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59 MGA Twin Cam Owners Manuall Drivers Handbook by MG, 64 pgs (59_B_MG42HB)
$19.95 |
70 MGB and Morris and MG 1100 Body Frame Dimension Chart for MG by Tru Way (70_MGB_Frame)
$26.95 |
77 MGB Body Frame Dimension Chart for MG by Tru Way (77_MGB_Frame)
$19.95 |
1978 Midget Shop service Repair Manual by MG (78_Midget_SVC)
$44.95 |
Quick Reference Guide, all Austin Jaguar MG Rover Triumph (83_QckRefGuid)
$29.95 |
MGA Twin Cam Schedule of Repair Times by MG (58_AKD986A)
$29.95 |
72-73 Technical Service Bulletins, all MG and Austin models (72_TechServBu)
$38.95 |
TF service book by MG incl 1500 (55_B_MG99SH)
$19.95 |
Magnette Repair & Adjustment Time Schedule Manual by MG (58_AKD783A)
$29.95 |
58-60 Twin Cam Workshop Manual, 204 pg service manual for special-engined MGA (59_B_MG41WB)
$59.95 |
MGA Repair & Adjustment Time Schedule Manual by MG (59_MGA_Schedule)
$29.95 |
Magnette MK3 service manual by MG 59-61 original (60_AKD1027)
$39.95 |
59-61 Driver's Handbook owners manual for MG Magnette Mark III. 60 pg. (60_Magnette_III)
$39.95 |
MG Midget Mk1 62-64 service parts list original MG BMC (63_AKD1879)
$39.95 |
62-65 Workshop manual MG Midget MK1 and 2 Austin-Healey Sprite Mk2 and 3 original BMC (64_AKD4021B)
$79.95 |
67-69 MGC Workshop Shop Service Repair Manual 336 pgs by MG (68_B_MG88WH)
$69.95 |
50-53 Practical MG TD Maintenance Update & Innovation 91 pgs by J. Goddard (5)
$99.95 |
48-51 MG Cars Portfolio of Articles compiled by RM Clarke containing information on the MG TC TD Magnette Midget 1 1/4 Litre Saloon PA Type PB Midget and more in 66 pages (50_MGCarsPortfo)
$32.95 |
58-61 MGA Twin Cam Factory Workshop manual by MG (59_MGATwinCam)
$79.95 |
69-72 Workshop Shop Service Repair Manual for the MG MGB Roadster and GT MGBGT by Autobooks Hardcover 176 pages (70_MGB_280)
$32.95 |
45-49 TC Instruction Manual by MG more than an owners manual and almost a complete shop manual but not quite (48_B_MG21WH)
$29.95 |
53-58 Magnette ZA-ZB Shop Manual by MG (55_MGMAGNETTES)
$69.95 |
63-67 1100 Illustrated Body Service Parts list by MG. (65_1100_Bod)
$39.95 |
63-67 1100 shop service repair manual by MG (65_1100_Svc)
$79.95 |
70-74 MGB & GT Chrome Bumper CD-Rom Shop Manual A range of original parts books, workshop manuals, and owners handbooks (72_HMCC3006)
$54.95 |
75-79 MG Midget 1500 Shop Manual on CD-Rom includes all parts catalogs & owners manuals by MG (765_HMCC3010)
$39.95 |
75-79 Midget 1500 Shop Service Repair Manual by MG 260 pages. (77_B_MG49WH)
$46.95 |
V8 Workshop Manual Supplement by MG, 116 pgs, covers V8 engine (77_B_MG66WH)
$26.95 |
75-79 The Complete Official MG Midget 1500 Workshop manual by Robert Bentley 373 pages (77_X131)
$68.95 |
48-53 Y Series Shop service repair manual 1948-53 1 1/4 litre YB by MG (51_MGSERYS)
$45.95 |
50-55 TD & TF Workshop Service manual by MG 'Original' (53_TD_TF_Svc)
$69.95 |
The Complete MG TD Restoration manual by Horst Schach 212 pages (54_31306C)
$199.95 |
The Complete Official 948cc & 1098cc Austin Healey Sprite MG Midget Workshop manual by Robert Bentley 243 pages (63_X023)
$79.95 |
62-67 1100 Mk1 Shop Manual by Autobooks for Austin Morris MG Riley Vanden Plas Wolseley Countryman Traveller Princess (65_800)
$39.95 |
75-80 The Complete Official MGB Shop Service Repair Manual for MG B by Bentley Publishers includes drivers handbook BEST CHOICE FOR 75-80 MGB (77_X112)
$74.95 |
99-04 Rover 25 and MG ZR Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes (B02_4145)
$34.95 |
TD & TF workshop manual original by MG (51_TD_service)
$59.95 |
49-55 TD & TF 1250 1500 Official Workshop service repair Manual by MG 240 pgs. (52_B_MG225WH)
$46.95 |
62-68 MGB & GT Shop Service Repair Manual by P. Olyslager 101 pages (64_MGB_Svc)
$39.95 |
68-74 1100 & 1300 Shop Manual by Autobooks for Austin Morris MG Riley Vanden Plas Wolseley America Countryman, Traveller, & Princess (71_950)
$24.95 |
74-80 MGB & GT Rubber Bumper CD-Rom Shop (77_HMCC3007)
$54.95 |
Tuning and Maintenance of MGs by Smith Period guide for stock and modified MGs. (32_5_Tuning)
$59.95 |
55-62 Complete MGA Shop Service Repair Manual by MG for MGA 1500 1600 & Mk2 in 300 pages by MG (55_B_MG31WH)
$59.95 |
55-62 MG MGA Shop Service Repair Manual 190 pages by Haynes (585_0475)
$59.95 |
55-62 Complete MGA Story by David Styles 200 pages (585_133350AE)
$29.95 |
55-62 MGA The Revolutionary MG 320 pages hardcover (585_Revo_MG)
$34.95 |
55-62 MG MGA incl. Twin Cam CD-Rom Shop (58_HMCC3004)
$39.95 |
Competition Tuning and Preparation Manual for MGA (59_MGA_Comp_Tun)
$14.95 |
57-64 Austin Healey Sprite and MG Midget Shop Service Repair Manual on CD-Rom (605_HMCC1003)
$49.95 |
Restorers guide by Clausager 'Original MGA' 120 pgs. (60_192488)
$49.95 |