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61-75 Jaguar XK-E by Zeichner. Illustrated history of 6 and 12 cylinder coupe and roadster models. (68_088740247)
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Jaguar E-type, by Matthew L. Stone; 128 pg. history of Jaguar's classic sports car (OUT OF PRINT) (68_122144AP)
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E-type The Complete Story of the XKE - by Jonathan Wood 208 page history of Jaguar's 6 & 12-cylinder sports cars (68_126406AE)
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E-type history by Denis Jenkinson; 144 page history of The Jaguar XKE (OUT OF PRINT) Osprey AutoHistory (68_128243AE)
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Jaguar E-Type Portrait of a Design Icon xke by Glen Smale How design inspiration & technical advances combined in the development of this car The history of the Jaguar E Type 250 photos hardcover 244 pages (68_145300)
$54.95 |
Definitive history of the Jaguar E-type; by Phillip Porter; 688 pages on XKE (68_199744)
$99.95 |
Great Car: E-Type History and Chronicle on occasion of the 40th aniversary of the Jaguar by N. Thorley: 184 hardbound pages (68_H813)
$59.95 |
E-type Story on CD by P. Porter: interactive with interviews and video clips from authors 15 years of writing Jaguar books. (68_PCD001)
$59.95 |
The Little book of E type Jaguar by Stan Fowler 128 page history book (69_149485)
$9.95 |
61-75 Jaguar XKE Documentation book by Walter Zeichner with Technical Information and many photos (69_31238)
$44.95 |
54-69 Jaguar Shop Service Repair Manual by Chiltons (63_Chilton_SVC)
$24.95 |
All About the Jaguar E-Type XKE 314 page book with 800 illustrations includes the best articles published in Jaguar Quarterly Jaguar World, & Classic Jaguar World by experts such as Philip Porter Jim Patten & Paul Skilleter (69_39793)
$129.95 |
Zenith Stromberg CD to 1976 Workshop manual by Haynes (73_300)
$39.95 |
Lucas Fast Moving Parts Catalog Manual, Apr. '78 & Buyers Guide, Feb. '78, in 3-ring binder (78_PartsCat)
$22.95 |
Jaguar Borg Warner Model 35 Automatic Transmission Shop Service Overhaul & Repair Manual by Jaguar as used in XJ6 Mark II 240 340 S-Type & others (70_Jag_BW35_AT)
$49.95 |
Jaguar C-Type D-Type & Lightweight E-Type Register 240 pages (56_8799771400)
$399.95 |
Challenge Me the Race Book by Mike Hawthorn (58_Challenge_Me)
$34.95 |
The complete Companion for the Jaguar Mark VII to 420G by Nigel Thorley (61_JagCompVII)
$129.95 |
Jaguar V12 Engine-Its desgn and Background by Walter T.F. Hassan, OBE. 52 pages story about development up to 1977 (73_V12_Engine)
$19.95 |
65-83 BW 65/66 Transmission Shop Service Repair Manual by ATSG as used in BMW 2800 250 3.0CS Jaguar XJ6 & Puegeot 504 (74_BW65_66_ATSG)
$39.95 |
Style Auto #14 featuring; Ro80, BRE, Iso Rivolta S4, Jag Pirana... (69_Z_14)
$34.95 |
Transport Service Equipment Jaguar Service Tools by Churchill (65_Jag_Tools)
$19.95 |
British Cars Shop Service Repair Manual by Robert Bentley for all models through 1970 (70_Bent_Brit)
$34.95 |
Powered by Jaguar history of Jaguar powered sports racers including HWM Cooper Lister Tojiero and more by Doug Nye 208 pages (58_33150A)
$49.95 |
50-70 Mk VII VIII IX X & 420G Gold Portfolio 172 pages of articles about Jaguar sedans compiled by Brooklands (60_A_J51GP)
$39.95 |
John Tojiero and his cars by G. Gauld (60_Tojiero)
$39.95 |
Jaguar XJ6 XJ12 Daimler Vanden Plas & XJS History book by Chris Harvey 134 Hardbound pages (Osprey AutoHistory) (70_XJ_Harvey)
$32.95 |
48-70 Classic Jaguar XK cars by B. Laban 208 pages hardcover XKE XK120 XK140 XK150 (59781785001932)
$44.95 |
SU Workshop Manual covering Carburetors and Fuel Pumps: H HD HS HIF AED Thermo Mechanical & Electric (62_211_305)
$59.95 |
Complete XK series by J. Boyce comprehensive history of the XK 120-150 with tips on running one today. 192 hardbound pgs. about XK120 XK140 XK150 120 140 150 (50_122842AE)
$49.95 |
45-70 A-Z Of Cars for Classic and Sportscars (575_AZ_Classic)
$89.95 |
Autocourse History of the Grand prix Car by Doug Nye 1966-1991 351 pages with many B&W and color photos highly detailed with every car and race reports (80_gpnye)
$129.95 |
Enginge Tune Up Guide 127 pgs by B. Corey from the Modern Sports Car Series by Sports Car Press (62_EngineTuneUp)
$26.95 |
Jaguar E-Type File 3.8 4.2 V12 by M Buckley 110 page hard cover history with numerous photographs (88_JagETypeFile)
$34.95 |
Weber Zenith Stromberg SU Carburetor Shop Service Repair Manual from Haynes Techbook covers Theory & Operation Maintenance & Tuneup Detailed overhaul procedures application & reference tables Weber conversions (65_10240)
$34.95 |
SU Carburetor High Performance Manual by Des Hammill 96 pages how to set up tune & modify for maximum performance many color photos (65_145117)
$179.95 |
SU Carburetor Tuning Tips & techniques & SU fuel pumps Manual 5th edition 186 pgs Design Function Charts Jet tables by make Comprehensive by G. Wade (65_B_SUT)
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Jaguar Saloons; Grace, Space and Pace by C Harvey, 279 pages hardbound featuring all the famouse sedans by Jaguar: Mk1, MkII, MkVII, MkVII, MkIX, MkX, 420G, 420 and more... (OUT OF PRINT) (65_Saloons)
$39.95 |
Classic British Car Electrical Systems: Your Guide to Understanding, Repairing and Improving the Electrical Components and Systems That Were Typical of British Cars from 1950 to 1980 by Astley (69781845849481)
$79.95 |
Jaguar & BMW Borg Wagner model 65 / 66 Transmission Shop Service Repair Manual by ATSG (75_BW65_66Trans)
$39.95 |
92 Lucas Parts Catalog Manual - Brake Clutch Electrical, new, in non-Lucas binder (92_PartsCat)
$54.95 |
The Classic Jaguar Saloons: A Collector's Guide by Chris Harvey 128 Hardbound pages MK II I 420 G 240 340 and more... (55_JagSaloon)
$39.95 |
The New Guide to Classic Cars - An A-Z of Automobiles from 1945-1975 by Martin Buckley (60_NewGuideClas)
$9.95 |
R&T Henry Manney at Large and abroad 100pg of his best writing for Road & Track Magazine in book form (65_HMRT)
$49.95 |
Jaguar Since 1945 by Richard L. Busenkell 151 hardbound pages with many B&W photos, history to 1977 (45_JAG_HIST)
$19.95 |
Mighty Jaguar Sports Car by D Nye 105 page history covering XK120 E Type XJS Cabriolet & more (52_MightyJag)
$59.95 |
46-81 British Sports Cars in America by J A Stein 144 pages (62_BritSportCar)
$79.95 |
Fault Diagnosis Shop Service Repair Manual by Lucas 44 pgs (80_990_035)
$19.95 |
Jaguar Sports Racing & Works Competition Cars from 1954 onward: 624 hardcover pages by A. Whyte. Volume #2 of a 2 volume set. This volume covers all Jaguar Racing activity from 1954 onward through the 80's (70_H8432)
$99.95 |
Classic Cars Jaguar History Book by Roger Hicks (83_JAG_CLASSIC)
$48.95 |