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How to Build and Modify High Performance Manual Transmissions by Paul Cangialosi (B08_SA103)
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Digital Photography Manual by Kyle MacRae (99_H995)
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OBD2 & Electronic Engine Management Systems by Haynes Information on troubleshooting computer controlled systems OBDII OBD II 2 monitors trouble code retrieval diagnostic routines and component control procedures (B00_10206)
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1995-2010 Timing Belts Manual for Domestic & Imported Cars, Vans, & Light Trucks, including Serpentine Belts. Covers Inspection Replacement & Tensioning for Acura Audi Bentley BMW Buick Cadillac Chevrolet Chrysler Daewoo Dhaihatsu Dodge Eagle Ford General Motors Geo GMC Honda Hummer Hyundai Infiniti Isuzu Jaguar Jeep Kia Land Rover Lexus Mazda Mercedes-Benz Mercury Mini Mitsubushi Nissan Oldsmobile Plymouth Pontiac Porsche Saab Saturn Scion Subaru Suzuki Toyota Volkswagen Volvo. Diesel Included. (95-10AData_belt)
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NW Calendar of Car Club Events: a 72 page book published yearly for the Northwest USA region approx 700 events listed (B04_NWCOCCE)
$5.95 |
Modern Car Technology: 224 hardcover pages by J. Daniels, published Oct 2001: covering all the latest developments in the application of new technology to modern Automobiles (99_H811)
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Holley Carburetors and Manifolds; High Performance and stock replacement one, two and four barrel carbs and manifolds by M. Urich and B. Fisher (70_HP_1052)
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How to Rebuild Chevrolet GM LS Series engines by Chris Werner 152 pages 604 color photos GM Gen lll & lV car & truck engines from tear down to break in stock & performance rebuilds (99_SA147)
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93-2018 Brake Parts Bleeding Guide (93_BrakeGuide)
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Street Rodder Chassis & Suspension Handbook techniques and tips on all areas of building a street rod 192 pages (93_1346)
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GM Automatic Overdrive Transmission Builders and Swappers Guide by Cliff Ruggles 126 pages 700-R4 4L60 4L60E (75_SA140)
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How To Keep Your SUV Alive by Mark Warner 192 pages (99_1458)
$18.95 |
How to Tune and Modify Engine Management systems by Jeff Hartman in depth fuel injection information 256 pages 200 color photos covers injection & engine swaps (B00_136272AP)
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Automotive Diagnostic Systems Understanding OBD I & OBD II by K McCord OBDI OBDII (90_SA174_P)
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The Step-by-Step Guide to Engine Blueprinting Practical Methods for Racing and Rebuilding; by Rick Voegelin This is simply the best book you can buy on engine preparation for street or racing! Rick Voegelin's highly acclaimed combination of savvy writing and wrenching skills puts this best-seller in a class by itself. All important preparation techniques are clearly illustrated and explained in this easy-to- read text. Engine Blueprinting shows the reader how to use precision measuring tools, calculate compression ratios, degree a camshaft, and much more! Loaded with helpful advice, this book should be in every enthusiast's tool box. 400 photos 160 pages (75_SA21)
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High Performance Diesel Builders Guide by Joe Pettitt how diesel engines work how to make more power upgrading intake exhaust turbo fuel sustems and more 325 color photograph 144 pages (80_SA129P)
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How to Swap GM LT Series Engines into Almost Anything by J Bryant 144 pages with over 500 color photos & charts (95_SA411)
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Competition Engine Building Advanced Engine Design and Assemply Techniques 176 pages and 321 color photos by John Baechtel (83_SA214)
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How to Rebuild and Modify Your Manual Transmission by R. Bowen both rear & front wheel drive cars How to determine what parts to replace or rebuild and how to do it How to find and measure specifications color photos 192 pages (80_138665AP)
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Teenager Owners Workshop Manual by Haynes: 160 pages in hardcover covering areas of teenage life from physical and emotional development to education and social problems (99_H4409)
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Performance Ignition Systems by Christopher Jacobs, Ph.D. E.E. A Complete Electronic ignition guide 176 pages (75_1306)
$195.95 |
The Fiberglass Boat Repair Manual by A. Vaitses hardbound 171 pages (77_fiberglass)
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Turbocharging by Mark Warner 192 pages (82_1488)
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How to Supercharge & Turbocharge GM LS Series Engines with design & operation procedures in detailin 144 pages with over 350 color photos (90_SA180)
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Professional Airbrush Techniques by V. Goodeve (50_Pref_Airbrus)
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Dad Workshop Manual by Haynes 192 pages in hardcover for fathers who want to involve sons & daughters in projects & activities and build them play equipment (99_H4443)
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Hot Rod Detailing By Timothy Remus (Hot_Rod_Detaili)
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Racing Engine Builders Handbook by Tom Monroe 192 pages (72_1492)
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Engine Builders Handbook by Tom Monroe 170 pages (67_1245)
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Weld Like A Pro Beginning to Advanced Technique by J Uttrachi 144 pages (65_SA343)
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1001 More High Performance Tech Tips by Wayne Scraba 192 pages (54_1429)
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Performance Welding Manual his valuable guide to quality welding covers techniques used for Indy and NASCAR race cars, experimental aircraft, and other applications requiring high-quality welds by Richard Finch (53_124530AP)
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Performance Welding Handbook 2nd Ed. by Richard Finch (53_139436AP)
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Garage: Reinventing the place we park: 208 hardbound color pages by K. Obolensky (53_Z_134043AE)
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How To Paint Your Car on a Budget Manual Guide on Painting Your Car at Home in Your Garage by Pat Ganahl (80_SA117)
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Custom Auto Interiors by D. Taylor & R. Mangus in full color photos 178 pages (50_978931128186)
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Custom Auto Interiors in SPANISH language by Don Taylor & Ron "The Stitcher" Mangus in full color photos 178 pages in SPANISH language Tapiceria de Autos Customizados (50_SPANISH_INTR)
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Paint & Body Handbook by Don Taylor & Larry Hofer 140 pgs (55_HP_1082)
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Basic Chassis, Suspension & Brakes by Petersen's First Edition (69_PetChasSus)
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Hot to Swap GM Chevrolet LS Series Engines into Almost Anything swaps by Jefferson Bryant 144 pages (B00_SA156)
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How to Restore Automotive Trim and Hardware by John Gunnell (B09_145816)
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Automotive Welding - A Practical Guide by Jeffrey Zurschmeide and Russell Nyberg (B09_SA159)
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Hemmings vintage auto almanac: 1999, 13th edition (55_127215AE)
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Ultimate Garages: 224 pages by P. Berg. A beautiful book about the most important room in the house. (55_33758)
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Ultimate Garages II 2nd volume 192 hardbound pages by Phil Berg. A beautiful book about the most important room in the house. (55_36729)
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Budget Auto Restoration Low Cost Step By Step Trick for Rejuvenating Your 50s & 60s Cars by B. Mills (55_Restor)
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Ultimate Garages III 3rd volume 192 hardbound pages by Phil Berg. A beautiful book about the most important room in the house. (55_Ult_Gar_3)
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Supercharged! by Corky Bell: Designing, Testing, & Installing Supercharger Systems (55_Z_GSUP)
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Auto Math Handbook by John Lawlor 148 pg of calculations & formulas for auto enthusiasts incl brake horsepower torque center of gravity air capacity final drive ratios compression ratios and more 250 ill (60_HP_1020)
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Differential application book (70_Axle)
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