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Barris Kustom techniques of the 50's: Volume #1 covering top chops sectioning dechroming and fadewaways 144 pages (55_123573AE)
$99.95 |
Barris Kustom techniques of the 50's: Volume #2: covering grilles, scoops, fins, and frenching 144 pages (55_124572AE)
$24.95 |
Barris Kustom Techniques of the 50's: Volume #3 covering lights skirts, engines and interiors 144 pages (55_124574AE)
$69.95 |
Barris Kustom Techniques of the 50's volume #4: covering flames, scallops, paneling, and striping. (NLA MBI JN03) (55_125526AE)
$69.95 |
El Camino by Chevrolet pictorial history of Chevy's combination truck & car covers 1959-87 with many close-up color details including under-hood & interior images 120 pages with 153 illustrations by M. Montgomery (73_10138)
$29.95 |
El Camino by Chevrolet pictorial history of Chevy's ElCamino combination truck & car covers 1959-87 with many close-up color details including under-hood & interior images 105 illustrations by Mike Mueller (73_10306)
$27.95 |
79 TRW Chassis parts catalog Manual domestic & import cars & light trucks. With illustrations. (79_TRWchasPrt)
$15.95 |
Complete Guide to Bolt-On Performance, Performance & Economy Tips for the Do-It-Yourself Mechanicby Larry Schreib copyright 1978 (65_BoltOnPerfor)
$19.95 |
Holley Carburetor Manual models from mid '60's thru late '80's by Haynes (75_10225)
$39.95 |
Rochester Carburetor Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes Covers all electronic and computer-command-control carburetors as well as all earlier conventional models from the mid 60's to the late 80's (75_10230)
$39.95 |
Auto Air Conditioning Basic Service Training Manual, 1987 edition; publ. by Mitchell's (75_AutoAC_Svc)
$8.95 |
Electric Vehicles - Design & Build Your Own by M Hackleman (77_ElectricVehi)
$29.95 |
Super Tuning & Modifying Holley Carburetors Performance Street & Off Road Applications by D Emanuel 128 page shop service manual (88_083)
$21.95 |
46-75 Standard catalog of American Cars 1946-75 (50_135386B)
$69.95 |
Sports Cars 1945 to 1975 Encyclopedia of Classic Cars by Rob De La Rive Box 287 pg (60_EncycloSport)
$29.95 |
Speedy Wheels by William Bumble, excellent condition (65_059041996X)
$4.95 |
Contemporary Classics Three Decades of Automotive Milestones (65_ContemCalsBo)
$12.95 |
The Front Wheel Driving High Performance Advantage by Jack Doo, Foreward by Caroll Shelby the differences and the similarities of FWD vs RWD race cars in the following aspects: driving style or line, differential selection, front/rear weight balance and downforce distribution, brake balance, suspension geometry, torsional stiffness, tire heat transients. with photographs and illustrations 128 pages (65_FRNTWHEEL)
$19.95 |
Reinventing the Wheel Ford's Spectacular Comeback by Alton Doody & Ron Bingman (75_ReinventWhee)
$4.95 |
The Machine that Changed the World, the story of lean production. by: James Womack, Daniel Jones, & Daniel Roos. (75_TMTCTW)
$12.95 |
Saloon Cars 1945 to 1975 Encyclopedia of Classic Cars; De La Rive Box; 296 pg, 750 illustrations (99_Encyclopedia)
$29.95 |
Alpine Toute Lhistoire by D Pascal 66 page history text in French (65_AplinePascal)
$69.95 |
38-69 Real Steel By Bill Neville (Real_Steel)
$14.95 |
1940-1972 truck transmission interchange manual by Hollander for Clark Warner New Process (55_HollTrans)
$49.95 |
How To Paint Classic Cars Enthusiast's Restoratoin Manual by M. Thaddeus 96pgs w/210+ photos (709781787111424)
$32.95 |
Riverhead, Tales from the Assembly Line - Ben Hamper (new, out of print) (78_0446515019)
$29.95 |
Riverhead, Tales from the Assembly Line - Ben Hamper (new, out of print) (78_Z0446515019)
$27.95 |
On A Clear Day You Can See GM DeLorean's look inside the Automotive Giant by J. Patrick Wright (60_OCDYCSGD)
$14.95 |
Edmund's Import Car Collector's Guide (78_Z031206720X)
$19.95 |
Touring Masterpieces of Style by Greggio 168 pgs hardcover about Touring carrozzeria until 1966 (59788879116770)
$89.95 |
Edmund's Import Car Collector's Guide (78_031206702X)
$19.95 |
Fantasy Cars - A selection of the worlds most desireable automobiles by Ian Kuah (86_FantasyCars)
$49.95 |
Hot to Swap GM Chevrolet LS & LT Series Engines into 60-98 Chevy & GMC Trucks by Jefferson Bryant 160 pages (60_SA509)
$32.95 |
Tentacles of Power, The Story of Jimmy Hoffa, by Clark R. Mollenhoff, 1st edition (65_HoffaBio)
$26.95 |
Basic Clutches & Transmissions by Petersen's 4th edition (40_Pet4CletchTr)
$19.95 |
Automotive Engine Design by William Crouse (60_AutoEngDesig)
$12.95 |
Automotive Encyclopedia Goodheart Wilcox (66_GoodheatW)
$39.95 |
Heavy Duty Vehicle A/C & Heating Systems Service Manual by Red Dot Co. (70_HD_AC)
$14.95 |
Automotive Fuel Injection Systems, a Technical Guide - by Jan P. Norbye (1988 edition) (75_087938302X)
$19.95 |
Vans & Pick-Ups includes: Do-It-Yourself vans from Chevy, Ford, Dodge How To Shop Used Vans, Van & Pick-Up Accessories & more... (80_PickUp_Vans)
$12.95 |
Vans: Design Ideas, Plans, Step-By-Step Instructions on How To Build Your Own Custom Interiors & Exteriors (80_VansDesiPlan)
$19.95 |
Marques of America America's Most Popular Collectible Cars 30s-60s 264 page incl AMC Bucik Cadillac Chevrolet Chrysler Desoto Dodge Ford Lincoln Oldsmobile Packard Plymouth Pontiac Studebaker & more (50_MarquesGuide)
$19.95 |
Sports Cars, Ian Dussek, Shire series.32 pg (50_SprtCrs_Shir)
$12.95 |
40-80 Amercian car spotters guide by Tad Burness: 792 pages of illustrations to identify all the cars. (67_140516A)
$29.95 |
Machine That Changed The World by Womack Jones & D. Roos. Study of 'lean production' (70_60974176)
$6.95 |
The Untold Story of Detroit's Secret Concept Car Builder Creative Industries of Detroit by L. Dixon 192 pgs with over 400 b/w and color photos (70_CT544_P)
$42.95 |
The Fall & Rise of the American Automobile Industry (70_FallRisAmAut)
$3.95 |
WHEELS novel by Arthur Hailey 501 pages (71_WheelsHailey)
$9.95 |
Exceeding Expectations The Enterprise Rent a Car Story 192 hardbound pages mnay color & B&W photos 1957-1997 History (80_Enterprise)
$9.95 |
57-94 Chevrolet Corvette Milestones by M. Mueller Enthusiast Color Series 96 pages (75_CorvetteMile)
$16.95 |