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55-57 Jaguar Portfolio of articles, compiled by Brooklands 66 pgs. OUT OF PRINT (56_JagBrookland)
$29.95 |
54-57 XK140 Large Maintenance Wall Chart 20" x 27" (55_XK140_MTN)
$59.95 |
54-57 XK140 Electircal Wiring Diagrams For the Complete Restorer18 pgs (56_XJ140WD)
$32.95 |
54-57 Jaguar XK140 explored 445pgs by Bernard Viart with over 2,500 original drawings detailing every part in color with notes and history (555_1908658029)
$2,999.95 |
54-57 XK140 owners manual; 72 pages by Jaguar (56_B_JXK140HH - Not a shop manual)
$34.95 |
XK140 & Mk VII Parts manual Jaguar parts book for cars with auto trans (56_147ATparts)
$37.95 |
XK140 spare parts manual by Jaguar 1955-57 open two seater fixed head drop head coupe (56_JAGXK140P)
$79.95 |
Jaguar D-type autobiography of XKD504 320 hardcover pgs by P. Porter (57_PP525)
$119.95 |
54-61 Jaguar XK140 XK150 In Detail by AD Clausager in 192 hardcover pages with over 300 photos (58_146685AE)
$79.95 |
51-61 Xk120 xk140 xk150 Mk7 Mk8 Mk9 automatic transmission shop service repair manual by Scientific publications & Jaguar267 pages (57_21)
$49.95 |
Automatic Transmission Shop Service Repair Manual by Jaguar as used in Mark Mk VII 7 VIII 8 Mark 9 XK140 Xk150 2.4 3.4 3.8 Mark 2 (60_Jag_A_Trans)
$49.95 |
Le Mans 1949-59 The Official History of the World's Greatest Motor Race 352 pages hardcover by Spurring (55_193958)
$69.95 |
50-60 Road and Track on Jaguar 96 pgs of road test articles about all models compiled by Brooklands (55_A_JRT50)
$23.95 |
Jaguar XK120 140 150 Mk7 8 9 Shop Service Repair Manual Covers XK 120 XK140 XK150 MkVII MkVIII MkIX 1949 - 61 by Clymer (50_XK_Clymer)
$34.95 |
Restorers guide to Jaguar XK120 XK140 XK150 by Phillip Porter Original XK 120 140 150 in 144 pages (60_TP510)
$69.95 |
Jaguar XK120 XK140 XK150 Sports Cars pictorial history from introduction with its advanced DOHC in line six XKs cemented a reputation for fast stylish cars 121 illustrations by Ludvigsen (55_10242)
$29.95 |
49-61 Essential Jaguar XK 120 140 150 concise history with nice color photos XK120 XK140 XK150 by Mike Lawrence 80 pages (55_121445AE)
$29.95 |
48-60 XK120 XK140 XK150 Gold Portfolio, 180 pages of articles about Jaguar sports car, compiled by Brooklands (60_A_JKGP)
$39.95 |
XK120 140 150 Mk7 8 9 Shop Service Repair Manual 784 pages Covers XK 120 XK140 XK150 MkVII MkVIII MkIX 1949-61 by Jaguar (50_B_J12WH)
$129.95 |
48-61 Factory shop Service repair Manual & parts catalogue on CD by Jaguar for XK120 XK140 XK150 OTS FHC DHC body styles as well as XKSS & D-Type (54_JHM1162)
$89.95 |
48-61 Jaguar XK120-150 Mk7-9 Shop Service Repair Manual by Autobooks XK140 XK 120 140 150 Mk 7 8 9 VII VIII IX (55_1588500268)
$44.95 |
48-61 Jaguar XK120 XK140 XK150 DIY Restoration & Maintenance 304 pages hardcover by Exelby (55_PP535)
$69.95 |
56-65 Jaguar Repair Manual for all models by Chiltons covering E-type 340 420 XKE 420G and more... (60_Jaguar1)
$29.95 |
Original Jaguar XK The Restorers guide XK120 XK140 XK150 3rd Edition 384 hardbound pages many color photos by Phillip Porter XK 120 140 150 (60_original3rd)
$189.95 |
51-64 Jaguar Sports Racing Cars C-Type D-Type XKSS Lightweight E-Type by Philip Porter pub by Bay View Books 174 pages (1870979672)
$49.95 |
48-61 Jaguar XK Pacesetters frin Coventry XK 120 140 & 150 XK120 XK140 XK150 by Nikas 96 pages (559781445673462)
$21.95 |
48-61 Jaguar XK Collectors Guide for XK 120 140 & 150 XK120 XK140 XK150 by Skilleter 128 pages (55_133439AE)
$29.95 |
48-61 Jaguar XK120 XK140 XK150 Essential Buyers Guide for all models of convertible roadster Drophead coupe 3.4 & 3.8 in 64 pages with 94 color photos by N Thorley (55_200091AE)
$24.95 |
48-61 The Iconic Jaguar XK for XK 120 140 & 150 XK120 XK140 XK150 by Porter 210 pages (559781907085147)
$149.95 |
Haynes Great Car Series Jaguar XK 120 140 150 History Celebration & Chronicle by N. Thorley 160 hardbound pages on XK120 XK140 XK150 (55_146009)
$59.95 |
50-65 Jaguar Shop service Repair Manual covers XK 120 140 150 150S XKE 3.8 4.2 MK2.4 3.4 3.8 4.2 by Glenns (60_5083)
$29.95 |
1946-1961 Jaguar Cars - A Practical Guide covering all standard production models by CL Vandiest with service & maintenance procedures for all major parts of the cars (60_JagCarsVandi)
$24.95 |
54-69 Jaguar Shop Service Repair Manual by Chiltons (63_Chilton_SVC)
$24.95 |
Jaguar The Jaguar XK by Chris Harvey (55_Jaguar_XK)
$59.95 |
Jaguar C-Type D-Type & Lightweight E-Type Register 240 pages (56_8799771400)
$399.95 |
48-70 Classic Jaguar XK cars by B. Laban 208 pages hardcover XKE XK120 XK140 XK150 (59781785001932)
$44.95 |
Complete XK series by J. Boyce comprehensive history of the XK 120-150 with tips on running one today. 192 hardbound pgs. about XK120 XK140 XK150 120 140 150 (50_122842AE)
$49.95 |
Enginge Tune Up Guide 127 pgs by B. Corey from the Modern Sports Car Series by Sports Car Press (62_EngineTuneUp)
$26.95 |
SU Carburetor High Performance Manual by Des Hammill 96 pages how to set up tune & modify for maximum performance many color photos (65_145117)
$179.95 |
Classic British Car Electrical Systems: Your Guide to Understanding, Repairing and Improving the Electrical Components and Systems That Were Typical of British Cars from 1950 to 1980 by Astley (69781845849481)
$79.95 |
Jaguar Since 1945 by Richard L. Busenkell 151 hardbound pages with many B&W photos, history to 1977 (45_JAG_HIST)
$19.95 |
34-66 Jaguar, by Lord Montagu. Large format illustrated history includes SS, C, D and E Type, saloons. 222 pgs (50_Montagu)
$49.95 |
Mighty Jaguar Sports Car by D Nye 105 page history covering XK120 E Type XJS Cabriolet & more (52_MightyJag)
$59.95 |
Jaguar Guide by John Bentley "The complete story of the famous Jaguar car." One of the popular 1950's Modern Sports Car Series. Provides an excellent history from the XK 120 through the C and D Types and good comptition coverage of early Le Mans models. Also includes specs, performance data, maintenance and other features (57_JagGuide)
$17.95 |
Jaguar Sports Racing & Works Competition Cars from 1954 onward: 624 hardcover pages by A. Whyte. Volume #2 of a 2 volume set. This volume covers all Jaguar Racing activity from 1954 onward through the 80's (70_H8432)
$99.95 |
Classic Cars Jaguar History Book by Roger Hicks (83_JAG_CLASSIC)
$48.95 |
48-86 Jaguar 6 cylinder Engine Overhaul 94 pages includes SU Carburetor overhaul and Independent rear suspension as well by Jaguar World (67_32557)
$159.95 |
How to Power Tune Jaguar XK 3.4 3.8 & 4.2 engines 120 pages with over 100 photos by Des Hammill Expert advice on how to build and modify Jaguar XK engines for high performance (with a rev limit of around 6000rpm) Speed Pro Series (68_140220AE)
$49.95 |
Jaguar XK engine history buying rebuilding uprating modifying tuning 192 hardbound pages by D. Pollard (67_126453)
$139.95 |
The Jaguar 1979 History Book Vol. 9 of NEKO's "Unforgettable Distinguished Car Series" to coincide with announcement of the new Jaguar XJ Series III. History of the Jaguarn in Japanese with English translation 134 pages (79_Jaguar_Briti)
$39.95 |