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American Automobile Trademarks; 1900-1960; history of automotive logos and insignias; 160 pages by C.H. Wendel (30_121477AP)
$29.95 |
Great Cars of the Golden Age History Book by Kevin Brazendale 190 Hardbound pages (30_GReatCArsGol)
$16.95 |
A History book about Hood Ornaments by Rob L. Wagner (30_HoodOrnament)
$79.95 |
59-60 Veteran & Vintage Magazine Bound Volume #4 containing Sept 59 through Aug 760 (595_Vet_Vint_4)
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The Motoring Montagus - The Story of the Montagu Motor Museum - by Lord Montagu of Beaulieu (59_MotoringMont)
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The Decline & Fall of the American Automobile Industry, by Brock Yates (60_DeclineFall)
$19.95 |
30-90 Curves of Steel: Streamlined Automobile Design by Jonathan A. Stein Photos by Michael Furman The evolution of Streamlined Card form the 1930's and on. Large format beautiful full color photos HARDCOVER 192 pages (65_36474)
$74.95 |
Performance Ignition Systems by Christopher Jacobs, Ph.D. E.E. A Complete Electronic ignition guide 176 pages (75_1306)
$195.95 |
60-61 Veteran & Vintage Magazine Bound Volume #18 containing Sept 60 through Aug 61 (605_Vet_Vint_5)
$29.95 |
Physics of NASCAR How to Make Steel Gas Rubber Equal Speed by D Leslie Pelecky 286 page hard cover history detailing the science behind NASCAR racing (78_NasPhy)
$19.95 |
Life Through the rearview Mirror On the road with the creator of the Pink Toe Truck by Ed Lincoln 328 pages stories of towing cars and wrecks all around Seattle (B00_Lincolnlife)
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The Fiberglass Boat Repair Manual by A. Vaitses hardbound 171 pages (77_fiberglass)
$19.95 |
Early Cars by M Sedgwick hard cover history (30_EarlySedgwic)
$9.95 |
The Sports Cars, History and Development; by John Stanford 208 pgs illustrated (31_SportsCarSta)
$14.95 |
Racing Pocketbook by D Jenkinson 255 page hard cover history with alphabetical entries on such makes as Abarth Alfa Romeo Aston Martin Austin Citroen Lancia Maserati Mercedes Benz Opel Packard Peugeot Porsche Renault & more (33_RacingPocket)
$19.95 |
The Great American Pickup Truck, Henry Rasmussen, illustrated large format with examples of old and new pickups (56_0879383070)
$29.95 |
61-62 Veteran & Vintage Magazine Bound Volume #6 containing Sept 61 through Aug 62 (615_Vet_Vint_6)
$29.95 |
Shell Book of Epic Motor Races by Peter Roberts 128 pages hard cover with dust jacket pictures and stories of 10 historic races Gordon Bennett Grand Prix Mille Miglia Le Mans pans 02-62 (64_EpicRaces)
$49.95 |
The Sammy Miller Museum Collection of Road Machines by R Poynting featuring the magnificent road machines from the countrys foremost collection in full color in 228 pages with over 700 color photos (80_RL783)
$46.95 |
Cars of the World by J Scheel 216 page hard cover history (33_CarsScheel)
$9.95 |
Trucking Pioneers Book 4 by M Terebecki history book detailing the origins and history of trucking companies such as Delta Lines Inc Saia Motor Freight Line and many more (60_TruckPion)
$14.95 |
62-63 Veteran & Vintage Magazine Bound Volume #7 containing Sept 62 through Aug 63 (625_Vet_Vint_18)
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Competitive Driving at the Wheel by P Roberts 142 page hard cover history with profiles of seven of Britains great early racers (40_CompDriv)
$59.95 |
63-64 Veteran & Vintage Magazine Bound Volume #8 containing Sept 63 through Aug 64 (635_Vet_Vint_8)
$29.95 |
Glass Fiber Auto Body Construction Simplified by J Wills 94 page Restoration Guide (65_GlassFiber)
$29.95 |
Turbocharging by Mark Warner 192 pages (82_1488)
$19.95 |
How to Restore Braking Systems by Joss Joselyn 128 page hard cover with many photos and diagrams (85_restorbrak)
$14.95 |
Motorcycle Handbook, covers everything you need to select and maintain motorcycles, riding gear & Accessories by Kevin Maher and Ben Greisler by Chilton (9099)
$24.95 |
Motorcycle Handbook covers everything you need to select and maintain motorcycles, riding gear & accessories by Kevin Maher and Ben Greisler by Chilton (9099_Handbook)
$34.95 |
Marketing Urban Mass Transit by L Schneider 217 page hard cover history focusing on the management of the urban mass transit industry in the mid 20th century (30_UrbanSchneid)
$9.95 |
The Picture Story of World Sports Cars by Stuart Seager 157 hardbound pages (32_SportCarHist)
$39.95 |
In The Age of Motoring. drawings Pierre Dumont, text Ronald Barker & Douglas B. Tubbs. 1965 (35_InAgeMotorin)
$2.95 |
Paul Frere: My Life Full of Cars: a facinating autobiography of the automotive writer, racing driver, & LeMans winner. 256 pgs. by P. Frere (62_130423AE)
$39.95 |
64-65 Veteran & Vintage Magazine Bound Volume #9 containing Sept 64 through Aug 65 (645_Vet_Vint_9)
$29.95 |
The Salt Walther Story for the race of your life by Walther & Little (80_Walther_Salt)
$299.95 |
How to Design Cars Like a Pro a Comprehensive Guide to Car Design from the Top Professionals by T Lewin 207 page volume with numerous color photographs (B03_DesignCar)
$24.95 |
Building & Racing the Hot Rod by the Editors of Hot Rod Magazine 384 pages (30_BuildHot)
$19.95 |
Super Tuning by the Editors of Hot Rod Magazine 416 page volume collecting restoration articles (30_SuperTun)
$19.95 |
Hot Rod Wiring by Remus & Overholser 143 pages (Hot_Rod_Wiring)
$29.95 |
Automobiles of the Future by I Stambler hard cover history (33_AutoFuture)
$64.95 |
This Was Trucking a Pictorial History of the First Quarter Century of the Trucking Industry by R Karolevitz 192 page hard cover history (33_Trucking)
$14.95 |
65-66 Veteran & Vintage Magazine Bound Volume #10 containing Sept 65 through Aug 66 (655_Vet_Vint_10)
$29.95 |
Automobiles and Automobiling by Pierre Dumont Ronald Barker and Douglas Tubbs with over 300 illustrations published 1965 (20_Automobiling)
$34.95 |
Memories of Men & Motor Cars by S C H Davis 274 hard cover pages detailing the authors experience driving and racing in the first half of the 20th century (30_MenMotorCar)
$69.95 |
Man & Motor the 20th Century Love Affair by D Jewell 205 page hard cover History (40_ManMotor)
$14.95 |
Great Cars of all Time - Fascinating stories of the origin, development, and famous feats of the world's most exciting automobiles - by Irving Robbin (60_GreatCarsTim)
$9.95 |
66-67 Veteran & Vintage Magazine Bound Volume #11 containing Sept 66 through Aug 67 (665_Vet_Vint_11)
$29.95 |
How to Repair Your Foreign Car a Guide for the Beginner Your Wife & the Mechanically Inept by D OKane 177 page hard cover shop service repair manual (30_ForeignOKane)
$99.95 |
Your Sports Car Engine by K Ludvigsen 126 page shop service repair manual with chapters on Supercharging Fuel Supply Timing & more (30_YourSport)
$34.95 |
How to Fix Up Old Cars by LeRoi Tex Smith (68_HowToFixOldC)
$39.95 |