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Peugeot 505 shop service repair manual by Haynes for 4 cylinder gas petrol engine. We offer a special diesel supplement as a separate item to go along with this manual for diesel applications. (87_0762)
$39.95 |
83-97 Peugeot 205 shop service repair manual by Haynes incl. all models (GTI, Cabrio, etc.) (89_0932)
$34.95 |
82-96 1.7 & 1.9L Diesel Haynes shop service repair manual for Peugeot engines (90_0950)
$34.95 |
Sporting Peugeot 205's; a collectors guide. by D. Thornton. 128 hardbound pgs. (90_125381AE)
$22.95 |
ZF 4 HP-22 Techtran Transmission Manual by ATSG as used in BMW Peugeot Alfa Romeo Lincoln Marks Diesel and Jaguar Vehicles with 4HP22 Automatic Trans (80_ZF4HP22_ATSG)
$39.95 |
86-2001 Samurai Sidekick Tracker Vitara & X90 shop service repair manual by Haynes for Suzuki & Geo Chevrolet does not cover V6 or 1.8 (89_90010)
$34.95 |
85-2000 Metro Sprint & Swift Large Format shop service repair Manual for Chevrolet Geo & Suzuki by Chiltons (92_28700)
$29.95 |
Peugeot 205 T16 by Graham Robson Technical details facts and fihures of this successful rally car 100 photos 128 pages (85_145975AE)
$29.95 |
83-98 Peugeot 205 Owners Manual (90_Peug_205_OM - Not a shop manual)
$34.95 |
Peugeot 205 T16 Haynes Enthusiast's Manual 160 pages Hardcover by N. Garton (9781785212512)
$29.95 |
85-2001 Metro & Sprint shop service repair manual by Haynes for Chevrolet & Geo (95_24075)
$34.95 |
La Peugeot de mon pere 505 in French by Dominique Milleron History and the production of the Peugeot 505 Hardcover with photographs 120 pages (85_505_Pere)
$199.95 |
76-92 Identification Interchange Manual for Foreigh & Domestic Cars & Trucks by Hollander 2 volume set (85_Id)
$89.95 |
78-96 Engine parts 1 interchange Manual for Foreign & Domestic Cars & light duty Trucks by Hollander 62nd edition (80_Engine)
$89.95 |
83-01 Peugeot 106 205 206 306 Shop Manual by Porter for Gas & Diesel in approx 300 pages including engines 1.0 1.1 1.4 1.6 1.8 1.9 2.0 incl Turbo. Does not cover HDI or 16v (90_PM3845)
$39.95 |
Service Codes: Binder of Service Codes - Peugeot factory service (81_PeugotSvcCod)
$14.95 |
Tools: Special Tools Catalog - Peugeot official (81_SpecToolsPeu)
$14.95 |
Service Operations Manual by Peugeot (81_SvcOperation)
$14.95 |
74-97 Timing Belts Manual for Domestic & Imported Cars & Trucks. Covers Inspection Replacement & Tensioning (74_Adata_belt)
$36.95 |
Improve and Modify Peugeot 205 by Dave Pollard and Lindsay Porter (87_F833)
$34.95 |
Peugeot Scooter Manual by Haynes for repair and service of Peugeot Scooters (75_3920PeuScoot)
$34.95 |
Samurai Sidekick Tracker Vitara Jimmy SJ410 SJ413 Shop Service Repair manual by Russek for Suzuki covers 1.4 1.3. & 1.0 does not cover V6 or 1.8 (90_SJ_Russek)
$39.95 |
Peugeot 203 Auto Collection 24. French language collector car magazine from 1995. 35 pages. Hors Serie Auto Passion (95_Peugeot203)
$49.95 |
Peugeot 403 Auto Collection 29. French language collector car magazine from 1995. 35 pages. Hors Serie Auto Passion (95_Peugeot403)
$49.95 |
Phillipe Charbonneaux in French by Dominiqe Pagneux The history of the designer, Hardbound with full color photographs 175 pages (68_34060)
$64.95 |
Vitesse Elegance French Expression of Flight & Motion by S. Bellu covering Voison Hispano Suiza Renault Peugeot Panhard Chenard & more Mullin Automotive Museum (68_VitesseElega)
$139.95 |
Les Carrosseries Henri Chapron by Dominiquie Pagneux in FRENCH Hardcover with full color photographs and information about the famous designer 192 pages (60_34059)
$89.95 |
Geo Storm 4 Speed Transaxle Shop Service Repair Manual by Geo GM Service Technology Group published 1989 (89_17002021)
$39.95 |
00-91 Small Diesel Shop Service Repair Manual by Intertec 493 page book for Isuzu Kubota Mitsubishi Peugeot Volkswagen and other small diesel engines (50_DieselIntert)
$39.95 |
Volume 04, Issue 4 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Duesenberg PF Sigma Peuget, F. Gordon Crosby (B20_AQVol04Iss4)
$12.95 |
Volume 29, Issue 1 of Automobile Quarterly featuring MGA, Peugeot Gray-Dort Edgar Roy's Miniature Simplexes Chrysler 1903 Napier (B20_AQVol29Iss1)
$29.95 |
Volume 29, Issue 3 of Automobile Quarterly featuring C.O.P.O. Camaros, Edsel, Lincoln Highway, Peugeot Racing, Summit, Aston Martin DB3, Japanese sports cars. (B20_AQVol29Iss3)
$29.95 |
Peugeot history in Australia from 1889-2001 in 96 pages (70_Peugeot_AU)
$29.95 |
Peugeot Coupes Cabriolets par Francois Allain en Francais Histoire Modele 21 a Modele 307 CC. 160 pgs pub par ETAI 2001 (B01_PeugeotCC)
$65.95 |
Armand Peugeot by Piero Casucci in English French and Italian, hardcover. Over 150 pages of photographs and information about the founder of the Peugeot company. (53_32448A)
$79.95 |
00-08 200 years of Peugeot through 2008 31 pgs album by R. Ward (50_190048262)
$19.95 |