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56-61 Rambler Collision Parts Manual by Rambler, AMC (58_Rambler_Part)
$34.95 |
54-62 Nash Austin Hudson Metropolitan Manual collection on CD-Rom by the offical archive of British Motor Heritage Trust onto CD Rom containing 3 different Metropolitan Factory Shop Service Repair Manuals, 4 different factory Metropolitan Parts Manuals, & 2 different factory Metropolitan Owners Manuals (655_HMCC1105)
$59.95 |
54-62 Metropolitan Story 208 pages by P. Foster about Nash Metropolitan & Austin Metropolitan (58_0966201914)
$29.95 |
51- Hydra-Matic Transmission Shop Service Repair Manual for Models H-50, H-51, H-52, & J-52 by Hudson (55_Huds_HMD)
$39.95 |
Metropolitan Onwers Handbook Techinical Service Manual by Clymer (60_Metro_Clymer)
$49.95 |
Fifities American Cars by Mike Mueller General history with color pictures 96 pages pub by MBI 1994 (94_AmericanCars)
$24.95 |
50-60 Rambler Collision Parts Manual by Mash Rambler AMC (53_F-14056)
$99.95 |
Independent Compact Cars by D Narus 120 pages covering Hudson Kaiser Frazer Nash Studebaker & Willys (50_Compact)
$22.95 |
Nash Styling Sketchbook of designs after WWII 86 pages by P. Foster (55_0966201906)
$49.95 |
49-64 Independent Hardtops 157 pages over 200 B&W photos featuring Packard Studebaker Hudson Nash Kaiser Frazer Willys by Don Narus (55_independent)
$39.95 |
Detroit Muscle Factory Lightweights and Purpose Built Muscle Cars by C. Morris 192pgs Hardcover with over 450 color photos (B17_CT579)
$39.95 |
50-69 Rambler Photo Archive history of the company by P. Foster top AMC historian (60_10171)
$29.95 |
AMC Performance Cars 1951-1983 Photo Archive documents AMC's high-performance cars from the 1951 Nash-Healey to the V8 Gremlin Javelin and much more by Foster (67_10219)
$39.95 |
54-87 AMC Cars 160 pg history w/ 300+ photos by Foster incl American Classic 770 Ambassador Pacer AMX Javelin Rebel Alliance Eagle Gremlin Sportabout Matador SX4 Healey Metropolitan Rogue Wasp Rambler Marlin & more (70_10203)
$44.95 |
Hemmings book of Pickup Trucks drive reports from Special Interest Autos magazine 120 pages 1938 to 1972 variety of trucks (49_truck)
$19.95 |
Hudson Automobiles Illustrated History 128 pages with 190 illustrations by Patrick Foster (40_10357)
$42.95 |
Hemmings Book of Postwar American Independents Drive Reports from Special Interest Autos Magazine 120 pages by the Magazine Editors that thoroughly explores the joys and trials of owning or collecting some of America's most sought-after cars (65_Hemmings)
$19.95 |
Hudson Fun at work the Hudson Story (50_Hudson_Fun_a)
$17.95 |
00-62 Rambler Family Album Pictorial of the Passenger Cars Manufactured by Rambler Jeffery Nash Hudosn LaFayette Ajax Essex Terraplane Metropolitan pages year by year look at the cars 150+ photos (31_RambFamilyAl)
$39.95 |
Bud's Book - A book all about the extensive and internationally admired Car Collection of Bud Lyon by David E. Davis (60_BudsBook)
$174.95 |
Early American Car Advertisments by Q David Bowers (40_EarlyAdverti)
$19.95 |
Motor Memories - A Saga of Whirling Gears by Eugene W Lewis (47_MotorMemorie)
$12.95 |
Volume 07, Issue 4 of Automobile Quarterly featuring; Bertone Carrabo, Indy 500 first race history, Puma GT, Railton Speedmaster, others (B20_AQVol07Iss4)
$14.95 |
The Cars That Hudson Built by John A Conde (40_CarsHudsonBu)
$129.95 |
The World of Automobiles vol 9 An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Motor Car covering models HO through JA including HRG Humber Hudson Hupmobile Imperia Innocenti Invicta Ido Isotta Isuzu Itala Jaguar and more (40_WOA_V09)
$29.95 |
Ken Purdys Book of Automobiles (72_KenPurdyBA)
$9.95 |
The Great Old Cars - Where are they now - by Stanley K Yost (60_GreatOldCars)
$24.95 |
The Golden Age of Sports Cars by Louis William Steinwedel (72_GoldenAgeSpo)
$9.95 |
Automobiles of America - Milestones Pioneers Roll Call and Highlights - Wayne State University Press (60_AutoOfAmeric)
$14.95 |
Caltex Book of Veteran and Vintage Cars in New Zealand by Mollie Anderson (70_CaltexVetera)
$14.95 |
Motoring History by LTC Rolt - from the early Steam Vehicles of the 19th Century to the streamlined vehicles of today - published 1964 (64_MotorHistory)
$14.95 |
Great Collectors Cars by Gianni Rogliatti - over 130 vehicles selected from the Great Automotive Collections of the United States and Europe (73_CollectorsCa)
$19.95 |
Cars that Never Were - The Prototypes - by Richard M Langworth (80_CarsNeverWer)
$24.95 |
Volume 09, Issue 4 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Pininfarina Modulo, Hudson, Datsun 240Z. (B20_AQVol09Iss4)
$19.95 |
Volume 49 Issue 2 of Automotive Quarterly featuring Mercedes W165 Hudson Dodge Charger Osca Maserati and more... (B20_AQVol49Iss2)
$149.95 |
Pickups - Classic American Trucks by Harry Moses and William Bennett Seitz - A Photographic and textual history of the classic American pickups (50_PickupGreatA)
$14.95 |
Volume 51 Issue 1 of Automotive Quarterly featuring Indy 500 Hudson Hornet Neander Duesenberg (B20_AQVol51Iss1)
$59.95 |