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The Complete Book of Radio Controlled Models by Chris Ellis - How to build and operate model boats aircraft cars and trucks (B00_RadioContro)
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Muscle Trucks: High Performance Pickups by Mike Mueller History of High Performance Pickups from the Chevroltet Cameo introduced in 1955 to the Ford Ranchero upto current models 105 color photos 106pages (80_10288)
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Rockin down the Highway The Cars and People that made rock roll 240 hardbound pages more than 1000 photos by Paul Grushkin foreword by Mike Ness (60_rockin)
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Edsel & Elenor Ford House by J Bridenstine 103 page history (40_FordHouse)
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The Great American Pickup Truck, Henry Rasmussen, illustrated large format with examples of old and new pickups (56_0879383070)
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How to Design Cars Like a Pro a Comprehensive Guide to Car Design from the Top Professionals by T Lewin 207 page volume with numerous color photographs (B03_DesignCar)
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Rat Fink the Art of Ed Big Daddy Roth by D Nelson 219 page history of the famous hot rod artist (74_RatFink)
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The Ultimate Classic Car Book by Quentin Willson (90_WillsonClass)
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20-90 Truck & Van Ultimate Spotters Guide by Tad Burness: 400 pages detailing the appearance of all models (55_132935B)
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Stars Cars & Infamy by Martin Buckley 204 pages with 100 photosgraphs The story of famous people and events and their cars which have become famous Hardbound (65_760317054)
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Peter Egan Side Glances The Best from America's Most Popular Automotive Writer over 100 articles originaly published in Road & Track Magazine compiled into 160 hardbound page book 2002-2005 (75_A_PERT)
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Car Men 7 Franco Mantegazza I.DE.A institute by Automobilia (Men_8879601083)
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Road to Purpose by Kenneth E Behring 234 hardbound pages (90_Behring)
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First 75 Years of Transportation Products, Published by Automobile Quarterly for GM's 75th anniversary (75YRGM_AQ)
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75 Years of Inspiration, Imagination and Innovation, published by GM on the 75th anniversay of GM R & D (75YRGM_RD)
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Diesel Car Book by R Barlow 246 page buyers guide (40_DslBarlow)
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Secrets of Automobile Photography by M Antonick 92 page history (50_AutoPhoto)
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Import Book Volume 1 Step by Step Instructions How to Locate Select & Import Your Own European Car by L Smith 101 page buyers guide (45_ImportSmith)
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James Garner's Motoring Life 160 pages Hardcover by M. Stone (98_RM615U1_U2)
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Automotive Milestones Trivia of a Most Unique Machine by C Cassell 170 page history (50_MilestoneTri)
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Extraordinary Automobilies by Peter Vann & Gerald Asaria Special intrest cars from Artz to Vector 1985 221 pages color photos pub by MBI (85_Extraordinar)
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