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A to Z of Sports Cars. 1945 - 1990, by Mike Lawrence. Covers more than 850 marques, 336 pg (67_5_123301)
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Talking Straight, Lee Iacocca w/Sonny Kleinfield (72_IacoccaTS)
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Iacocca an Autobiography by Lee Iacocca with William Novak (72_Iacocca_L_I)
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Unknown Iacocca, an unauthorized boigraphy, by Peter Wyden (75_Iaccocaunkno)
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Iacocca an Autobiography - Lee Iacocca w/Wm. Novak (75_IacoccaABsof)
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Iacocca a biography by David Abodaher (77_Iacocca_D_A)
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Bourke Engine Documentary by L Bourke 148 page History detailing the 2 stroke engine developed by Russell Bourke (25_BourkeDoc)
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Worlds Greatest Auto Show - Celebrating a Century in Chicago - by James M Flammang and Michael J Franklin (50_WorldsGreate)
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Penske Racing Team 40 years of Excellence by A. Hummel engineering & drivers of Penske Racing Team who have won more than 250 major auto races 220 photos 272 pages Hardcover (85_10286)
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Race Car Fabrication and Preparation by Steve Smith (50_RaceFabricat)
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Shifting Gears, Changing Labor Relations in US Auto Industry, by Harry Katz - 230 pg, hb (55_262110989)
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Automobile Industry & Its Workers, between Fordism & Flexibility, 336 pg. analysis of auto labor by Steve Tolliday & J. Zeitlin (55_312005539)
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Funny Cars by Robert Genat 96 pages (75_FunnyCars)
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Haynes: The First 40 years: a history of the auto repair manual company with its ups and downs along the way. 192 hardbound pgs by J. Clew (75_H418)
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Hot Rodder's Bible by Burger & Hendrickson 288 pages (75_HotRodBible)
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Last Chance Garage, Brad Sears. Illustrated guide to understanding your car. Companion to PBS television series. (75_LCG_BSears)
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Rude Awakening: The Rise, Fall, & Struggle for Recovery of G.M. Maryann Keller (75_RudeAwakenin)
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The story of Michael Taylor, Andrew Hedges and Innes Ireland in their car racing in the Daily Express London to Sydney Marathon. Hardcover 208 pages autographed by Innes Ireland (80_MarathonII)
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Hot Rod Model Kits by Terry Jesse 96 pages MBI Entusiast Color Series Monogram Revell AMT MPC Jo-Han Lindberg Aurora Eldon and more (B00_hotrodkits)
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The Complete Book of Radio Controlled Models by Chris Ellis - How to build and operate model boats aircraft cars and trucks (B00_RadioContro)
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Route 66 - The Mother Road by D Knudson a Shire Publication - The history of this iconic road that was the countrys first major east-west thoroughfare (50_SL675)
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Muscle Trucks: High Performance Pickups by Mike Mueller History of High Performance Pickups from the Chevroltet Cameo introduced in 1955 to the Ford Ranchero upto current models 105 color photos 106pages (80_10288)
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Car Guys vs Bean Counters by Bob Lutz (B07_F250550_Svc)
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Cars of the Soviet Union - The Definitive History by Andy Thompson (50_146625)
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Classic British Cars, The history of ten legendary car companies, Large Oversized Hardbound Color book compiled & editied by Jonathan Wood with foreword by Stirling Moss (57_ClassBritCar)
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Complete Illustrated Encyclopedia of Classic Cars: The Worlds Most Famous and Fabulous Cars from 1945 to 2000 Shown in 1500 Photographs by Martin Buckley (65_TempChasSvc)
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The American Automobile by Tony Beadle with Ian Penberthy 1996 194 pages history from 1919-1974 Salamander Books (96_AmerAuto)
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The Great Cars by Ralph Stein large format illustrated history of great cars and marques from Rolls Royce to Aston Martin (37_Classic)
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Rockin down the Highway The Cars and People that made rock roll 240 hardbound pages more than 1000 photos by Paul Grushkin foreword by Mike Ness (60_rockin)
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A History of the World's High Performance Cars, 1910 - 1967 Hough and Frostick (38_629_109)
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The Wild Roads, The Story of Transcontinental Motoring, by T.R. Nicholson (38_TheWildRoads)
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Wide Open Muscle the Rarest Muscle Car Convertibles by R. Leffingwell 224 pages Hardcover (69780760350010)
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Edsel & Elenor Ford House by J Bridenstine 103 page history (40_FordHouse)
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Enrico Nardi a Fast Life 198 pages by Curami & Brunori in ITALIAN Language (60_39297_ITALIA)
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Merchants of Speed - The Men who Build Americas Performance Industry by P Smith in 240 hardcover pages with over 250 photos (80_145858)
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The Decline & Fall of the American Automobile Industry, by Brock Yates (60_DeclineFall)
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30-90 Curves of Steel: Streamlined Automobile Design by Jonathan A. Stein Photos by Michael Furman The evolution of Streamlined Card form the 1930's and on. Large format beautiful full color photos HARDCOVER 192 pages (65_36474)
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Physics of NASCAR How to Make Steel Gas Rubber Equal Speed by D Leslie Pelecky 286 page hard cover history detailing the science behind NASCAR racing (78_NasPhy)
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Life Through the rearview Mirror On the road with the creator of the Pink Toe Truck by Ed Lincoln 328 pages stories of towing cars and wrecks all around Seattle (B00_Lincolnlife)
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The Great American Pickup Truck, Henry Rasmussen, illustrated large format with examples of old and new pickups (56_0879383070)
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The Sammy Miller Museum Collection of Road Machines by R Poynting featuring the magnificent road machines from the countrys foremost collection in full color in 228 pages with over 700 color photos (80_RL783)
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Trucking Pioneers Book 4 by M Terebecki history book detailing the origins and history of trucking companies such as Delta Lines Inc Saia Motor Freight Line and many more (60_TruckPion)
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Marketing Urban Mass Transit by L Schneider 217 page hard cover history focusing on the management of the urban mass transit industry in the mid 20th century (30_UrbanSchneid)
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The Picture Story of World Sports Cars by Stuart Seager 157 hardbound pages (32_SportCarHist)
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In The Age of Motoring. drawings Pierre Dumont, text Ronald Barker & Douglas B. Tubbs. 1965 (35_InAgeMotorin)
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Paul Frere: My Life Full of Cars: a facinating autobiography of the automotive writer, racing driver, & LeMans winner. 256 pgs. by P. Frere (62_130423AE)
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64-65 Veteran & Vintage Magazine Bound Volume #9 containing Sept 64 through Aug 65 (645_Vet_Vint_9)
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The Salt Walther Story for the race of your life by Walther & Little (80_Walther_Salt)
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How to Design Cars Like a Pro a Comprehensive Guide to Car Design from the Top Professionals by T Lewin 207 page volume with numerous color photographs (B03_DesignCar)
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Automobiles of the Future by I Stambler hard cover history (33_AutoFuture)
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