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80 2.2 Esprit Owners Manual by Lotus S2 (80_Espri22S2_OM - Not a shop manual)
$159.95 |
Esprit Turbo Owners Manual by Lotus for early Turbo (81_EsprTurb_OM - Not a shop manual)
$139.95 |
78-81 Esprit S2 Owners Manual by Lotus for S2 2.0 (785_Esprit_OM - Not a shop manual)
$229.95 |
75-81 Lotus Esprit illustrated guide by Brooklands. Collected road tests and driving impressions. 100 pg (78_0907073426)
$49.95 |
80-87 Esprit Shop Service Repair Manual by Lotus for both S3 & Turbo (835_A082t0327J)
$249.95 |
84 Esprit Turbo Sales Brochure Cutaway drawing Black&White 2 sided pg 8.5"x11" (84_Esprit_Sales)
$17.95 |
74-81 Elite Eclat Parts Manual by Lotus (78_Elite_Parts)
$129.95 |
83-87 Esprit Turbo parts manual by Lotus (835_L082T0325J)
$179.95 |
80-87 Esprit S3 parts manual (non-turbo) by Lotus (84_EspritParts)
$169.95 |
74-79 Elite & Eclat Shop Service Repair Manual by Lotus (77EliteEcltSv)
$179.95 |
74-82 Lotus Elite Eclat Road Test Portfolio 160 pages with over 300 photos (78_196646AE)
$39.95 |
74-82 Elite Eclat, portfolio of articles about the Lotus 100 pgs compiled by Brooklands (78_A_LTER1)
$19.95 |
Owners Manual by Lotus for Elite (78_Elite_OM - Not a shop manual)
$159.95 |
76-85 Lotus Service Notes Manual by Lotus Includes Excel Esprit S3 & Turbo (86_A000T0348Z)
$59.95 |
75-85 Labor Time Schedule by Lotus for Esprit, Esprit Turbo, and Eclat (80_Lotus_Labor)
$19.95 |
Eclat Owners Manual by Lotus (80_Eclat22_OM - Not a shop manual)
$129.95 |
76-86 Talbot 1976-1986 Shop Service Repair Manual for Talbot Sunbeam Lotus Graham Robson (86_MRPTSLOTUS)
$35.95 |
72-83 Road & Track on Lotus, 100 pgs of articles compiled by Brooklands (78_A_LTRT)
$23.95 |
Black & Gold: The Story of the John Player Specials by Johnny Tipler 400 pages 1000 illustrations (73_BlackGold)
$64.95 |
Supercars Lotus Esprit Turbo by John Simister (82_Lotus_SprCar)
$39.95 |
74-91 Lotus Elite Eclat & Excel Enthusiast Guide 144 pages by M. Vale (839781785000782)
$29.95 |
Rebuilding & Tuning Kent Ford's Crossflow engine 192 hardcover pages by Peter & Valerie Wallage (72_122047AE)
$99.95 |
Guide to Formula Ford including Alexis Crossle Elden Hawke Lotus 31 51 61 69 Titan & Zink: 84 pages compiled by Unique (68_31538A)
$29.95 |
Gilles Villeneuve Photographic Portrait history 208 page by N. Roebuck (95_146391)
$54.95 |
74-95 Esprit & Turbo & Elite Eclat Technical Manual by Lotus ltd 85 pages for all 4 cyl models (85_Esprit_Tech)
$139.95 |
Lotus Elan - Coupe Convertible and Plus 2 by Ian Ward Osprey - The production history and an owners personal story of the speacial car (84_LotusElanWar)
$39.95 |
Lotus Esprit Mid-Engined S1 S2 S2.2 S3 & Turbo History Book, by Jeremy Walton, 135 pages & hardcover by Osprey (82_LotusEspritH)
$39.95 |
1974-1999 Lotus Caterham Seven - Brooklands Road Test Portfolio in 160 pages with over 350 photos (86_195069AE)
$39.95 |
Lotus Seven Super Profile by G Arnold hard cover history with numerous photographs (75_LotusSuperPr)
$39.95 |
Lotus Since the 70's - Esprit Etna & V8 collectors gude vol 2 by Graham Robson (80_1189936AE)
$49.95 |
Lotus Since the 70's Elite Eclat Excel & Elan collectors gude vol 1 by Graham Robson (80_Lotus70V1)
$49.95 |
Lotus Esprit - The Official Story by Jeremy Walton 224 pages (96_36350B)
$199.95 |
76-05 Lotus Esprit history 96 pgs by M. Younger (89781445669830)
$23.95 |
SU Carburetor Tuning Tips & techniques & SU fuel pumps Manual 5th edition 186 pgs Design Function Charts Jet tables by make Comprehensive by G. Wade (65_B_SUT)
$39.95 |
92 Lucas Parts Catalog Manual - Brake Clutch Electrical, new, in non-Lucas binder (92_PartsCat)
$54.95 |
Electrical and Electronic Systems Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes (99_4251_3049)
$34.95 |
R&T Henry Manney at Large and abroad 100pg of his best writing for Road & Track Magazine in book form (65_HMRT)
$49.95 |
Lotus Sports GT & Touring Cars a competition survey by Chris Harvey 192 hardbound pages published 1980 including Elan 6 7 9 11 15 23 30 Cortina mark 2 mark 6 mark 10 mark 9 and many many more.. (65_LotusSportGT)
$44.95 |
Esprit Portfolio of articles about Lotus Esprit in book form by Unique (80_31578)
$39.95 |
Lotus Esprit Complete Story by J. Walton 192 pgs incl personal histories involvement of individuals in the development of the Esprit its many varied iterations. One of the best book on ANY car. (85_124499AE)
$59.95 |
Colin Chapman's Lotus The Early Years, the Elite and origins of the Elan by Robin Read 332 pgs pub by FOULIS/Haynes (89_ChapmanLotus)
$59.95 |
52-86 Lotus the Renault Years Kimberleys Grand Prix Team Guide no 15 by K Wells racing history (69_LotusRacing)
$29.95 |
46-81 British Sports Cars in America by J A Stein 144 pages (62_BritSportCar)
$79.95 |
Complete Story of Lotus Elan: 208 pgs by M. Taylor includes both the original Elan from the 60's as well as the later Elan of the 90's. (78_124141AE)
$69.95 |
Fault Diagnosis Shop Service Repair Manual by Lucas 44 pgs (80_990_035)
$19.95 |
Complete Story of Lotus Elan 175 pgs hardcover by M. Vale includes both the original Elan from the 60's as well as the later Elan of the 90's (85_1847975102)
$49.95 |
Lotus Seven and Caterham by Andrew Morland. Illustrated History. 128 pages (75_Lotus7_Hist)
$15.95 |
64-2000 Elise, Exige & M250 Lotus Portfolio, 122 pages. Also covers 340R, Elise Sports 135, Elise IIIS, (64_1841553662)
$19.95 |
Lotus & Caterham Sevens by J Coulter 144 hard cover history with numerous photos (75_LotusCater)
$34.95 |
Performance Roadsters the Enthusiasts Guide to Cars Inspired by the Classic Lotus 7 by Ian Stent & Peter Filby 150 pages lots of pictures reviews of kit cars based on Lotus 7 Seven Caterham Dax Westfield Sylvia Vindicator Robin Hood (95_SevenKit)
$39.95 |