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15-23 Model H Owners manual by International Truck (20_ModelHOwn - Not a shop manual)
$39.95 |
47-55 Independent Pickups by D Narus 108 pages all about Crosley Hudson International Nash Studebaker Willys Flower Cars Bantam Kaiser Frazer & more (51_NarusPickup)
$39.95 |
41-49 parts book for K1 to K5 KB1 to KB5 by International (48_MT_52D)
$124.95 |
41-49 parts book K6 K7 KB6 KB7 by International 1,200 pages (48_MT_53D)
$149.95 |
82-90 MT-145 Medium S Series Models Parts Catalog Manual by International HUGE 6" Thick (90_MT145_Parts)
$149.95 |
40-49 K and KB Truck Shop Service Repair Manual by International for CTS-8 622 pages (45_1106)
$69.95 |
62-71 Travelall & Pickups Shop Service Repair Manual by International cover 1/2-1 ton (67_9468)
$129.95 |
59-74 International CTS 2301 Shop Service Repair Manual covering the Heavy Duty R-185 VCO and up Fleetstar Models 210-230 M series Co-Transtar Conventional Transtar & Unistar 2,784 pgs (70_CTS2301)
$249.95 |
Factory Wiring Diagrams Manual for the International 9600 and 9700 Trucks Published 1989 (89_96009700Wiri)
$39.95 |
Auto Wagon Model MW AW MA and AA Owners manual by International Harvester (11_AutWagon_OM - Not a shop manual)
$39.95 |
71-80 International Scout II Accessories Sales Brochure by International 34 pages color & BW illustrations Owners Manual size (71_SctII_Acc)
$34.95 |
71-80 Scout II Parts Manual by International (72_9467)
$89.95 |
61-71 Scout 80 800 800A and 800B Shop Service Repair Manual by International Harvester (65_9469)
$84.95 |
Model HS-74 Owners manual by International Truck (25_HS74Inter_OM - Not a shop manual)
$34.95 |
Six Speed Special truck parts manual by International (29_MT_12C)
$49.95 |
31-34 MT-20-B Parts manual A-1, A-2 & B-2 by International (30_MT20B_Parts)
$69.95 |
MT-35 model C-15 Parts manual by International (30_MT35PartsC15)
$69.95 |
MT-81 Parts Manual models LF-190 LF-191 LF-192 (Six Wheel Series) by International (51_MT81_Parts)
$64.95 |
Parts List for R Models R-185 thru RF-212 by International (54_R_PartsList)
$44.95 |
International MT-67 Parts manual models L-170 L-171 L-172 L-173 L-174 & L-175 Standard,Schoolmaster Loadstar,Roadliner (55_MT67_Parts)
$59.95 |
International MT-76 Parts manual models LC-160 LC-161 LC-162 (Cab-Forwarded Series) (55_MT76_Parts)
$54.95 |
Six-Speed Special Owners manual by International Truck (25_INT3041 - Not a shop manual)
$39.95 |
Diesel Engine SD22 4 cylinder & SD33 6 cylinder Engine Operation & Maintenance Manual by Nissan for Patrol International Scout II (70_AUSSD01)
$39.95 |
R V RF VF CO COF VCO VCOF 190 200 210 220 owners manual heavy duty truck by International (60_100316 - Not a shop manual)
$34.95 |
7.3 Litre Engine Shop Service Repair Manual266 pages by International (91_CGES4351)
$69.95 |
Overhauling McCormick Deering 10-20 15-30 Farm tractors shop service repair manual by International Harvester (30_A_176_0)
$34.95 |
International Speed Truck Owners manual by International Truck (21_INT-2877 - Not a shop manual)
$39.95 |
62-80 International Scout, Station Wagons, & Pickups 2 & 4WD Tune-Up & Maintenance Guide by Mike Bishop Carbooks Inc (71_IntrntlTuneM)
$199.95 |
Motor Home Chassis Service manual CTS-2305 (70_CTS2305MHSvc)
$89.95 |
61-80 International Scout complete illustrated history by M. Banks 132 pgs (709781583883402)
$34.95 |
61-80 International Scout Encyclopedia 384 pages Hardcover history by Allen & Glancy (709781937747510)
$74.95 |
61-80 International Scout Gold portfolio of articles compiled into book form by Brooklands; 172 pages includes Family cruiser Sportop Aristocrat Suntanner SR2 Traveler Terra Rallye Pickup SS2 V8 4 & 6, diesel road tests and comparison (70_A_INS61G)
$49.95 |
1961-1980 Scout by D Narus all about International Harvester Scout 80 800 & II models 60 pages (70_ScoutNarus)
$39.95 |
RM-120 121 & 122 Metro Motor Trucks Operators Manual by International (50_RM120_22_OM)
$29.95 |
Metro Parts Manual for Metro SM-122 Post Office truck (59_MetrPostPrt)
$44.95 |
Cab-over Operator's Manual, all ACO & ACOF series trucks (59_CabOverOM)
$29.95 |
900 series service manual (specify year) by International Harvester (64_900_Custom)
$94.95 |
Compact Tractor Shop Service Repair Manual covers International Harvester, Jacobsen, Massey-Ferguson, MTD, Simplicity, Western Auto, Wheel Horse & White by Technical Publications Div. (vol.2) (72_CompaTractV2)
$19.95 |
Model 43 Owners manual by International Truck (30_Modl43Int_OM - Not a shop manual)
$34.95 |
Operators owners manual for V-195, 200, 210, 220, VF-190, 200, 210, 230 V401 V461 V549 trucks by International truck medium heavy (61_1002386 - Not a shop manual)
$34.95 |
50-78 International Truck Parts Manual 2,308 pages in 2-volumes for R-models 185 & up V190-V220 VF190-VF210 VCO190-VCO For Trucks with FA Serial Numbers - 1853-FC, 1853-DFC, 193-RE such as ACO-190, ACO-200, ACO-220 ACOF-190, ACOF-200 AC-220-D BC-225-D ACF-190-D, ACF-200-D BCH-195-D CO-190 to CO-220, COF-190 to COF-200 DCO-200, DCO-220, DCOF-190, DCOF-200 R-185 to R-220, RF-190 to RF-210 RD-190 to RD-220, RDF-190 to RDF-210 V-190 to V-220 VF-190 to VF-210 VCO-190 to VCO-220 VCOF-190 to VCOF-200 R-190-4X4, R-210-4X4 RF-190-6X6, RF-210-6X6 (64_MT_105_Parts)
$289.95 |
Models V-195 to V-220 and VF-195 to VF-230 Owners manual by International (65_MdlV195_OM - Not a shop manual)
$32.95 |
R, RF-185 to R-230 Series Owners manual by International (68_1002368 - Not a shop manual)
$34.95 |
Operators manual and sales bulletin for 4-152 Turbo engine (80_152TurboOSBM)
$19.95 |
S-100 to S-180 Series, including S-120 4x4, 140 4x4, 160 4x4, SA-120, & 140, SM-120 to 160, V-190 to VF-230, VCO-190 to VCOF-200 with FR serial numbers, & R-185 to R-220 with serial number FR-27001-up. (57_MT103_Parts)
$89.95 |
International Harvester Shop Service Repair Manual by I&T Covering models F12 F14 F20 F30 W12 W30 and W40 farm tractor (53_IH_2)
$39.95 |
CTS-2711 IN-633 Diesel Service manual (78_CTS2711DSvc)
$59.95 |
CTS-2790 633-T Turbo Diesel Service manual (78_CTS2790TDSvc)
$59.95 |
International Harvester Models 600 650 Shop Service Repair Manual by Clymer (58_IH_11)
$34.95 |
Farmall Cub & Cub Cadet by Ken Updike 128 pages 40 BW photos 80 color detailed history of popular farm & garden tractors (66_135118)
$24.95 |