Description |
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88 XJS Model year update 29 pages by Jaguar describing technical changes (88_S79)
$49.95 |
88 XJ6 & XJS Unibody, Chassis, & Frame Dimension & Specification Chart for Jaguar (88_XJ6_XJS_Fram)
$19.95 |
88 Jaguar XJS Shop service Repair Manual Update Supplement (88_XJSsupp)
$44.95 |
88 XJ6 3.6L electrical guide wiring & relay diagrams by Jaguar for XJ6 & VDP (89_S57_88)
$49.95 |
88.5 XJS Owners manual by Jaguar (88_JJM180203_85 - Not a shop manual)
$144.95 |
88 Passport to Service by Jaguar (88_passport_Ser - Not a shop manual)
$24.95 |
88 XJ6 Owners Manual by Jaguar (88_XJ6_OM - Not a shop manual)
$59.95 |
87-88 Hess & Eisenhardt convertible parts & service manual for the coachbuilt Jaguar XJS info on changes from Coupe. XJS service manual by Jaguar required for complete (875_H_E_Svc)
$159.95 |
88-89 Maintenance Handbook by Jaguar for XJ6 89 pages (885_JJM18140585)
$19.95 |
88-89 XJ6 Shop Service Repair Manual complete multi volume set by Jaguar for XJ 6 includes Vandenplas Vanden Plas 2.9L 3.6L (885_XJ6_Svc)
$89.95 |
88-89 XJ6 3.6 litre Required Tools Training Service Repair Manual by Jaguar (885_XJ6_Tools)
$24.95 |
88-89 XJ6 VDP 3.6 product enhancement update Service Repair Manual 34 pages by Jaguar (88_s28)
$14.95 |
88 XJ6 VDP 3.6 Technical service introduction manual 34 pages by Jaguar (88_S59)
$19.95 |
87-88 Hess & Eisenhardt Convertible XJS Owners Manual supplement: 18 pages for XJ-S Convertible (875_H_E_OM - Not a shop manual)
$89.95 |
89 XJ6 & VDP owners manual by Jaguar (89_JJM18020590 - Not a shop manual)
$69.95 |
87-89 XJ6 XJS Electrical Systems Batteries & Charging Training Service Training Manual by Jaguar (88_S62_87)
$29.95 |
87-88.5 XJS owners manual by Jaguar for Coupe & Cabriolet (88_AKM9157 - Not a shop manual)
$129.95 |
JAGUAR XJS 3.6 Shop Service Repair Manual in German for XJ-S 6-cyl 3.6 (86_JAGXJS3_6S)
$94.95 |
XJ220 Shop Service Repair Manual by Jaguar for XJ 220 Supercar (90_XJ220_Svc)
$799.95 |
88-92 XJ6 Power Hydraulic System Training Service Repair manual by Jaguar used with wiring diagrams (92_S_73)
$29.95 |
87-91 XJS Parts Catalogue Manual official factory publication by Jaguar includes both V12 and 6-cyl models; 316 pages. 3.6, 5.3 Litre, XJ-S (89_B_J85PH)
$72.95 |
87-92 XJ6 Technical Introduction manual by Jaguar incl VDP 3.6 (895_XJ6TechIntr)
$49.95 |
86-91 Jaguar XJ12 Series 3 Owners Manual by Jaguar (89_XJ12_OWN - Not a shop manual)
$59.95 |
$94.95 |
88-94 XJ6 XJ40 VDP & XJ12 Factory Shop Service Repair Manual & Parts Manual on CD by Jaguar for all 6 cyl & V12 incl 4.0 3.6 & V12 (88_JJM_1172)
$64.95 |
88-94 Jaguar XJ6 & VanDenPlas Sovereign Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes (91_3261)
$44.95 |
88-94 Jaguar XJ6 VDP Sovereign 3.6 4.0 shop service repair manual by Haynes (91_49011)
$39.95 |
88-94 XJ6 Shop Service Repair Manual by Jaguar of New Zealand 190 pages 280 illustrations with large foldout wiring diagrams XJ40 (91_B_J40WH)
$39.95 |
88-94 Engine AJ6 Shop Service Training Repair Manual by Jaguar for XJ40 XJR XK40 XJS XJ6 (91_Jag_AJ6_Engn)
$49.95 |
1991 Jaguar Technical Service Bulletins book by Jaguar covering all models including XJS XJ6 and more (91_Jag_Bul)
$49.95 |
91 Maintenance Handbook for XJ6 Vandenplas and Soverign by Jaguar, 106 pages. (91_JJM18140590)
$19.95 |
87-89 XJ6 XJS Electrical Systems Batteries & Charging Training Service Training Manual 2nd Edition by Jaguar (91_S70_88)
$29.95 |
88-94 XJS XJ6 3.6 & 4.0 Chassis Brakes & Tools service training shop repair manual by Jaguar (91_T_450)
$59.95 |
88-94 XJS XJ6 XJ12 Climate Control Mark III & IV training service shop repair manual by Jaguar (91_T_700_94)
$29.95 |
88-94 Jaguar XJ6 XJ40 Evolution of the Species by Andrew Whyte with foreword by Sir John Egan 192 hb pages many colour and bw photos detaling story leading to new style XJ6 (88_XJ40_story)
$59.95 |
The Jaguar XJ 40 Project The full story of the car's inception & developement. published by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers 94 pages w/ photos illustns. and diagrams (89_XJ40_Project)
$34.95 |
XJ40 Engineering by Jaguar Monthly the Engineering behind the 1988-1994 Jaguar XJ6 (90_BKSXJ40ENG)
$39.95 |
88-94 You & Your Jaguar XJ6 by N. Thorley: 160 pages hardbound about buying, enjoying, maintaining, & modifying the XJ40 series XJ6 (91_134658)
$39.95 |
86-94 The Essential Buyers Guide for Jaguar Daimler XJ6 XJ12 & Sovereign Vandenplas XJ40 models work throught the long list of XJ variants to identify and decide on the model you want tips & photos to help even novices 100 color photos 64 pages by P. Crespin (91_147839)
$19.95 |
Jaguar Monthly & Car Mechanics Jaguar XJ40 Buying Guide & Maintenance Manual for 88-94 XJ6 Sovereign VandenPlas 94 XJ12 in 119 pages of full color photos & service information (91_32555A)
$39.95 |
1988 XJ40 Evolution of the Species History book by Andrew White Foreword by Sir John Egan 192 hardbound pages (91_JBK13)
$29.95 |
88-89 Parts Manual XJ6 2.9 3.6L Official Factory Parts Manual by Jaguar (885_B_J145PH)
$49.95 |
82-89 XJS XJ-S engine performance fuel injection emission controls shop manual 60 pages by Jaguar (88_s58)
$68.95 |
1993 Jaguar Technical Service Bulletins book by Jaguar covering all models including XJS XJ6 and more (93_S7493)
$49.95 |
85-92 XJR-9 Sports Racing Cars Owners Workshop Manual by Haynes 168 pgs hardcover also covers XJR5-XJR15 XJR9 (89781785211133)
$36.95 |
88-92 Jaguar XJ Vanden Plas Sales brochure 12pgs 9.5"x9.5" (90_JagVP_Sales)
$19.95 |
85-93 Jaguar XJ-9 includes all Jaguar XJR Group C and IMSA sports racing cars XJR-5 to XJR-16 An insight into the design engineering & operation of Jaguar's Wolrd Championship IMSA & Le Mans winning cars by Haynes (89_H6113)
$39.95 |
88-96 Service Bulletins Manual by Jaguar (92_Jag_Bulletin)
$149.95 |
86-94 XJ6 Gold Portfolio, 172 pgs of articles about XJ40 Jaguar, compiled by Brooklands (90_A_JJ86GP)
$54.95 |
88-96 Ultimate Portfolio 215 pages of articles about Jaguar XJS compiled by Brooklands (92_A_J88UP)
$44.95 |