall_F1)
$49.95 |
56-58 Firebird II Three Zero Four the Gas Turbine Family Car Sales Brochure by General Motors GM (57_FireSale)
$23.95 |
54-59 Domestic Parts & Labor Manual by National (59_EstimGde)
$24.95 |
Modena Racing Memories: Italian Sports Car & Grand Prix Racing 1957-1963: 148 hardbound pages by Graham Gauld about Ferrari, Maserati, OSCA, and the others that made Modena Famous (60_128919AP)
$49.95 |
Cars of the 50s published by Cars & Parts Magazine 1994 (55_50sCarsPar94)
$9.95 |
Cars of the 50s published by Cars & Parts Magazine 1992 (55_50sCarsParts)
$9.95 |
50-59 Fifties Flashback - A Nostalgia Trip by Albert Drake (55_978931128179)
$19.95 |
Grease Machines - A Complete Guide to Hot Rods and Customized Cars of the Fifties by the Editors of Consumer Guide (55_GreaseMachin)
$19.95 |
50-59 Catalog of American Car ID Numbers by Cars&parts Magazine over 500 Pages (55_ID_Numbers)
$79.95 |
American Cars of the 1950s - Olyslager Auto Library (55_Olyslager50s)
$24.95 |
52-59 Truck Repair Manual by Motors, 12th Edition covering all popular American trucks (59_MtrTk)
$79.95 |
55-65 MOTOR'S Truck Repair manual (60_MtrTk)
$59.95 |
57-67 Motors Truck Repair Manual, 20th Edition (67_MtrTk)
$34.95 |
Crosley Farm O Road The Do Everything Vehicle by D Narus 60 pages (50_FarmORoad)
$19.95 |
Cars of Cuba; great american classic cars still in use in Cuba. 64 pg, color illus (53_Cuba)
$17.95 |
Cars of the 50's and 60's, Michael Sedgwick. Detailed lined drawings and color illustrations. 240 pg hardcover. (60_SedgwickCars)
$19.95 |
52-63 Motor's Truck Repair Manual (55_MtrTk_5260)
$49.95 |
52-63 29th edition parts interchange manual for American domestic passenger cars and light duty trucks by Hollander (60_H29)
$199.95 |
Sports Cars by Jim Potter & editors of Motor Trend 1956 guide to cars and driving (56_Trend130)
$19.95 |
Sports Cars Annual, by Jeff Cooper, 1957 (57_Trend152)
$19.95 |
1955-68 Domestic American car and light duty truck parts interchange manual by Mitchell (68_Mitchell)
$159.95 |
Barris Kustoms of the 1950's by Barris & Fetherson (59_120624AP)
$21.95 |
56-71 Foreign car repair manual by Chiltons for French, British, & Japanese cars. Volume 2. (62_Chilt_Imp2)
$34.95 |
VCO VCOF owners manual heavy duty truck by International (60_1002385 - Not a shop manual)
$49.95 |
The Fate of the Edsel & Other Business Adventures by John Brooks 1959 business history (58_EdselFateAdv)
$89.95 |
49-67 Glenns Foreign Car Repair Manual covering every major (& minor) imported car. Hardcover; 1,300 pages (57_Glen_imp4967)
$39.95 |
Motorcycle Repair Manual By Petersen 1969 edition 192 pages (Motorcycle_Repa)
$9.95 |
Auto Mechanics Fundamentals How & Why of the Design, Construction & Operation of Automotive Units by M. Stockel 480 hardbound pages (60_MechanicFund)
$14.95 |
The Modern World Book of Motors Cars by Laurence H Cade 159 hardbound pages publ. 1950s (50_BookOfMotors)
$19.95 |
More Great American Dream Machines, Classic Cars of the 50's and 60's, Jay Hirsch. 145 pgs (60_GrtAmDrm5060)
$19.95 |
Sports Car Events By Clarke (60_Sport_Events)
$9.95 |
Great American Dream Machines Classic Cars of the 50s and 60s by Jay Hirsch 240 pgs (Great_Am_5060)
$24.95 |
Automotive Engines Construction, Operation & Maintenance Manual (5th Ed.) by Crouse & Anglin (67_AutoEngConst)
$19.95 |
48-73 Motor's Foreign Car Manual, Japanese & French, hardcover book (68_FornCarRep)
$22.95 |
48-72 Motor's Foreign Car Repair manual for English and Italian cars, hardcover (68_MotorForSvc)
$24.95 |
66-73 Chilton's Import Car Repair Manual (69_Chlt_Imp6673)
$34.95 |
Barris TV & Movie Cars: 128 pgs by Barris & Fetherston: about the cars and the shows (67_123427AP)
$21.95 |
Car Interior Restoration by Terry Boyce (published 1975) (75_CarInterRest)
$29.95 |
36-62 Domestic car and light duty truck parts interchange manual by Intersub (50_Inter49)
$39.95 |
Barris Kustom techniques of the 50's: Volume #1 covering top chops sectioning dechroming and fadewaways 144 pages (55_123573AE)
$99.95 |
Barris Kustom techniques of the 50's: Volume #2: covering grilles, scoops, fins, and frenching 144 pages (55_124572AE)
$24.95 |
Barris Kustom Techniques of the 50's: Volume #3 covering lights skirts, engines and interiors 144 pages (55_124574AE)
$69.95 |
Barris Kustom Techniques of the 50's volume #4: covering flames, scallops, paneling, and striping. (NLA MBI JN03) (55_125526AE)
$69.95 |
79 TRW Chassis parts catalog Manual domestic & import cars & light trucks. With illustrations. (79_TRWchasPrt)
$15.95 |
Complete Guide to Bolt-On Performance, Performance & Economy Tips for the Do-It-Yourself Mechanicby Larry Schreib copyright 1978 (65_BoltOnPerfor)
$19.95 |
Electric Vehicles - Design & Build Your Own by M Hackleman (77_ElectricVehi)
$29.95 |