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Iacocca an Autobiography - Lee Iacocca w/Wm. Novak (75_IacoccaABsof)
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Iacocca a biography by David Abodaher (77_Iacocca_D_A)
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Worlds Greatest Auto Show - Celebrating a Century in Chicago - by James M Flammang and Michael J Franklin (50_WorldsGreate)
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Secrets of Building a Plastic Vacuum Forming Machine by V Gingery 106 page manual of plastic thermoforming processes (99_VacuumGinger)
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How to Customize Your Car in a Weekend, Carl Caiati, 127 pg, covers painting, wheels, tires and more (62_879383593)
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Ed Big Daddy Roth; His life and times, cars and art: 192 pages in large 10"x10" hardcover by P. Ganahl (65_CT968)
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Shifting Gears, Changing Labor Relations in US Auto Industry, by Harry Katz - 230 pg, hb (55_262110989)
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Haynes: The First 40 years: a history of the auto repair manual company with its ups and downs along the way. 192 hardbound pgs by J. Clew (75_H418)
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Last Chance Garage, Brad Sears. Illustrated guide to understanding your car. Companion to PBS television series. (75_LCG_BSears)
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Rude Awakening: The Rise, Fall, & Struggle for Recovery of G.M. Maryann Keller (75_RudeAwakenin)
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The story of Michael Taylor, Andrew Hedges and Innes Ireland in their car racing in the Daily Express London to Sydney Marathon. Hardcover 208 pages autographed by Innes Ireland (80_MarathonII)
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Custom Auto Electronics and Auto Electrical Reference Manual by Choco Munday 261 pages Hot Rod Handbooks (69_CustAutoElec)
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Merchants of Speed - The Men who Build Americas Performance Industry by P Smith in 240 hardcover pages with over 250 photos (80_145858)
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Super Tuning and Modifying Carter Carburetors for Performance, Street and Off-Road Applications, Dave Emanuel (60_CarterCarbSp)
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Teenager Owners Workshop Manual by Haynes: 160 pages in hardcover covering areas of teenage life from physical and emotional development to education and social problems (99_H4409)
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