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Automotive Tools Manual by Haynes (a guide to buying & using automotive tools) (70_10435)
$29.95 |
Motorcycle Workshop Practice Manual by Haynes (topics covered: use of tools, workshop layout, engine overhaul, repairing accident damage, dealing with engine seizure, removing damaged fasteners, frame coatings and welding) (70_3470)
$34.95 |
Man Haynes manual for the human body hardcover (70_3931)
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Motorcycle Electrical Manual by Haynes (Uses easy-to-follow text and numerous line drawings to explain subjects from basic electrical principles to state-of-the-art systems) (70_446)
$34.95 |
The AirBrake Book by Chilton's (75_AirBrakeChil)
$12.95 |
Restoration: Modern Techniques by K. Wickham; 192 pgs. including the most modern techniques and technologies (90_126820B)
$39.95 |
the Washer Drier and Tumbler Manual by Graham Dixon (90_L7328)
$24.95 |
Performance Welding Manual his valuable guide to quality welding covers techniques used for Indy and NASCAR race cars, experimental aircraft, and other applications requiring high-quality welds by Richard Finch (53_124530AP)
$19.95 |
Performance Welding Handbook 2nd Ed. by Richard Finch (53_139436AP)
$24.95 |
Garage: Reinventing the place we park: 208 hardbound color pages by K. Obolensky (53_Z_134043AE)
$34.95 |
How To Paint Your Car on a Budget Manual Guide on Painting Your Car at Home in Your Garage by Pat Ganahl (80_SA117)
$26.95 |
Custom Auto Interiors by D. Taylor & R. Mangus in full color photos 178 pages (50_978931128186)
$27.95 |
Custom Auto Interiors in SPANISH language by Don Taylor & Ron "The Stitcher" Mangus in full color photos 178 pages in SPANISH language Tapiceria de Autos Customizados (50_SPANISH_INTR)
$27.95 |
Paint & Body Handbook by Don Taylor & Larry Hofer 140 pgs (55_HP_1082)
$14.95 |
Basic Chassis, Suspension & Brakes by Petersen's First Edition (69_PetChasSus)
$8.95 |
Hot to Swap GM Chevrolet LS Series Engines into Almost Anything swaps by Jefferson Bryant 144 pages (B00_SA156)
$34.95 |
How to Restore Automotive Trim and Hardware by John Gunnell (B09_145816)
$24.95 |
Automotive Welding - A Practical Guide by Jeffrey Zurschmeide and Russell Nyberg (B09_SA159)
$26.95 |
Hemmings vintage auto almanac: 1999, 13th edition (55_127215AE)
$14.95 |
Ultimate Garages: 224 pages by P. Berg. A beautiful book about the most important room in the house. (55_33758)
$59.95 |
Ultimate Garages II 2nd volume 192 hardbound pages by Phil Berg. A beautiful book about the most important room in the house. (55_36729)
$59.95 |
Budget Auto Restoration Low Cost Step By Step Trick for Rejuvenating Your 50s & 60s Cars by B. Mills (55_Restor)
$34.95 |
Ultimate Garages III 3rd volume 192 hardbound pages by Phil Berg. A beautiful book about the most important room in the house. (55_Ult_Gar_3)
$59.95 |
Supercharged! by Corky Bell: Designing, Testing, & Installing Supercharger Systems (55_Z_GSUP)
$34.95 |
Auto Math Handbook by John Lawlor 148 pg of calculations & formulas for auto enthusiasts incl brake horsepower torque center of gravity air capacity final drive ratios compression ratios and more 250 ill (60_HP_1020)
$21.95 |
Differential application book (70_Axle)
$34.95 |
Monster Garage: How to customize damn near anything edited by L. Klancher: 192 pages (80_136419AP)
$19.95 |
GM Full Size Pickup Haynes Xtreme Customizing Shop Service Repair Manual Silverado Sierra and more (90_11255)
$34.95 |
How to Diagnose and Repair Automotive Electrical Systems by Tracy Martin (90_138716AP)
$25.95 |
Turbocharging Performance Handbook by Jeff Hartman (90_144219)
$29.95 |
Royal Marines Fitness - Physical Training Manual by Haynes (90_MarinesFitne)
$35.95 |
How to Rebuild any Automotive Engine by Barry Kluczyk (90_SA151)
$24.95 |
The Complete Guide to Auto Body Repair by Dennis W Parks - Tools and Techniques, Collision Repair, Panel Alignment and more (B00_145603)
$29.95 |
Automotive Wiring and Electrical Systems by Tony Candela 144 pages all makes (B00_SA160)
$27.95 |
Automotive Bodywork and Rust Repair by Matt Joseph (B10_SA166)
$26.95 |
High Performance Differentials Axles and Drivelines by Joseph Palazzolo (B10_SA170)
$26.95 |
English Ingles Spanish Espanol Automotive Technical dictionary (EGSP)
$4.95 |
How to Design Build & Equip Your Automotive Workshop on a Budget by J Zurschmeide 144 page volume with sections on air line installation lifts hoists paint booths workbenches cabinets storage electrical & plumbing (50_SA207)
$26.95 |
Automotive Electrical Performance Projects shop service repair manual by T Candela 192 page volume with numerous illustrations with sections on how to install a wiring harness aftermarket EFI system electronic gauges and electric fans (56_SA209)
$29.95 |
EFI Conversions How to Swap Your Carburetor for Electronic Fuel Injection by Candela 144 pages (56_SA261_P)
$29.95 |
How to Build a Cafe Racer by D Mitchel 144 page Bike Restoration Manual with chapters on Assemby Engine & Chassis Modification & more (50_CafeRace)
$27.95 |
Automotive Sheet Metal Forming & Fabrication Choose the Highest Quality Material Form Crowns & Compound Curves Fabricate Custom & Replacement Body Panes 144 pages with many color photos by Matt Joseph (90_SA196)
$26.95 |
Toddler Owners Workshop Manual by Haynes: 160 pages in hardcover (99_4737)
$34.95 |
How to Design Fabricate & Install Performance Exhaust Systems by M Mavrigian 144 pages (54_SA277_P)
$29.95 |
Auto Upholstery and Interiors by Bruce Calwell a comprehensive guide to performing basic upholstery and interior repairs on all kinds of automobiles (57_1265)
$18.95 |
Custom Air Suspension 64pg guide to installing air suspension in road vehicles by J Edgar (Air_Suspension)
$32.95 |
Automotive Upholstery & Interior Restoration by F. Mattson 192pgs w/ over 515 color photos (B17_SA393)
$34.95 |
Composite Materials Bible by J Wanberg 176 pages with over 400 color photographs (B18_WP450)
$32.95 |
High Performance Automotive Cooling Systems by J Kershaw 128 pages all about cooling system operation management installation & more (B19_SA462)
$34.95 |
Brake Systems Handbook by Mike Mavrigian and Larry Carley 208 pages (90_1281)
$18.95 |