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MGA Twin Cam Schedule of Repair Times by MG (58_AKD986A)
$29.95 |
Magnette Repair & Adjustment Time Schedule Manual by MG (58_AKD783A)
$29.95 |
58-60 Twin Cam Workshop Manual, 204 pg service manual for special-engined MGA (59_B_MG41WB)
$39.95 |
MGA Repair & Adjustment Time Schedule Manual by MG (59_MGA_Schedule)
$29.95 |
Magnette MK3 service manual by MG 59-61 original (60_AKD1027)
$39.95 |
59-61 Driver's Handbook owners manual for MG Magnette Mark III. 60 pg. (60_Magnette_III)
$39.95 |
58-61 MGA Twin Cam Factory Workshop manual by MG (59_MGATwinCam)
$79.95 |
55-62 Complete MGA Shop Service Repair Manual by MG for MGA 1500 1600 & Mk2 in 300 pages by MG (55_B_MG31WH)
$59.95 |
55-62 MG MGA Shop Service Repair Manual 190 pages by Haynes (585_0475)
$59.95 |
55-62 Complete MGA Story by David Styles 200 pages (585_133350AE)
$29.95 |
55-62 MGA The Revolutionary MG 320 pages hardcover (585_Revo_MG)
$34.95 |
55-62 MG MGA incl. Twin Cam CD-Rom Shop (58_HMCC3004)
$39.95 |
Competition Tuning and Preparation Manual for MGA (59_MGA_Comp_Tun)
$14.95 |
57-64 Austin Healey Sprite and MG Midget Shop Service Repair Manual on CD-Rom (605_HMCC1003)
$49.95 |
Restorers guide by Clausager 'Original MGA' 120 pgs. (60_192488)
$49.95 |
55-62 Restoration Guide MGA by Malcolm Green: 156 pgs. (61_A_MGAR)
$44.95 |
BMC Austin Morris Mini MG 1100 Automatic transmission 4 speed shop service repair manual by AP 54 pages (65_S700_1)
$19.95 |
MGA & MGA 1600 Schedule of Repair Times Manual by MG (60_MGA_FlatRate)
$29.95 |
59-69 Magnette III ,IV, MG & Riley 468 Shop Service Repair Manual (64_MGMAIIIVR468)
$59.95 |
55-67 MGA & MGB Owners Workshop Service Manual Compact Glovebox Edition 186 pages by Autobooks (60_B_MG42GBWH)
$36.95 |
MG Midget Austin Healey Sprite Owners Shop Handbook Manual of Maintenance & Repair by Clymer (includes Special Section: Increasing Power & Performance) (64_SprtMdgtOHBk)
$49.95 |
55-68 MGA MGB shop Service repair Manual for A, B, & GT by Autobooks (615_MGAB_Svc)
$24.95 |
MG Series A & Magnette Tuning & Maintenance Manual by Philip H. Smith 135 pgs (58_MG_A_Magnett)
$19.95 |
MG Midget & Austin Healey Sprite High Performance Manual 200 pages by D. Stapleton containing mods for engine trans body chassis electrical & tuning info relevant also to Morris Minor Austin A40 Marina Ital & others using A series engine (68_146363)
$59.95 |
Tuning and Maintenance of MG by Philip H Smith (MG_Tun_Smith)
$24.95 |
Tuning SU Carburetors, by Cars and Car Conversions. Covers all models from 1950 thru 1966. (58_Tuning)
$39.95 |
Glenn's Repair and tune-up guide MG Morris TD TF MGA 1500 MGB MG 1100 Midget, MM II 1000 Oxford V Mini-minor MK III and IV (64_1343)
$29.95 |
How to Modify Your Mini by David Vizard Road and Race tuning and modifcation for all Mini MG Midget Sprite engines (66_0863430414)
$139.95 |
58-74 Midget & Sprite Workshop Manual for MG & Austin Healey by Autobooks (66_Autobooks)
$29.95 |
62-74 Official Workshop Manual for Sprite & Midget Mk1-3: 948cc, 1098cc, 1275cc Midget. 330 pgs. by MG and Austin Healey (68_B_A20WB)
$46.95 |
Zenith Stromberg CD to 1976 Workshop manual by Haynes (73_300)
$39.95 |
MG Midget & Austin Healey Sprite Service Guide & Owners Manual for all models by Lindsay Porter & Peter Wallage (80_MGSprtPortrM)
$39.95 |
48-68 Post-War MG Saloons CD-Rom Shop Manual (58_HMCC3002)
$39.95 |
50-70 Service Tool Manual by BMC for Austin Healey MG Morris Riley Wolseley Princess & Nuffield Universal Tractor (60_25036)
$52.95 |
56-76 MGA and MGB Shop Service Repair Manual by Clymer 230 pages (66_A165)
$29.95 |
Restoration Preparation & Maintenance for MG Midget & Austin Healey Sprite: 240 pages by Jim Tyler (68_117567AP)
$49.95 |
Restoration Practical Classics & Car Restorer on Midget Sprite restoration 100 pgs. (68_A_MGAMPC)
$44.95 |
British Cars Shop Service Repair Manual by Robert Bentley for all models through 1970 (70_Bent_Brit)
$34.95 |
Guide to Purchase & DIY Restoration of the MGB with Supplementary Information on MGC & MGB V8 by Lindsay Porter (70_MGB_PurchGde)
$29.95 |
Tuning BMC Sports Cars Book by Mike Garton (70_TuningBMCSpo)
$19.95 |
58-79 MG Midget Sprite Shop Service Repair Manual by Clymer (685_A205)
$39.95 |
Power Tune Midget & Sprite for Road & Track 160 pgs. by D. Stapleton complete guide to modification for high performance (68_129983AE)
$69.95 |
58-79 Original Sprite & Midget: Restorer's Guide to all the Austin Healey & MG models by T. Horler 144 pages hardcover (69_200054)
$49.95 |
58-79 MG Midget & Austin Healey Sprite - Expert Guide to common problems and how to fix them by T Horler (70_200082)
$39.95 |
58-79 MG Midget & Austin Healey Sprite Restoration Manual 296 hardbound pages by Lindsay Porter, Haynes (71_H614)
$79.95 |
58-80 Manual Owners Workshop Manual for MG Midget & Austin Healey Sprite 184 pages compact glove box size (65_B_MG58GBWH)
$39.95 |
58-80 MG Midget Austin Healey Sprite Shop Service Repair Manual 242 pgs by Haynes 948 1098 1275 1500 (69_66015)
$39.95 |
AUSTIN HEALEY Sprite Midget Shop - German Text by MG & Austin Healey (69_AHYSPMDGSGER)
$48.95 |
Restoring Midgets & Sprites an enthusiast's guide by G. Bristow, 216 pages comprehensive covering all versions from 59-80 incl wiring diagrams color charts component restoration & lots of info not contained in the MG & Austin Healey service manuals (69_A_MGSMR)
$47.95 |
58-80 Manual: Owners Workshop Manual MG Midget Compact glove box size, 184 pages. (69_B_MG58GBWH)
$23.95 |