Description |
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88 505 Sedan & Wagon Unibody, Chassis, & Frame Dimension & Specification Chart for Peugeot by KLM (88_505_Frame)
$19.95 |
88 Warranty Booklet for Peugeot. (88_Warranty)
$4.95 |
88-91 505 Electrical workshop manual by Peugeot includes Turbo (89_505_Elec)
$69.95 |
86-88 Service Bulletins by Peugeot for all 504 and 505 404 (86_88_peugeot)
$29.95 |
405 ABS Operating Principle Checks-Repairs-Adjustments Workshop Manual by Peugeot (90_405_ABS)
$39.95 |
Engine Overhaul manual by Peugeot for 405 models (both 2 valve XU9J2 and Mi16 4 valve XU9J4) (89_405_EngOhl)
$59.95 |
405 Body Equipment Workshop Manual by Puegeot (90_405_BodyEqui)
$69.95 |
405 Body Structure Workshop Manual by Peugeot (90_405_BodyStru)
$49.95 |
405 Climate Control workshop Manual by Peugeot (90_405_Climate)
$42.95 |
405 Electrical Workshop Manual by Peugeot (90_405_ElecSvc)
$64.95 |
405 Body Structure - SportsWagon Workshop manual by Peugeot (90_Wgn_Bod405)
$34.95 |
405 XU9J2 Engine Overhaul workshop Manual by Peugeot (91_XU9J2_Ohl)
$39.95 |
86-91 505 Automatic Transmission 4 HP 22 Repair Manual by Peugeot & ZF including oil flow charts from 86 on for 4HP22. (885_505_AT)
$49.95 |
2.2i ZDJL Engine Overhaul Manual by Peugeot for 2.2 engine as used in 505 (88_ZDJL_OH)
$39.95 |
86-91 4HP22 Automatic Transmission Shop Service Repair Manual by Peugeot & ZF (89_4HP22)
$39.95 |
505 2.2i ZDJL Engine Workshop Manual by Peugeot (89_505_2_2ZDJL)
$69.95 |
505 V6 ZN3J Engine Workshop Manual by Peugeot (89_505_V6Engine)
$69.95 |
85-92 505 Turbo Gas Engine N9T-N9TE Overhaul Manual Techinical Training (88_505_TGEngn)
$19.95 |
505 Turbo Gas Injection & Ignition technical training N9T (88_505_TGInjTra)
$19.95 |
85-92 505 Turbo Gas N9T, N9TE, N9TEA Engine Workshop Manual by Peugeot (88_505_TGN9TE)
$79.95 |
1988-95 Geo Metro Fuel and Emission Control Systems manual (88_GEO_Fuel)
$24.95 |
89-91 Service Bulletins by Peugeot for all 505 & 405 (89_91_peugeot)
$69.95 |
Peugeot Technical Training System Diagnosis 505 405 (89_Pg_Tek_Train)
$69.95 |
86-93 309 repair manual by Haynes, hardback book for Peugeot (90_1266)
$34.95 |
85-92 shop service repair manual by Haynes for Toyota Corolla, Geo Prizm & Chevrolet Nova (90_24060)
$34.95 |
405 505 LU, LU2, LH2.2, Motronic Operating Principle by Peugeots (90_405_505_OpMa)
$29.95 |
85-93 Prizm Large Format Manual for Geo by Chiltons. (89GE_28760)
$29.95 |
Peugeot 405 Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes, for all models including Mi16 (91_1559)
$34.95 |
88-96 405 Diesel models, hardback repair manual by Haynes for this Peugeot (92_3198)
$34.95 |
Warranty Statements (88_WarrentyStat)
$6.95 |
Diesel Engines 504 505 604 Inc. turbo shop service Repair Manual for Peugeot by Haynes 2.0 2.1 2.3 2.5 XD2 XD2S XD3S OWM161 OWM162 1974-1990 (84_1607)
$89.95 |
505 504 Diesel Engine XD2, XD2C, XD2S Workshop Manual by Peugeot (85_505_DieslEng)
$69.95 |
78-89 305 repair manual by Haynes, hardback book for all models of this Peugeot (84_0538)
$34.95 |
505 Body & Interior, Maintenance General, Workshop Manual by Peugeot (86_505_Body)
$89.95 |
505 Steering, Brakes, Suspension, Wheels & Tires, Workshop Manual by Peugeot (86_505_ChasStee)
$69.95 |
505 Clutch, Manual Transmission BA10/5 & Automatic 3HP22 Transmission Workshop Manual by Peugeot (86_505_CltchTrn)
$39.95 |
505 Driveline, Front Axle, & Rear Axle, Workshop Manual by Peugeot (86_505_DriveLin)
$49.95 |
L-Jetronic; Technical Training (86_L_Jetronic_X)
$28.95 |
86-98 Samurai Sidekick Tracker X90 Large Format shop service Repair Manual for Geo & Suzuki by Chiltons 2 & 4 wheel drive (92GE_66500)
$39.95 |
Peugeot 505 shop service repair manual by Haynes for 4 cylinder gas petrol engine. We offer a special diesel supplement as a separate item to go along with this manual for diesel applications. (87_0762)
$39.95 |
83-97 Peugeot 205 shop service repair manual by Haynes incl. all models (GTI, Cabrio, etc.) (89_0932)
$34.95 |
82-96 1.7 & 1.9L Diesel Haynes shop service repair manual for Peugeot engines (90_0950)
$34.95 |
ZF 4 HP-22 Techtran Transmission Manual by ATSG as used in BMW Peugeot Alfa Romeo Lincoln Marks Diesel and Jaguar Vehicles with 4HP22 Automatic Trans (80_ZF4HP22_ATSG)
$39.95 |
86-2001 Samurai Sidekick Tracker Vitara & X90 shop service repair manual by Haynes for Suzuki & Geo Chevrolet does not cover V6 or 1.8 (89_90010)
$34.95 |
85-2000 Metro Sprint & Swift Large Format shop service repair Manual for Chevrolet Geo & Suzuki by Chiltons (92_28700)
$29.95 |
85-2001 Metro & Sprint shop service repair manual by Haynes for Chevrolet & Geo (95_24075)
$34.95 |
78-96 Engine parts 1 interchange Manual for Foreign & Domestic Cars & light duty Trucks by Hollander 62nd edition (80_Engine)
$89.95 |
83-01 Peugeot 106 205 206 306 Shop Manual by Porter for Gas & Diesel in approx 300 pages including engines 1.0 1.1 1.4 1.6 1.8 1.9 2.0 incl Turbo. Does not cover HDI or 16v (90_PM3845)
$39.95 |
Service Codes: Binder of Service Codes - Peugeot factory service (81_PeugotSvcCod)
$14.95 |
Tools: Special Tools Catalog - Peugeot official (81_SpecToolsPeu)
$14.95 |