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How to Build Honda Horsepower: 192 pgs by R. Holdener; with the results of 2,000 dyno tests of all Honda & Acura engines including NSX, 2.2, 1.8, Civic SI, Del Sol, and more... (98_SA71_P)
$34.95 |
Electrical and Electronic Systems Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes (99_4251_3049)
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Honda Acura Engine Performance by Mike Kojima How to modify D B & H series engines for street and drag racing performance 192 Color pages (B00_1384)
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Goldwing: the complete story of the Honda Goldwing 176 hardcover pages by P. West (875_136600AE)
$34.95 |
BF75 7.5hp BF100 10hp Marine outboard owners manual by Honda (90_31882621 - Not a shop manual)
$39.95 |
Honda Gold Wing History by Darwin Holmstrom with Motorcycle Collector Series (90_GoldWingHist)
$29.95 |
76-07 Honda CG125 Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes Motorcycles (91_0433)
$34.95 |
1981-2012 Chilton Flat Rate Labor Guide provides repair times for all Domestic AND Imported vehicle models (95_143546155X)
$292.95 |
85-2016 Honda Bikes Shop Service Repair Manual XR50R XR80R XR100R CRF80F CRF100F by Haynes (95_2218)
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88-19 Honda VT600 & 750 Shop Service Repair Manual 288 pages by Haynes for VT 600 & VT750 VT600C Shadow VLX VT600CD VT750C VT750CD & American Classic Edition (95_2312)
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85-16 Honda CMX250 Rebel CB250 Nighthawk Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes (B00_2756)
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68-99 Honda Mini Trail Enthusiast's Guide All Z50 49cc by J. Polson 144pgs with over 350 color and b/w photos (84_WP432)
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67-99 Honda C50 70 90 Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes (79_324)
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Honda Civics Haynes Xtreme Customizing Manual offers complete coverage on customizing this line of vehicles including engine performance and brake upgrades to interior and exterior modifications & more (90_11373)
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65-99 50 110 OHC Singles Shop Service Repair manual, 408 pages by Clymer for Honda covering Trail 90 Z50A Z50R S65 C70 CL70 C70M SL70 CT70 S90 ST90 XL70 CD90 SL90CL90L C90 CL90 CT90 CT110 Super Cub and more.. (82_M310_13)
$39.95 |
Honda & Acura Performance Handbook, by Mike Ancas; 160 pg. guide to hot rodding Hondas (88_128074AP)
$25.95 |
A History of the Honda CB750 by Mick Duckworth (87_135863AE)
$64.95 |
83-20 Honda XL/XR600R and XR650L/R Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes - covers XL600R XR600R XR650L XR650R (95_2183)
$48.95 |
78-16 Honda Rebel 250 & Twinstar Nighthawk 250 Rebel 250 Shop Service Repair Manual over 321 pages by Clymer (87_M324_5)
$34.95 |
Honda GP Racers by Colin MacKellar 60-98 history and important bikes including NR500 and NSR Series 192 pages Pub by Crowood Press (98_HondaGP)
$29.95 |
Scooters 50cc to 250cc by Haynes Techbook guide to servicing and routine maintenance including engine automatic transmission fuel system & specifications for Honda Piaggio Vespa & other popular models (90_10452)
$49.95 |
59-2000 Motorcycle Identification Guide by Honda covers all models ATV, Scooters, Motorcycles with VIN #, photos, color info 524 pages (90_2GMAS00AH)
$129.95 |
Build Your Own Off Road Buggy for as Little as 100 by R Champion published by Haynes hardcover 96 pages (81_H642)
$49.95 |
Honda Passion history of the Sport Car Models by Honda such as S2000 S800 NSX CRX Type R S500 and more hardcover 160 pages by B. Fournol in FRENCH language (B06_Hond_Passio)
$139.95 |
MotoGP Technology 2nd Ed Neil Spalding 272 pages (B12_193964)
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Motorcycle Tuning Chassis by John Robinson, 259 pages covering Steering and Handling, Rolling Chassis, Suspension, Brakes, Welding, Bodywork, Tyres, Wheels and Driveline, and more... (90_0_75061840_X)
$29.95 |
Sport Compact Bolt On Performance - Volume 1 Import Cars - by Joe Pettitt (B00_SA65)
$24.95 |
MotoGP Technology 3rd Ed Neil Spalding 304 pages (B19781999885601)
$39.95 |
Pursuit of Dreams the First 50 Years of Honda 213 page hard cover history (73_PursuitHonda)
$129.95 |
ATV Basics Manual by Haynes (A guide to Maintaining, buying and riding ATVs (76_10450)
$34.95 |
High Performance Honda Builders Handbook Volume 1 by J Pettitt 160 page restoration guide (80_HondaPett)
$34.95 |
Classic Japanese Performance Cars 144 pages by B. Hsu (70_CT504)
$189.95 |
Honda: Portrait of a brand: 180 hardbound pages history about the company from the start thru 2000 (76_130851AE)
$69.95 |
Honda Motorcycles: 192 hardcover pages by A. Frank covering all models from 1948 through 2003 (75_135767AP)
$34.95 |
6 Six men who built the modern auto industry 400 pages by R. A. Johnson featuring Lee Iacocca of Chrysler Henry Ford II Eberhard von Kuenheim of BMW Bob Lutz of GM Shoichiro Honda Fredinand Peich of VW Volkswagen Audi (75_Z_137386AP)
$27.95 |
The High Performace Two Stroke Engine 352 pages hardcover by Dixon (78_137533)
$59.95 |
Small Engine Repair Manual by Haynes covering Briggs & Stratton, Tecumseh, Honda, and other small engines: 219 hardcover pages (71_1755)
$39.95 |
Honda Motor: The Men The Management The Machines , by Tetsou Sakiya (80_HondaMotors)
$29.95 |
Twist and Go ( Automatic transmission ) Scooter Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes for all 50cc to 250cc with carburetor engines in 328 pages with over 700 photos Aprilia Derbi Gilera Honda Malaguti MBK Peugeot Piaggio Sachs Suzuki Vespa Yamaha (83_4082)
$34.95 |
Jim Redman MBE Six Time World Motorcycle Champion the Autobiography 288 pages pub by Veloce Publishing (98_Redman)
$29.95 |
Restoring Motorcycle Electrics by Roy Bacon For Owners and Restorers of all Motorcycles Vintage Classic and Collectible (60_Rest_Electri)
$89.95 |
Engine Performance Techbook by Haynes (B00_10333)
$29.95 |
Total Control - High Performance Riding Techniques for Bikes by Lee Parks - Explains techniques for high performance riding of street motorcycles (90_135935AP)
$26.95 |
The Outboard Book by Nigel Warren Emergency repair guide, Trouble-shooting charts maintnance tips also Easy guide to Picking the right engine Maximum fuel economy and more... (70_outbrdbook)
$18.95 |
Small Engine Repair up to and including 5 HP engines by Haynes Techbooks (99_10340)
$29.95 |
Small Engine Repair for 5.5 HP through 20HP Four Stroke Engine by Haynes Techbooks (99_10341)
$29.95 |
Motorcycle Journeys Through the Pacific NorthWest by Bruce Hansen more than 30 trips in Washington Oregon Northern California Idaho and British Columbia Harley Honda Ducati Suzuki Kawasaki (B05_139506AE)
$24.95 |
Performance Motorcycles - Masterpieces of Engineering by Mick Walker (B01_PerfMotoWal)
$9.95 |
The Art of the Motorcycle edited by M Drutt published by Guggenheim Museum for their exhibit in 1998 large hardcover 427 page history featuring numerous photographs (46_MotorcyclArt)
$59.95 |
Reeds Outboard Motor Troubleshooting Handbook by B. Pickhtall (99_outbrd_TRBL)
$39.95 |