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72 Cavalcade of Motoring by M Sedgwick Hardcover 88 pages (72_cavalcade)
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76-77 Veteran & Vintage Magazine Bound Volume #21 containing Sept 76 through Aug 77 (765_Vet_Vint_21)
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Car Mascots An Enthusiasts Guide by Giuseppe di Sirignano & David Sulzberger The original book on automotive icons 1977 pub by Crescent Books 120 pgs (77_Mascots)
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Auto Tune-ups Made Easy by Editors of Consumer Guide 96 pages (39_TuneUps)
$19.95 |
Unauthorized Guide to Snap on Collectibles 1920-1998 by C. Schloss 176 pages A Schiffer Book for Collectors (49_SnaponCollec)
$109.95 |
The Encyclopedia of Motor Sport by G Nick Georgano Foreword by Stirling Moss 656 high quality hardbound pages 1894-1971 tells story of racing development race tracks cars drivers many black & white & color photos many of which are unusual and interesting (50_Motorsport)
$34.95 |
Rule Britannia when British Sports Cars Saved a Nation by J. Nikas Hardcover 304 pgs (65_Rule_Britann)
$199.95 |
The Jalopy Journal 3 Spreading the Gospel of traditonal Hot Rods and Customs to hoodlums worldwide stories of racing from multiple sources around the globe 248 pgs (75_Jalopy)
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77-78 Veteran & Vintage Magazine Bound Volume #22 containing Sept 77 through Aug 78 (775_Vet_Vint_22)
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08-86 The Complete History of General Motors by Richard Langworth and Jan Norbye 432 pgs pub by Beekman House 1986 (86_GMComplete)
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Racing Cars and the History of Motor Sport; Peter Roberts, from dawn of motor racing thru 1973. (39_5_Hist)
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78-79 Veteran & Vintage Magazine Bound Volume #23 containing Sept 78 through Aug 79 (785_Vet_Vint_23)
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Don The Snake Prudhomme My Life Beyond the 1320 by D Prudhomme & E Scherr 192 pg (79_CT662)
$42.95 |
The Model Cars of Gerald Wingrove - by G A Wingrove with Introductions by Lord Motagu of Beaulieu and Gordon M Buehrig (79_GeraldWingro)
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77-78 The Best of Old Cars Weekly Newspaper Vol 2 1979 very large 464 pgs Krause Publications (79_OldCarsWeekl)
$24.95 |
Fill'er Up!: An Architectural History of America's Gas Stations by Daniel Vieyra 112 pages 130 illustrations (79_Vieyra)
$39.95 |
Racing Colours Series: German Racing Silver Drivers Cars and Triumphs of Berman Motor Racing by K. Ludvigsen 176pgs with many color and B&W photos Pub by Ian Allan (B09_GermanSilve)
$49.95 |
Automobile & American Culture edited by D Lewis published by Michigan Quarterly Review 781 page history (40_AutoMich)
$19.95 |
Troy Model Club Series on Commercial Vehicles collector models book by Cecil Gibson 62 pgs. (40_CommercialVe)
$7.95 |
Designing Tomorrows Cars From Concept Step by Step to Detail Design by W Korff 271 pahe hard cover History (40_DesignKorff)
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Price Guide to Metal Toys by G Gardiner 214 page history (40_MetalToy)
$19.95 |
Million Dollar Automobiles: A Connoisseur's Collection of Rare & Expensive Cars by David Burgess-Wise 240 hardbound pages (40_MillionDolla)
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Il Radiatore nel Tempo - Radiators throughout the Years - in French with english translation insert (40_RadiatoreNel)
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William Fisk Harrah: The Life & Times of A Gambling Magnate by Leon Mandel 223 hardbound pages with B&W photos (40_WilliamHarra)
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The Car & Its Wheels a Guide to Modern Suspension Systems By J. Norbye (65_CarWheels)
$24.95 |
La Frizione nel Tempo - clutches through the years - in French, with english translation insert (70_LaFrizioneNe)
$38.95 |
79-80 The Best of Old Cars Weekly Newspaper Vol 3 1981 very large 552 pgs Krause Publications (81_OldCarsWeekl)
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Diesel Car Book by R Barlow 246 page buyers guide (40_DslBarlow)
$9.95 |
The Legendary Custom Cars And Hot Rods Of Gene Winfield (60_Winfield)
$299.95 |
Automobiles Built in Essex County, Mass by Hayden Shepley 64 pages self-published 1976 (76_EssexShepley)
$49.95 |
Street Was Fun in 51 by A Drake 88 page Hot Rod History (50_StreetFun)
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Gas Food & Lodging: A Poscard Odyssey Through the Great American Roadside by John Baeder 132 pages 300 reproductions of vintage postcards (82_Baeder)
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81-82 The Best of Old Cars Weekly Newspaper Vol 4 very large 552 pgs Krause Publications (83_OldCarsWeekl)
$24.95 |
Secrets of Automobile Photography by M Antonick 92 page history (50_AutoPhoto)
$14.95 |
Boss Kettering - Wizard of General Motors by Stuart W Leslie (83_BossKetterin)
$19.95 |
Sports Cars, History and Development; by GN Georgano; 240 pg illustrated (42_Hist)
$29.95 |
Import Book Volume 1 Step by Step Instructions How to Locate Select & Import Your Own European Car by L Smith 101 page buyers guide (45_ImportSmith)
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James Garner's Motoring Life 160 pages Hardcover by M. Stone (98_RM615U1_U2)
$34.95 |
The Complete Encyclopedia of Motorcars 1885 to the present edited by Georgano 640 pages hardcover very comprehensive scholarly reference detailing over 4,000 makes of car (35_Georgano)
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Automotive Milestones Trivia of a Most Unique Machine by C Cassell 170 page history (50_MilestoneTri)
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Three Wheelers by K Hill a Shire Classics Library Book Fully Illustrated (50_SL165)
$11.95 |
Carrozzeria Motto coachbuilder 131 pages hardcover by Sannia (59788896796535)
$99.95 |
Extraordinary Automobilies by Peter Vann & Gerald Asaria Special intrest cars from Artz to Vector 1985 221 pages color photos pub by MBI (85_Extraordinar)
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83-84 The Best of Old Cars Weekly Newspaper Vol 5 1985 very large 592 pgs Krause Publications (85_OldCarsWeekl)
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The Legend of the Lucky Lee Lott Hell Drivers by Lucky Lee Lott 128 pgs pub by MBI 1994 (94_LuckyLee)
$49.95 |
Advertising and the Motor-car by Michael Frostick with a prologue by Ashley Havinden 159 quality hardbound pages story of how advertising developed, many makes of cars, black & white and color, special chapter on Fiat (40_Advertising)
$24.95 |
New Departure Classics by C Weldon hard cover history covering the origin of the New Departure Company the Rockwell Public Service Cab & the Allen Kingston & Houpt Rockwell Motor Cars (50_NewDepart)
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85-86 The Best of Old Cars Weekly Newspaper Vol 6 1987 very large 464 pgs Krause Publications (87_OldCarsWeekl)
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Shelby: The Man. The Cars. The Legend. by Wallace S Wyss A complete biographical reference on the life of Carroll Shelby. From his racing days to his designing of the GT500 This books looks beyond the cars into his personal life 208 pages (67_10273)
$22.95 |
The World's Worst Cars, Timothy Jacobs, Well illustrated large format covering cars with dubious reputations. (44_Worst)
$19.95 |