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4WD Mechanic: troubleshooting, repair, service, and testing of modern four wheel drive vehicles and components by Gregorys Automotive published 1997 (78_428)
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Cars of the Soviet Union - The Definitive History by Andy Thompson (50_146625)
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Complete Illustrated Encyclopedia of Classic Cars: The Worlds Most Famous and Fabulous Cars from 1945 to 2000 Shown in 1500 Photographs by Martin Buckley (65_TempChasSvc)
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46-02 Standard Catalog of Imported Cars by Motorbooks International covers Appearance and Equipment, Vehicle I.D. Numbers, Specification Charts, Engine Data, Chassis, Technical Data, Options and Historical Information by J Flammang (46_131085B)
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Rockin down the Highway The Cars and People that made rock roll 240 hardbound pages more than 1000 photos by Paul Grushkin foreword by Mike Ness (60_rockin)
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Lowrider: How to build a lowrider: 128 pages by F. Hamilton (70_SA46)
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Chopping Tops: 160 page practical hot rodder's guide by L. O'Toole. How to do it right. (75_130730AE)
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How to Chop Tops by Tex Smith: 220 pages. (76_114747B)
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Competition Engine Building Advanced Engine Design and Assemply Techniques 176 pages and 321 color photos by John Baechtel (83_SA214)
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Wide Open Muscle the Rarest Muscle Car Convertibles by R. Leffingwell 224 pages Hardcover (69780760350010)
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Custom Auto Electronics and Auto Electrical Reference Manual by Choco Munday 261 pages Hot Rod Handbooks (69_CustAutoElec)
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Edsel & Elenor Ford House by J Bridenstine 103 page history (40_FordHouse)
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Merchants of Speed - The Men who Build Americas Performance Industry by P Smith in 240 hardcover pages with over 250 photos (80_145858)
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Super Tuning and Modifying Carter Carburetors for Performance, Street and Off-Road Applications, Dave Emanuel (60_CarterCarbSp)
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The Decline & Fall of the American Automobile Industry by Brock Yates 1984 edition (60_zDeclnFallAm)
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How to Rebuild and Modify Your Manual Transmission by R. Bowen both rear & front wheel drive cars How to determine what parts to replace or rebuild and how to do it How to find and measure specifications color photos 192 pages (80_138665AP)
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Teenager Owners Workshop Manual by Haynes: 160 pages in hardcover covering areas of teenage life from physical and emotional development to education and social problems (99_H4409)
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The Decline & Fall of the American Automobile Industry, by Brock Yates (60_DeclineFall)
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Performance Ignition Systems by Christopher Jacobs, Ph.D. E.E. A Complete Electronic ignition guide 176 pages (75_1306)
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Physics of NASCAR How to Make Steel Gas Rubber Equal Speed by D Leslie Pelecky 286 page hard cover history detailing the science behind NASCAR racing (78_NasPhy)
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Life Through the rearview Mirror On the road with the creator of the Pink Toe Truck by Ed Lincoln 328 pages stories of towing cars and wrecks all around Seattle (B00_Lincolnlife)
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The Fiberglass Boat Repair Manual by A. Vaitses hardbound 171 pages (77_fiberglass)
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The Great American Pickup Truck, Henry Rasmussen, illustrated large format with examples of old and new pickups (56_0879383070)
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Trucking Pioneers Book 4 by M Terebecki history book detailing the origins and history of trucking companies such as Delta Lines Inc Saia Motor Freight Line and many more (60_TruckPion)
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Turbocharging by Mark Warner 192 pages (82_1488)
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How to Restore Braking Systems by Joss Joselyn 128 page hard cover with many photos and diagrams (85_restorbrak)
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Motorcycle Handbook, covers everything you need to select and maintain motorcycles, riding gear & Accessories by Kevin Maher and Ben Greisler by Chilton (9099)
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Motorcycle Handbook covers everything you need to select and maintain motorcycles, riding gear & accessories by Kevin Maher and Ben Greisler by Chilton (9099_Handbook)
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Paul Frere: My Life Full of Cars: a facinating autobiography of the automotive writer, racing driver, & LeMans winner. 256 pgs. by P. Frere (62_130423AE)
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The Salt Walther Story for the race of your life by Walther & Little (80_Walther_Salt)
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How to Design Cars Like a Pro a Comprehensive Guide to Car Design from the Top Professionals by T Lewin 207 page volume with numerous color photographs (B03_DesignCar)
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Hot Rod Wiring by Remus & Overholser 143 pages (Hot_Rod_Wiring)
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AutoSound Installation Manual Guide for Domestic Cars by Metra (35_AutoSndInsta)
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How to Chop Tops in 301 Photos by T Remus restoration guide detailing the process chop top process including how to hammer weld and work with interior wood (96_ChopTops)
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Do-It-Yourself Engine & Chassis Detaling by J. Richardson 128 pages (B00_SA62)
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20-90 Truck & Van Ultimate Spotters Guide by Tad Burness: 400 pages detailing the appearance of all models (55_132935B)
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Stars Cars & Infamy by Martin Buckley 204 pages with 100 photosgraphs The story of famous people and events and their cars which have become famous Hardbound (65_760317054)
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The Modern Diesel Development and Design - Editor - DSD Williams (72_ModernDiesel)
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Peter Egan Side Glances The Best from America's Most Popular Automotive Writer over 100 articles originaly published in Road & Track Magazine compiled into 160 hardbound page book 2002-2005 (75_A_PERT)
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85 Art Center College of Design school catalog (85_ArtCtrCtlg)
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Car Men 7 Franco Mantegazza I.DE.A institute by Automobilia (Men_8879601083)
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Introducing Model Aero Engines by M Billinton 111 pages covers engines for model cars boats and aircraft as well as other technical data (75_Aero_Engine)
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Road to Purpose by Kenneth E Behring 234 hardbound pages (90_Behring)
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