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Car Memorabilia Price Guide, by: Ron Kowalke & Ken Buttolph. Automobilia, Petroliana, Paper, Toys, Licence plts, Hood ornaments, & more. (50_MemPriceGuid)
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Auto 100 Stamp Collection World's Greatest Car Collection (50_Stamps)
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Motorama GM Legendary Show Concept Cars of GM Design Styling 208 Hardcover pages by D. Temple (55_CT_533)
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The cars of Harley Earl GM Chief of Design Styling 192 pages with 315 illustrations by D. Temple (55_CT_556)
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Secrets of Buying & Selling Collector Cars by J Olson 96 pages (65_Coll_Cars)
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Monza, by Bob Judd (70_MonzaJudd)
$15.95 |
Physics for Gearheads An Introduction to Vehicle Dynamics Energy and Power by R Beikmann (80_GEBP)
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Automobile Design Twelve Great Designers and Their Work edited by R Barker & A Harding 374 page hardcover detailing the work of the Bollees Lanchester Leland Ledwinka Birkigt Porsche Miller Jano Voisin Issigonis and Chapman (92_AutoDesigner)
$24.95 |
1893-1993 100 Years of American Cars by John A Gunnell Over 400 photos 304 pgs pub by Krause Publications Repackaged Stardard Catalog of American Cars Series (93_AmericanCars)
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Gas Station Memories by Michael Karl Witzel history of US gas stations and related paraphenalia and petrolania 96 pages pub by MBI 1994 (94_GasStationMe)
$24.95 |
Art and the Automobile By D.B. Tubbs (art_auto_tubbs)
$29.95 |
Dream Garages International and their International owners profiled with many photos by K. Palmer 192 pages hardbound (B00_193299)
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Volume 30, Issue 1 of Automobile Quarterly featuring 1962 cars from USA, England, Europe, Japan, Dream cars, Advertising, Motorsports. 30th Anniversary Issue. (B20_AQVol30Iss1)
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Volume 47 Issue 4 of Automotive Quarterly featuring Alfa Romeo Riley Pathfinder Peking Paris GM Tech Center McMullen Pratt and more... (B20_AQVol47Iss4)
$29.95 |
Inside Cars published by 2wice Magazine 90 page history (50_InsideCars)
$14.95 |
Complete Handbook of Automobile Hobbies - Edited by Beverly Rae Kimes (81_AutoHobbies)
$12.95 |
Great Car Collections of the World by E Eves & D Burger large format illustrated history of great cars and marques from museum collections around the world (30_CarColl)
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Encyclopedia of American Cars: over 65 years of Automotive History: 896 hardcover pages with 3,200 photo's by Louis Weber (70_134955AE)
$69.95 |
The Gas Station by Michael Karl Witzel light history of US gas stations and related paraphenalia and petrolania 96 pages (M02_GasStation)
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Car Guys VS Bean Counters the Battle for the Soul of American Business by B Lutz 241 page hard cover history of General Motors by the former Vice Chairman Bob Lutz (50_CarLutz)
$9.95 |
Buyer's Guide Engines Top Tech Special includes 150 Easy Buildup Tips, Low-Buck Budget Assemblies, Nitrous Installation & Free Horsepower Tricks (51_GuyerGuideEn)
$9.95 |
The Complete Book of Pickups & Vans customizing by Petersen's (60_Comple_PUVan)
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Ultimate Sports Cars by Quentin Willson hardbound many high quality photos & illustrations (90_Ultimate)
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Roadside Americana Gas Food Loding Rte 66 by Michael Karl Witzel & Tim Steil 285 pgs color & BW photos history of US Route 66 and American culture pub by Crestline 2003 (M0_Roadside)
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1896-2000 Standard Catalog of American Light Duty Trucks pickups panels vans all models by James T. Lenzke (43_0873419332)
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Index 1-20 by Automotive Quarterly to Volumes 1-20 (52_Index_1_20)
$29.95 |
Index 1-4 by Automotive Quarterly to Volumes 1-4 (52_Index_1_4)
$14.95 |
Index 36-40 by Automotive Quarterly to Volumes 36-40 (52_Index_36_40)
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Road & Track's Used Car Classics; A guide to Affordable Exciting Cars 272 pgs (52_UsedCarClass)
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Automotive Atrocities the Cars We Love to Hate by Eric Peters hard cover history of detested cars 128 pgs pub by MBI 2004 (B04_Atrocities)
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The Standard Guide to 1:18 Scale Dies Cast Cars by Merry Dudley with a forward by Joe Kelly Jr (52_139149A)
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The Cobra in the Barn Great Stories of Automotive Archaeolology by Peter Egan & Tom Cotter Foreword by Jay Leno Avid collectors recall stories of their hunts and chance findings of old classics rediscovered. (60_137444AP)
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Encyclopedia of Italian Coachbuilders 2-volumes in slipcase by Sannia covering over 1,000 names including Allemano Bertone Boano Boneschi Catangna Goggiola Colli Ellena Faina Fantuzzi Mazzanti Fissore Francis Lombardi Frua Ghia Giugiaro Maggiora Marazzi Michelotti Monterosa Moretti OSI Pininfarina RivaScaglie tti Scioneri Siata Stabilimenti Farina Touring Vignale Viotti Zagato & many many more (69788896796436)
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Speedway Motorcycle Racing or Thrilling The Million by Tom Stenner The thrilling story of World Famous Riders of the NITE Speedways. includes 50 photos (80_MotorcycleRc)
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Highways to Heaven the Auto Biograpy of American by C Finch 416 page hardcover history of the automobile industry in America from its earliest orgins to the 1990s (46_Highways)
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The Story of the Car Book by David Hodges & David Burgess Wise 320 hardbound pages (50_StoryCarH_Wi)
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The Complete Car Modeller Book by Gerald A Wingrove (53_CompCarModGW)
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The Complete book of the CAR The Definitive illustrated guide to the worlds favourite Automobiles by Jim Anderson 253 hardbound pages (53_CompleteCarA)
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Index 13-16 by Automotive Quarterly to Volumes 13-16 (53_Index_13_16)
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Index 5-8 by Automotive Quarterly to Volumes 5-8 (53_Index_5_8)
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Index 9-12 by Automotive Quarterly to Volumes 9-12 (53_Index_9_12)
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Thus Spake David E. The Collected Wit & Wisdom of the Most Influential Automotive Journalist of Our Time by David E. Davis Jr. 245 Hardbound pages (60_ThusSpokeDav)
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Automobile Year 1999-2000 Annual reflects the whole range of motor sport edited by Ian Norris 272 Hardbound pages (995_129964AE)
$54.95 |
Automobile Year 2001-2002 Annual reflects the whole range of motor sport edited by Ian Norris 272 Hardbound pages (B01_134799AE)
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Hot Rod Kings Top Traditional Rod & Custom Builders by K Thomson 160 page hard cover history (50_HotRodKings)
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Trolley Buses around the world photographic history by Luke & Metler 160 pages 320 illustrations (55_10266)
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Packing Light Packing Right the Sound Rider Guide to Motorcycle Packing by T Mehren 96 page history with advice for packing for day rides or touring (57_CyclePacking)
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2004 Aug. 14-20 56th Annual Bonneville Speed Week Official Program (B04_BonnvlProgr)
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Warman's Gas Station Collectibles Identification and Price Guide by Mark F. Moran (50_GasStationCo)
$24.95 |
Speed and Luxury - The Great Cars by Dennis Adler (50_144379)
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