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Chilton's Guide To Diesel Cars & Truck (introduction to the Diesel, The Diesel Engine, Diesel Fuel, Owner Maintenance, Driving a Diesel & more) (50_DieslChiltCT - Not a shop manual)
$17.95 |
Basic Clutches & Transmissions by Petersen's #3 (40_Pet3CletchTr)
$8.95 |
Automotive Service Basics by John Remling (45_ServBasics)
$29.95 |
Automotive Mascots By Kay & Springate 160 pgs (50_1901295427)
$39.95 |
Automatic Transmissions Information Manual by Commercial Trades Institute (50_AutomaticTra)
$5.95 |
Automotive Suspension and Steering a Text-Lab Manual by S. Abbott & I. Hinerman (50_AutoSuspensn)
$14.95 |
Basic Automotive Tools & How To Use Them Manual by Petersen's (50_BasicAutoToo)
$9.95 |
Basic Cams, Valves & Exhaust Systems by Petersen's#2 covers Plymouth, Chevy, Ford, and more.. (50_BscCamValve2)
$8.95 |
Basic Cams, Valves & Exhaust Systems by Petersen's #3 covers Chevy, Ford, Plymouth and more... (50_BscCamValve3)
$8.95 |
Basic Carburetion & Fuel Systems by Petersen's by #2 (50_BscCarbFuel2)
$29.95 |
Basic Carburetion & Fuel Systems by Petersen's by #3 (50_BscCarbFuel3)
$29.95 |
Basic Automotive Measuring Tools & How To Use Them Manual by Petersen's (50_BscMeasTools)
$7.95 |
How to Build an Old Skool Bobber by K Baas 144 page restoration guide illustrating how to build a motorcycle based on a Panhead Shovelhead or Evo engine (50_BuildBobber)
$29.95 |
How To Build The Ultimate V-Twin Motorcycle by Timothy Remus (50_UltimateV_Tw)
$14.95 |
Basic Auto Repair Manual by Petersen's #6 includes New Tune-Up specs and Car Guides for '74 (55_BascAutoRep6)
$12.95 |
Complete book of Engines by The Editors of HOT ROD magazine All latest Engines including Volks, Chrysler, Chevy, Ford, Buick, Plymouth, Javelin and More.. (55_CompEngnsEdi)
$19.95 |
Automotive Emission Control a simple Do-It-Yourself approach to automotive emission controls. by Haynes (70_10210)
$29.95 |
Basic Chassis, Suspension & Brakes by Petersen's #2 (70_Pet2ChasSus)
$8.95 |
Basic Clutches & Transmissions by Petersen's #2 (70_Pet2ClutchTr)
$8.95 |
Basic Ignition & Electrical Systems by Petersen's (70_Pet2IgniElec)
$7.95 |
Basic Ignition & Electrical Systems by Petersen's No. 4 (75_Pet4IgniElec)
$7.95 |
Street Rod Building Skills, by John Thawley; 64 pg. guide to home crafted cars (80_StreedtRodBu)
$5.95 |
Automotive Mechanics by W Crouse & D Anglin (85_CrouseAutoMe)
$34.95 |
Great Cars of the 40's full-color profiles of 25 all-time Detroit Favorites! Cadillac Chevy Chrysler T&Cs Ford LaSalle Packard Tucker Willys Jeep and more! by The Auto Editors of Consumer Guide 80 full color pgs. (45_GreatCars)
$49.95 |
100 Years of the Automobile by Motor Trend Collector's Edition (50_100_Yr_Auto)
$12.95 |
Brightwork: Classic Ornamental Automotive Brightwork (50_130414B)
$18.95 |
The More or Less Complete Works of The Grease Pit Poet (50_2005)
$19.95 |
The Art and Colour of General Motors Design Published at the GM 100th Anniversary in colorfeaturing the color photography Michael Furman & lively entertaining essays by America's most distinguished classic car historians (50_ArtColourGM)
$99.95 |
Car Memorabilia Price Guide, by: Ron Kowalke & Ken Buttolph. Automobilia, Petroliana, Paper, Toys, Licence plts, Hood ornaments, & more. (50_MemPriceGuid)
$29.95 |
Motorama GM Legendary Show Concept Cars of GM Design Styling 208 Hardcover pages by D. Temple (55_CT_533)
$42.95 |
The cars of Harley Earl GM Chief of Design Styling 192 pages with 315 illustrations by D. Temple (55_CT_556)
$42.95 |
Monza, by Bob Judd (70_MonzaJudd)
$15.95 |
Physics for Gearheads An Introduction to Vehicle Dynamics Energy and Power by R Beikmann (80_GEBP)
$99.95 |
Inside Cars published by 2wice Magazine 90 page history (50_InsideCars)
$14.95 |
Automotive Reference Manual & Illustrated Automotive Dictionary (how to decode VIN's, useful automotive math, and tool and fastener guides) by Haynes (51_10430)
$34.95 |
The Scientific Design of Exhaust & Intake Systems by Phillip H. Smith and John C. Morrison. (51_ExhaustIntak)
$39.95 |
Automotive Engine Rebuilding by James G. Hughes (about 1 1/2' thick) (52_AutoEngRebld)
$19.95 |
Internal Combustion Engines Applied Thermosciences by Colin R. Ferguson (56_InternCombus)
$29.95 |
Suspension, Steering and Driveline Manual by Haynes covers troubleshooting, maintnance and repair procedures for most foreign and domestic suspension, steering and driveline systems (70_10345)
$34.95 |
Automotive Brake Manual by Haynes over 500 illust. (70_10410)
$20.95 |
Automotive Detailing Manual by Haynes (covers cleaning, waxing & repair of minor damage to the body, interior, engine compartment and wheels. Full color with over 350 photographs (70_10415)
$34.95 |
Automotive Electrical Manual by Haynes (covers basic electrical fundamentals, troubleshooting and repair for both Domestic & Import vehicles 242 pages (70_10420)
$34.95 |
Used Car Buying Guide by Haynes (covers all phases of buying a used car: How to pick the right car, how to test drive a car, and how to perform a thorough inspection of the car) (70_10440)
$29.95 |
Welding Manual by Haynes (covers gas, arc, MIG, & TIG welding. Techniques are discussed as they relate to automotive & workshop repairs) (70_10445)
$34.95 |
Motorcycle Fuel Systems Techbook by J. Robinson & Haynes covering all Carburetor type along with fuel injection from basic theory to practical tuning (70_3514)
$29.95 |
Gas Flow in the Internal Combustion Engine by Annand & Roe (GasFlow)
$349.95 |
Great Car Collections of the World by E Eves & D Burger large format illustrated history of great cars and marques from museum collections around the world (30_CarColl)
$14.95 |
Encyclopedia of American Cars: over 65 years of Automotive History: 896 hardcover pages with 3,200 photo's by Louis Weber (70_134955AE)
$69.95 |
Motorcycles Basics Manual by Haynes (an easy to understand description of how each major part of a motorcycle functions for those who wish to be better informed about their bike (70_3515)
$39.95 |
How to Restore Classic Toy Cars Trucks Tractors & Airplanes by D David 127 page restoration guide for model toys (50_ToyRestor)
$74.95 |