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50-54 The Carrera Panamerica Mexico portfolio of 53 articles, 232 pages 300 illustrations about gruelling road race story about Lincoln Ferrari Alfa Romeo Oldsmobile Lancia Chevrolet Porsche Dodge Mercedes Benz (50_A_CPMMR)
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Carrera Panaamericana Mexico by RM Clarke 232pgs The fast paced story of how Lincoln Ferrari Alfa Romeo Oldsmobile Lancia Chevrolet Porsche Dodge Mercedes Benz won glory in the grueling Mexican road races run netween 1950 and 1954 (54_CarreraPanam)
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Ford Postwar Flatheads 1946-1953 Photo Archive with detailed captions describing the cars including original pricing and production numbers where available by J. Moloney 141 illustrations (50_10173)
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50-59 The Fabulous 50s The Cars The Culture Edited by J Gunnell & M Sieber304 pgs (55_Fabulous50s)
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50-59 Cars of the Fabulous Fifties: A decade of High Style and Good Times by James M. Flammang and Consumer Guide illustrated (55_FabulousFift)
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Muscle Cars of the 50's by The Auto Editors of Consumer Guide 96 pages (92_MuscleConsum)
$24.95 |
46-56 The Motor Car by Michael Sedgwick (51_MotorCarSedg)
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Chrome: Glamour Cars of the Fifties History Book by Brian Laban 143 hardbound pages (55_ChromeGlamor)
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49-60 Lincoln Gold Portfolio, 180 pgs of articles about classic American luxury cars, compiled by Brooklands (55_A_LIN49GP)
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Lincoln Motor Cars 1920-1942 Photo Archive edited by Mark A Patrick 128 pages with pictures (31_10054)
$36.95 |
Lincoln Motor Cars 1946-1960 Photo Archive edited by Mark A Patrick 125 pages with pictures (52_10055)
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39-59 Lincoln Convertibles by D. Narus 125 pages including Mercury Edsel Zephyr & more (49_Linc_Convert)
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Cutaway Cars; David Juniper. 10 Classic Cars you can assemble. includes an Aston Martin, Porsche and Ferrari. (42_PaperCars)
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The Lincoln Continental Story from Zephyr to MARK II by Tim Howley 128 pages (48_10246)
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50-79 Auto Wrecks Photos Best Vintage by Herlocher (65_Wrecks)
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Encyclopedia of American Cars 1940-1970 by Richard Langworth hardcover 416 pgs (55_AmCars_40_70)
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46-76 The Investors illustrated guide to American Convertible and Special Interest Automobiles by Charles Webb (61_InvestIllust)
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Lincoln And Continental, The Early Years, Arnold. Comprehensive history from 1921 thru 1956. 256 pg Illustrated (38_5_0878336915)
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30-65 Allure of the Automobile Labaco & Gross (48_39376)
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Hemmings book of Lincoln: 120 pages (48_134653AE)
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Rolling Sculpture - A Designer and his work by Gordon M Buehrig with William S Jackson (75_RollingSculp)
$69.95 |
The Whiz Kids - The Founding Fathers of American Business and the Legacy they left us by John A Byrne 581 hardbound pages history of Ford Lincoln Mercury Edsel (40_WhizKids)
$14.95 |
1903-1953 A Pictoral History of the Automobile - As seen in Motor Magazine - by Philip Van Doren Stern (28_PictoralHist)
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The Golden Anniversary of the Lincoln Motorcar 1921-1971 70 hardbound pages with color illustrations includes Continental (46_GoldenAnnive)
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21-71 Fifty Years of Lincoln Mercury model history by George H Dammann including some Ford models from the era (46_LincMercury)
$49.95 |
Encyclopedia of American Cars 1930-1980 by Richard Langworth hardcover 672 pgs (55_AmCars_30_80)
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20-70 American Truck Spotters Guide by Tad Burness (55_TruckSpotter)
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30-80 Complete Book of Collectible Cars by R Langworth 383 page hard cover History (60_CollCarsLang)
$24.95 |
30-80 50 Years of American Automobile Design 1930-1980 by D Nesbitt oversized hard cover history with numerous photographs (65_50YRAutoDesi)
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Classic Muscle Car Advertising, The Art of Selling Horsepower by MJ Frumkin (75_ClassicAdver)
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Classic Cars & Antiques by H Bowman published by Motor Trend 144 page history covering Cord Mercedes Lincoln Packard & more (25_MotorClassAn)
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Lincoln Buyer's Guide; Woudenberg. All Lincolns and Continentals from 1936 incl limited editions. 144 pg illustrated (63_0879384301)
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Famous Old Cars by H Bowman history covering Bentley Bugatto Cadillac Cord Lincoln Marmon Packard & more (25_FamousOld)
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Antique & Classic Cars by J Wherry published by Motor Trend 128 page history covering Cord Mercedes Lincoln Packard & more (25_AntWherry)
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30-90 Encyclopedia of American Cars by Auto Editors of Consumer Guide hardcover 816 pgs (60_EncyclAmCars)
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The official book of the Antique Automobile Club of America by Robert C Litchy - A 60 year history of dedication the automobile (65_AntiqueAuto)
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Lincoln America's Car of State by Maurice Hendry 160 pages (Ballantines Illustrated History of the car book no 8) (LincolnIllustHi)
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Antique Car Wrecks From Old Cars Weekly "Wreck of the Week" Photo Album edited by J Gunnell 222 pages (31_Wrecks)
$24.95 |
Volume 02, Issue 3 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Lincoln Fiat Lanchester Haynes Apperson Ford Turbine De Palma and more... (B20_AQVol02Iss3)
$19.95 |
00-64 Autobiography by Red Book Blue Book published by National Market Reports buying guide (30_NationalRed)
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The Lincoln Story the Postwar Years 240 page history by T. Bonsall published in 2004 (765_TSD_4127)
$59.95 |
Mark Lincolns - A Classic Source book by Thomas E Bonsall (83_MarkLincolns)
$34.95 |
Ford Police Cars 1932-1997 Story of fast police cars by Ed Sanow (70_125099AP)
$21.95 |
The Cars of Lincoln Mercury year by year model history by George Dammann 1921-1987 (60_Lincmerchist)
$79.95 |
The Lincoln Motor Car Sixty Years of Excellence model history by Thomas E Bonsall (50_LincExcel)
$46.95 |
Omnibus of Speed - An Introduction to the world of Motor Sport - compiled and edited by Charles Beaumont and William F Nolan - 1st Edition, published 1958 (58_OmnibusOfSpe)
$59.95 |
Automotive Jewelry Mascots Badges by M. Furman (B02_31S9A600)
$129.95 |
20-92 Ford Spotters Guide by Tad Burness 192 pages over 1500 illustrations (56_FordSpotters)
$39.95 |
Classic Cars - Fifty Years of the Worlds Finest Automotive Design with great information all about the pioneers of the worldwide industry (76_ClassicCarsD)
$14.95 |
Ford, an Unconventional Biography of the Men and Their Times, by Boonton Herndon (40_FordUnconBio)
$24.95 |