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Basic Clutches & Transmissions by Petersen's #2 (70_Pet2ClutchTr)
$8.95 |
Basic Ignition & Electrical Systems by Petersen's (70_Pet2IgniElec)
$7.95 |
Servicing the Charging System Vol. F618 published by NRI Automotive Training 50 pages (74_139_LT_618)
$19.95 |
Basic Ignition & Electrical Systems by Petersen's No. 4 (75_Pet4IgniElec)
$7.95 |
Complete Book of Engine Swapping by Tex Smith 192 pages (76_Swap_Smith)
$29.95 |
Street Rod Building Skills, by John Thawley; 64 pg. guide to home crafted cars (80_StreedtRodBu)
$5.95 |
Automotive Mechanics by W Crouse & D Anglin (85_CrouseAutoMe)
$34.95 |
Automotive Tools Handbook by David H Jacobs Jr (90_AutoToolHand)
$17.95 |
Automotive Upholstery Handbook by Don Taylor (B01_97893112800)
$22.95 |
Automotive Reference Manual & Illustrated Automotive Dictionary (how to decode VIN's, useful automotive math, and tool and fastener guides) by Haynes (51_10430)
$34.95 |
The Scientific Design of Exhaust & Intake Systems by Phillip H. Smith and John C. Morrison. (51_ExhaustIntak)
$39.95 |
Automotive Engine Rebuilding by James G. Hughes (about 1 1/2' thick) (52_AutoEngRebld)
$19.95 |
Internal Combustion Engines Applied Thermosciences by Colin R. Ferguson (56_InternCombus)
$29.95 |
Suspension, Steering and Driveline Manual by Haynes covers troubleshooting, maintnance and repair procedures for most foreign and domestic suspension, steering and driveline systems (70_10345)
$34.95 |
Automotive Brake Manual by Haynes over 500 illust. (70_10410)
$20.95 |
Automotive Detailing Manual by Haynes (covers cleaning, waxing & repair of minor damage to the body, interior, engine compartment and wheels. Full color with over 350 photographs (70_10415)
$34.95 |
Automotive Electrical Manual by Haynes (covers basic electrical fundamentals, troubleshooting and repair for both Domestic & Import vehicles 242 pages (70_10420)
$34.95 |
Used Car Buying Guide by Haynes (covers all phases of buying a used car: How to pick the right car, how to test drive a car, and how to perform a thorough inspection of the car) (70_10440)
$29.95 |
Welding Manual by Haynes (covers gas, arc, MIG, & TIG welding. Techniques are discussed as they relate to automotive & workshop repairs) (70_10445)
$34.95 |
Motorcycle Fuel Systems Techbook by J. Robinson & Haynes covering all Carburetor type along with fuel injection from basic theory to practical tuning (70_3514)
$29.95 |
Gas Flow in the Internal Combustion Engine by Annand & Roe (GasFlow)
$349.95 |
How to Restore Classic Toy Cars Trucks Tractors & Airplanes by D David 127 page restoration guide for model toys (50_ToyRestor)
$74.95 |
From the Fryer to the Fuel Tank the Complete Guide to Using Vegetable Oil as an Alternative Fuel byJ Tickell 162 page shop service repair manual (50_VegFuel)
$16.95 |
TBA Service Guide by ATLAS a Guide To The Safe and Proper Installation & Servicing of ATLAS Products (51_TBASSvcGuide)
$5.95 |
Auto Radiator & The Cooling System Manual by Horowitz (53_AutoRadiator)
$7.95 |
Automotive Electrical Systems Troubleshooting & Repair Basics by V. Martin 240 pgs. (90_AutoElecSysT)
$11.95 |
How to Build Modify and Power Tune Cylinder HEads by Peter Burgess and David Gollan (B03_136023AE)
$32.95 |
How To Make Your Car Handle; Pro methods for Improved Handling, safety and performance by F. Puhn 200 pgs (50_HP_46)
$19.95 |
Science of Hydraulic Suspension by R Coote 228 page shop service repair manual with extensive photographs and diagrams (50_HydrSus)
$24.95 |
Automotive Emission Control by William H. Crouse (52_AutoEmmision)
$9.95 |
Domestic Electronic Fuel Injection & Computer Systems by F. Allen 256 pgs (52_ElecFuelInjD)
$14.95 |
Super Power A Do-It-Yourself Guide to Turbocharging, Supercharging, Fuel Injection & Nitrous-Oxide (NOS) by Larry Schreib (52_TurboGuide)
$16.95 |
Ultimate Auto Detailing Manual, your hands on guide to the proffesionals and concours winners' secrets by D. Jacobs jr. 200 pgs (52_UltimateDeta)
$24.95 |
1001 More High Performance Tech Tips by Wayne Scraba 192 pages (54_1429)
$18.95 |
Welder's Handbook MIG, TIG, A/C arc, D/C arc, Oxyacetylene, brazing, soldering Includes how to weld Stainless steel, aluminum, magnesium & titanium for Automotive, Aviation, Home & Arts & Crafts by R. Finch & Tom Monroe 150 pgs (55_1513)
$19.95 |
How To Paint Your Car Book: Surface Preperation, masking, Spraying Paint & Clearcoat, Polishing & rubbing out Paint & Caring for your paint by D.H. Jacobs 150 pgs (56_HowToPaintCa)
$14.95 |
Boyd Coddington's How To Paint Your Hot Rod Book by T. Remus 150 pgs (56_HowToPaintHR)
$19.95 |
How To Build & Tune Cars For: Performance with Economy includes 100's of practical tips to help the auto enthusiast gain maximum performace & economy by D. Vizard 127 pgs (80_PErfEconBuil)
$19.95 |
Airbrushing for Fine & Commercial Artists by Robert Paschal 120 Hardbound pages (90_AirBrushing)
$29.95 |
Restoration: Standard Guide to Automotive Restoration, 378 pages by M. Joseph covering all aspects of mechanics and body (53_117259B)
$24.95 |
Automotive Tools Manual by Haynes (a guide to buying & using automotive tools) (70_10435)
$29.95 |
Motorcycle Workshop Practice Manual by Haynes (topics covered: use of tools, workshop layout, engine overhaul, repairing accident damage, dealing with engine seizure, removing damaged fasteners, frame coatings and welding) (70_3470)
$34.95 |
Man Haynes manual for the human body hardcover (70_3931)
$34.95 |
Motorcycle Electrical Manual by Haynes (Uses easy-to-follow text and numerous line drawings to explain subjects from basic electrical principles to state-of-the-art systems) (70_446)
$34.95 |
The AirBrake Book by Chilton's (75_AirBrakeChil)
$12.95 |
Restoration: Modern Techniques by K. Wickham; 192 pgs. including the most modern techniques and technologies (90_126820B)
$39.95 |
the Washer Drier and Tumbler Manual by Graham Dixon (90_L7328)
$24.95 |
Performance Welding Manual his valuable guide to quality welding covers techniques used for Indy and NASCAR race cars, experimental aircraft, and other applications requiring high-quality welds by Richard Finch (53_124530AP)
$19.95 |
Performance Welding Handbook 2nd Ed. by Richard Finch (53_139436AP)
$24.95 |
Garage: Reinventing the place we park: 208 hardbound color pages by K. Obolensky (53_Z_134043AE)
$34.95 |