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Improve & Modify MGB 204 pages by Porter & Pollard published by Haynes (71_F668)
$39.95 |
German MG Midget Shop Service Repair Manual by MG in German language (71_MGMIDGGER)
$49.95 |
German MGB Shop Service Repair Manual by MG in German (76_MGBGERS)
$71.95 |
MGB & MGC history: 130 pages by J. Edwards for MG B & C (70_134346AE)
$39.95 |
MGB Essential Buyer's Guide 64 pages by Roger Williams (70_144050)
$39.95 |
62-80 Original MGB MGC & V8 Complete guide by Clausager & Colley 152 hardbound pages Authenticity restoration guide 278 color pictures (70_192489)
$79.95 |
Everyday Modifications for your MGB 208 pages by Roger Parker (70_222335)
$69.95 |
61-79 MG Midget Gold Portfolio 179 pages of road test articles compiled by Brooklands (70_MGAM61)
$39.95 |
62-80 MGB Roadsters portfolio of articles about best-selling MG, 100 pages compiled by Brooklands (71_A_MGB62)
$23.95 |
62-80 Road & Track on MG, 100 pages of articles on all B, C & Midget; compiled by Brooklands (71_A_MGRT62)
$23.95 |
62-80 MGB MGC & V8 Gold Portfolio edition 180 page book of articles about the MG including all B C & GT versions compiled by Brooklands (71_MGB62_G)
$44.95 |
62-81 MGB Electrical Systems Manual by R Astley 192 pages (70_149299)
$89.95 |
Restoration: Practical Classics on MGB Restoration, 100 pages (70_A_MGBPC)
$32.95 |
1961-80 MG Shop Service Repair Manual by Chiltons 1100 Midget MGB MGB Gt MGC (71_6780)
$49.95 |
62-81 Restoration Manual for MGB 352 hardbound pages by Lindsay Porter history buying specification bodywork mechanics interior electrics modifications (71_H607)
$37.95 |
MGB MGC & GT V8 History by D. Knowles: 160 hardcover page in large format with 250 mostly color photos & illustrations large format 10"x10" beautiful book (70_137534)
$69.95 |
56-76 MGA and MGB Shop Service Repair Manual by Clymer 230 pages (66_A165)
$29.95 |
Restoration Preparation & Maintenance for MG Midget & Austin Healey Sprite: 240 pages by Jim Tyler (68_117567AP)
$49.95 |
British Cars Shop Service Repair Manual by Robert Bentley for all models through 1970 (70_Bent_Brit)
$34.95 |
58-79 MG Midget Sprite Shop Service Repair Manual by Clymer (685_A205)
$39.95 |
58-79 Original Sprite & Midget: Restorer's Guide to all the Austin Healey & MG models by T. Horler 144 pages hardcover (69_200054)
$49.95 |
58-79 MG Midget & Austin Healey Sprite Restoration Manual 296 hardbound pages by Lindsay Porter, Haynes (71_H614)
$79.95 |
Sprite & Midget history by J. Edwards: 96 pages about the MG & Austin Healey (69_134433AE)
$39.95 |
58-80 Manual Owners Workshop Manual for MG Midget & Austin Healey Sprite 184 pages compact glove box size (65_B_MG58GBWH)
$39.95 |
58-80 MG Midget Austin Healey Sprite Shop Service Repair Manual 242 pgs by Haynes 948 1098 1275 1500 (69_66015)
$39.95 |
Restoring Midgets & Sprites an enthusiast's guide by G. Bristow, 216 pages comprehensive covering all versions from 59-80 incl wiring diagrams color charts component restoration & lots of info not contained in the MG & Austin Healey service manuals (69_A_MGSMR)
$47.95 |
58-80 Manual: Owners Workshop Manual MG Midget Compact glove box size, 184 pages. (69_B_MG58GBWH)
$23.95 |
998 How To Power Tune The BMC BL Rover 998 A-Series Engine by D. Hammill: 250 x 207mm. 112 pages. Around 130 black & white photos and line illustrations (62_1901295265)
$299.95 |
The MGA MGB MGC Collectors guide 136 pages by G. Robson (66_32512A)
$44.95 |
50-76 Special Tuning Data and Parts CD Covers MG Triumph Austin Healey Mini Morris Rover (63_HMCC2006)
$39.95 |
How to Improve your MGB MGC & V8 by R. Williams 224 pages covering all aspects of the cars 2nd Ed (719781845841874)
$89.95 |
The Mighty MG by Graham Robson: 220 hardbound pages about the MGA Twin Cam, MGC, and MG V8. (65_MightyMG)
$54.95 |
1275 How To Power Tune The BMC BL Rover 1275 A-Series Engine: by D. Hammill: 250 x 207mm. 112 pages. Over 150 black & white photos and line illustrations (72_1901295079)
$98.95 |
Weber Zenith Stromberg SU Carburetor Shop Service Repair Manual from Haynes Techbook covers Theory & Operation Maintenance & Tuneup Detailed overhaul procedures application & reference tables Weber conversions (65_10240)
$34.95 |
Classic British Car Electrical Systems: Your Guide to Understanding, Repairing and Improving the Electrical Components and Systems That Were Typical of British Cars from 1950 to 1980 by Astley (69781845849481)
$79.95 |
92 Lucas Parts Catalog Manual - Brake Clutch Electrical, new, in non-Lucas binder (92_PartsCat)
$54.95 |
The Golden days Thompson Speedway & Raceway sports & formula car events 760 pages in 2 volumes w/1,200 photos by O'Neil (59_Cady_Convert)
$224.95 |
MGB Complete Story by B. Laban: 192 hardbound pages. (70_115728AE)
$39.95 |
46-81 British Sports Cars in America by J A Stein 144 pages (62_BritSportCar)
$79.95 |
Fault Diagnosis Shop Service Repair Manual by Lucas 44 pgs (80_990_035)
$19.95 |
Tuning the A-Series engine the definitive manual on tuning for performance & economy 3rd edition: 512 hardbound pages by D. Vizard 803cc 948 1098 1275cc MG Midget Austin Healey Sprite Austin Mini 1000 1100 Morris Minor 1300 Marina A30 A35 A40 Metro Allegro Maestro Montego (76_128864)
$79.95 |
Mighty Midgets & Special Sprites by J. Baggott 208 page hard cover with numerous photos detailing the development and successes of the Midget and Sprite from the British club racing to endurance events in Europe and the US (78_mightymidget)
$99.95 |
V8 Engine History of the Rover V8 engine as used in Range Rover, 60's Buicks, Land Rover, and many other British Cars: Over 200 pages Hardbound by D. Hardcastle (85_121411AE)
$44.95 |
Works Rally Mechanic - Tales of the BMC/BL Works Rally Department 55-79 by B. J. Moylan: 250 x 207mm. 160 pages. Around 150 colour and black & white illustrations (64_137028)
$149.95 |
35-80 Decades of Daring Midget Racing in the Rocky Mountains by B Hill 364 page oversized hard cover racing history including RMMRA CARC CMRA AAA & USAC (57_DecadesMidge)
$299.95 |
48-95 MG Collection Post-war models volume #2. by Richard Monk 175 detialed hardbound pages (70_122332AE)
$39.95 |
Electrical Equipment of British Cars - How it works - Maintenance - Fault Testing and Remedy - by R A Hall 237 pages published 1968 (68_BritCarElec)
$169.95 |
The untold story of MG by D. Knowles: Over 250 pages hardcover incl almost 1,000 previously unpublished photos and stories of the development of MG's from TC to MGF covering all models produced plus many that were not (72_124633AP)
$99.95 |
How to power tune SU carburetors: by D. Hammill: A expert guide to building and modifying SU carbs for high performance applications. Includes reprofiling needles. 250 x 207mm. 64 pages. 73 black & white photographs/illustrations (65_137489)
$59.95 |
The Fabulous Trashwagon: by B.S. Levy. 533 pages: 3rd in a series of novels about sports car racing in the early years. (75_RFP486)
$29.95 |