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Aspects of Abingdon the Building of the MG MGB and Midget How it was done and the men who did it 112 pgs book by Ken Smith & MG World (67_35595)
$299.95 |
MGB MGC & GT V8 History by D. Knowles: 160 hardcover page in large format with 250 mostly color photos & illustrations large format 10"x10" beautiful book (70_137534)
$69.95 |
62-81 MGB Super Profile by L Porter hard cover history with numerous photos (70_MGBSuper)
$14.95 |
48-68 Post-War MG Saloons CD-Rom Shop Manual (58_HMCC3002)
$39.95 |
50-70 Service Tool Manual by BMC for Austin Healey MG Morris Riley Wolseley Princess & Nuffield Universal Tractor (60_25036)
$52.95 |
56-76 MGA and MGB Shop Service Repair Manual by Clymer 230 pages (66_A165)
$29.95 |
Restoration Preparation & Maintenance for MG Midget & Austin Healey Sprite: 240 pages by Jim Tyler (68_117567AP)
$49.95 |
Restoration Practical Classics & Car Restorer on Midget Sprite restoration 100 pgs. (68_A_MGAMPC)
$44.95 |
British Cars Shop Service Repair Manual by Robert Bentley for all models through 1970 (70_Bent_Brit)
$34.95 |
Guide to Purchase & DIY Restoration of the MGB with Supplementary Information on MGC & MGB V8 by Lindsay Porter (70_MGB_PurchGde)
$29.95 |
Tuning BMC Sports Cars Book by Mike Garton (70_TuningBMCSpo)
$19.95 |
19-39 A-Z British Sports & Thoroughbred Motor Cars by Nick Walker 240 pages (30_146139)
$59.95 |
MGA 1500, 1600, & Twin Cam History Book by F. Wilson McComb Osprey Auto History (70_MGAOspreyAH)
$39.95 |
The Sports Car Rally Handbook by Gene Hammond Techniques for winning time and distance rallies (Rally_Handbook)
$19.95 |
58-79 MG Midget Sprite Shop Service Repair Manual by Clymer (685_A205)
$39.95 |
Power Tune Midget & Sprite for Road & Track 160 pgs. by D. Stapleton complete guide to modification for high performance (68_129983AE)
$69.95 |
58-79 Original Sprite & Midget: Restorer's Guide to all the Austin Healey & MG models by T. Horler 144 pages hardcover (69_200054)
$49.95 |
58-79 MG Midget & Austin Healey Sprite - Expert Guide to common problems and how to fix them by T Horler (70_200082)
$39.95 |
58-79 MG Midget & Austin Healey Sprite Restoration Manual 296 hardbound pages by Lindsay Porter, Haynes (71_H614)
$79.95 |
Sprite & Midget history by J. Edwards: 96 pages about the MG & Austin Healey (69_134433AE)
$39.95 |
62-81 MGB Osprey Autohistory book Hardcover by McComb covering all versions including Roadster Convertible GT coupe & V8 (70_MGB_Osprey)
$29.95 |
58-80 Manual Owners Workshop Manual for MG Midget & Austin Healey Sprite 184 pages compact glove box size (65_B_MG58GBWH)
$39.95 |
58-80 MG Midget Austin Healey Sprite Shop Service Repair Manual 242 pgs by Haynes 948 1098 1275 1500 (69_66015)
$39.95 |
AUSTIN HEALEY Sprite Midget Shop - German Text by MG & Austin Healey (69_AHYSPMDGSGER)
$48.95 |
Restoring Midgets & Sprites an enthusiast's guide by G. Bristow, 216 pages comprehensive covering all versions from 59-80 incl wiring diagrams color charts component restoration & lots of info not contained in the MG & Austin Healey service manuals (69_A_MGSMR)
$47.95 |
58-80 Manual: Owners Workshop Manual MG Midget Compact glove box size, 184 pages. (69_B_MG58GBWH)
$23.95 |
MG T-Series The Complete Story TC TD TF by Graham Robson The first widely available sports car in the UK The MG T Series history 170 photos 200 pages (45_145924AE)
$39.95 |
MG T-Series The Sports Car the World Loved First by J. Nikas 95 pgs (49781445673486)
$21.95 |
58-80 MG Midget & Austin Healey Sprite Essential Buyers Guide by T Horier with over 100 color photos (65_194245AE)
$19.95 |
Volume #1 of Midget & Sprite Magazine. 4 issues: #1,2,3,&4. (69_zVol1)
$18.95 |
34-58 Practical Guide to Maintenance and Repair by C.P. Davidson for all early MG's Cars; Hardcover with Dust Jacket 196 pages including M Midget F Magna D J1 J2, J3 J4 K3 KN L1 L2 PA PB TB VA SA WA TC TA TD Y YT Q RA TF & 1500 Maintenance and Repair (47_MG_Davidson)
$39.95 |
MG Record-Breakers from Abingdon Photo Archive Pictorial history of EX 120 127 135 179 & EX 181 at Pendine Brooklands on the super highways of Belgium & Germany & more With Class Record charts 125 illustrations R. Knudson (45_10208)
$29.95 |
Memories from MGs Abingdon Design Office by D Hayter - The inside story of the MG Design Office from 1956 until it closed in 1980 with explanations of how the various models were planned drawn and developed by the engineers and much more (68_200594AE)
$29.95 |
56-80 Don Hayters MGB Story - The birth of the MGB in MGs Abingdon Design & Development Office (73_200594AE)
$24.95 |
998 How To Power Tune The BMC BL Rover 998 A-Series Engine by D. Hammill: 250 x 207mm. 112 pages. Around 130 black & white photos and line illustrations (62_1901295265)
$299.95 |
SU Workshop Manual covering Carburetors and Fuel Pumps: H HD HS HIF AED Thermo Mechanical & Electric (62_211_305)
$59.95 |
ABC of British Sports Cars Book by Albert Douglas (42_ABCSportCars)
$9.95 |
45-70 A-Z Of Cars for Classic and Sportscars (575_AZ_Classic)
$89.95 |
The MGA MGB MGC Collectors guide 136 pages by G. Robson (66_32512A)
$44.95 |
29-55 Essential MG T-series & Pre war Midget: 79 color pages by A.D. Clausager (47_121447AE)
$32.95 |
29-55 MG Tuning & Maintenance Complete Shop Workshop Manual by Blower 608 pages incl M Midget F Magna D J1 J2 J3 J4 K3 KN L1 L2 PA PB TB VA SA WA TC TA TD Y YT QA RA TF 1500 & more incl Special Tuning, Supercharger & aftermarket hop up (47_X017)
$89.95 |
Enginge Tune Up Guide 127 pgs by B. Corey from the Modern Sports Car Series by Sports Car Press (62_EngineTuneUp)
$26.95 |
50-76 Special Tuning Data and Parts CD Covers MG Triumph Austin Healey Mini Morris Rover (63_HMCC2006)
$39.95 |
Practical Engine Swapping edited by John Thawley Covers how to mount the engine and trans solving electrical problems which swaps are practical how to fit linkages solving cooling problems and much more (76_PracticalEng)
$19.95 |
MG Maintaining the Breed by J. Thornley; 187 pgs. (68_MainT_Breed)
$39.95 |
How to Improve your MGB MGC & V8 by R. Williams 224 pages covering all aspects of the cars 2nd Ed (719781845841874)
$89.95 |
The Mighty MG by Graham Robson: 220 hardbound pages about the MGA Twin Cam, MGC, and MG V8. (65_MightyMG)
$54.95 |
1275 How To Power Tune The BMC BL Rover 1275 A-Series Engine: by D. Hammill: 250 x 207mm. 112 pages. Over 150 black & white photos and line illustrations (72_1901295079)
$98.95 |
67-69 MGC & GT, 72-76 MGB GT V8, 92-96 MGR V8 CD-Rom Shop (815_HMCC3008)
$54.95 |
Weber Zenith Stromberg SU Carburetor Shop Service Repair Manual from Haynes Techbook covers Theory & Operation Maintenance & Tuneup Detailed overhaul procedures application & reference tables Weber conversions (65_10240)
$34.95 |