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70 E Type Body Frame Dimension Chart for Jaguar by Tru Way (70_E_Frame)
$19.95 |
69-71 XKE Maintenace Chart for 4.2L Series 2 E-Type Coupe & Roadster & 2+2 wall chart listing routine maintenance lube points and more by Jaguar (70_XKE_Maint)
$39.95 |
69-71 XKE Electrical Wiring Diagram by Jaguar for Series 2 4.2 Liter E-Type S2 (70_XKE_Wiring)
$14.95 |
67-71 Jaguar 4.2 E-Type Large Maintenance Wall Chart (69_42E_MTN)
$9.95 |
67-71 Jaguar 4.2 E Type XKE Series 2 Large Foldout Electrical Wiring Diagram (69_42E_WIR)
$49.95 |
69-73 Jaguar XJ6 Large Foldout Electrical & A/C Wiring Diagram (71_XJ6_WIR)
$29.95 |
70-74 Jaguar Technical Service Bulletins and parts bulletins by British Leyland (72_JAG_TECH)
$59.95 |
420G Maintenace Chart by Jaguar wall chart listing routine maintenance lube points and more (67_420G_Maint)
$19.95 |
69-73 XJ6 Series 1 4.2 shop service repair Manual 570 pgs by Jaguar (71_1_B_J56WH)
$69.95 |
69-74 Jaguar Shop Manual for Series 2 E-Type 69-71 XJ6 70-74 Series 3 E-Type V12 72-74 XJ12 73-74 by Chilton's (71_Jag2_Chilton)
$32.95 |
68-73 XJ6 Wiring Diagram by Jaguar (71_XJ6_Wire)
$29.95 |
65-71 XKE 4.2 E-Type Air Conditioning service Manual by Jaguar (68_XKE_AC_Svc)
$19.95 |
Tuning S.U. SU Carburetors Manual Includes Full Needle Charts by Speedsport Motobooks Hitachi Carbooks Tune Adjust Repair Rebuild (72_Tuning_SU)
$34.95 |
62-70 Jaguar E-type 3.8 4.2 shop service repair manual by Scientific Publications 206 pages (65_77)
$39.95 |
61-74 XKE Factory Shop Service Repair Manuals & Parts Manuals by Jaguar for all 3.8 & 4.2 & 5.3 series 1 & 2 & 3 E-Type both 6cyl & V12 on CD-Rom (66_JHM1119)
$69.95 |
68-75 Jaguar XJ6 Sovereign Shop service Repair Manual by Autobooks (73_XJ_AB_SVC)
$23.95 |
60-70 Mk X Mkx 420, 420G, & S-Type, Shop Service Manual by Jaguar on CD for Mark X, 420, 420 G, 3.8S, and others (65_JHM1116)
$69.95 |
E-Type Restoration Manual for Jaguar XKE 224 hardcover color pages by D. Barzilay (66978178500284)
$64.95 |
61-72 XKE Shop Service Repair Manual by Autobooks for Jaguar E-Type (66_158850039X)
$34.95 |
61-71 Jaguar XKE E-Type 3.8 & 4.2 Series 1 & 2 Factory Shop Service Repair Manual, 800 pages. 4 lbs. (66_1_B_J28WH)
$89.95 |
61-71 Jaguar XKE 6Cyl 3.8 & 4.2 Shop Service Repair handbook by Clymer for E-Type (66_3842RPR)
$39.95 |
61-71 Jaguar XKE Shop Service Repair Manual by Drake Publishing (66_XKE_Drake)
$49.95 |
1967 Jaguar Sales & Service Facilities in the United Kingdom 29 page list of Jaguar dealers (67_Sales)
$19.95 |
65-75 Jaguar Model 12 Automatic Transmission Shop Service Repair Manual (70_JagMod12AT_S)
$49.95 |
61-72 Jaguar XKE 6 cylinder Shop Service Repair Manual for E-Type Series 1&2 Roadster Coupe & 2 + 2 61-71 3.8 4.2 in 279 pages by Haynes (66_0140)
$79.95 |
68-79 XJ6 parts & Shop Service Repair Manual on CD by Jaguar (78_JHM1120)
$64.95 |
Race Tuning, 'Jaguar E-Type Tuning & Preparation for Competition use' factory publication fro XKE 24 pages. 6 cylinder 3.8 4.2 (68_2_B_J275HH)
$19.95 |
Restoration of an E-type by Jaguar World & Practical Classics & J Patten 104 pages covering both Series I 6-cyl and Series III V12 XKE many color photos showing how to do it restore (68_32563A)
$69.95 |
E Type Shop Service Repair Manual by Jaguar in FRENCH language for XKE (68_JAGE_FRS)
$82.95 |
Jaguar XK-E, A Source Book, edited by Dale Sass. Illustrated contemporary reviews and advertisments. (68_0934780390)
$29.95 |
61-74 Restorer's guide; Original E-Type Jaguar guide to originality for restoration in hardcover by P. Porter for XKE XK-E (68_114979AP)
$89.95 |
Restoration Guide for Jaguar XKE 6 & 12 cyl. by Dr. T. Haddock; 256 pages. for E-Type XK-E (68_125100AP)
$69.95 |
61-75 How to Restore Jaguar E-Type 272 pages by Crespin for all XKE version including V12 & 6 cylinder (B03_194226)
$499.95 |
Jaguar E-Type Super Profile by Andrew Whyte covers all models 3.8 4.2 and 5.3. 56 pg illustrated hardcover (JAGKE_3_8)
$39.95 |
Zenith Stromberg CD to 1976 Workshop manual by Haynes (73_300)
$39.95 |
Jaguar Borg Warner Model 35 Automatic Transmission Shop Service Overhaul & Repair Manual by Jaguar as used in XJ6 Mark II 240 340 S-Type & others (70_Jag_BW35_AT)
$49.95 |
Jaguar V12 Engine-Its desgn and Background by Walter T.F. Hassan, OBE. 52 pages story about development up to 1977 (73_V12_Engine)
$19.95 |
65-83 BW 65/66 Transmission Shop Service Repair Manual by ATSG as used in BMW 2800 250 3.0CS Jaguar XJ6 & Puegeot 504 (74_BW65_66_ATSG)
$39.95 |
Restorers guide by Nigel Thorley for Jaguar XJ series 1 2 &3 Original XJ6 beautiful book of originality for restoration (75_143388AP)
$34.95 |
68-87 XJ6 Shop Service Repair Manual for Jaguar XJ-6 XJ 6 by Haynes (75_49010)
$34.95 |
Restoration Manual for 68-87 Jaguar XJ6 Hardbound by Dave Pollard Series 1 2 3 History Buying Specification bodywork mechanics interior electrics modifications restore Haynes (75_H4020)
$289.95 |
Purchase & Restoration Manual for 68-87 Jaguar XJ6 Hardbound by Dave Pollard Series 1 2 3 History Buying Specification bodywork mechanics interior electrics modifications restore Haynes (75_XJ_PR)
$89.95 |
68-87 XJ6 Jaguar World series 1 2 3 with history buyers guide servicing advice and more.. (78_36088A)
$39.95 |
Transport Service Equipment Jaguar Service Tools by Churchill (65_Jag_Tools)
$19.95 |
British Cars Shop Service Repair Manual by Robert Bentley for all models through 1970 (70_Bent_Brit)
$34.95 |
68-89 Jaguar XJS XJ6 XJ12 Electrical Wiring Diagrams highly detailed by McLean 92 pages covering all XJS from 75-89 and all XJ6 & XJ12 from 68-78 (74_5325X)
$79.95 |
68-90 Jaguar V-8 Conversion Manual by M. Knell approx 150 pages Covers installing a Chevrolet V8 engine into a Jaguar (79_Jag_V8_Conv)
$59.95 |
Limousine Shop Service Repair Manual by Daimler (72_DAIMLIMSHOP)
$76.95 |
SU Workshop Manual covering Carburetors and Fuel Pumps: H HD HS HIF AED Thermo Mechanical & Electric (62_211_305)
$59.95 |
Enginge Tune Up Guide 127 pgs by B. Corey from the Modern Sports Car Series by Sports Car Press (62_EngineTuneUp)
$26.95 |