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24-60 Montlhery - The Story of the Paris Autodrome by William Boddy (42_Motlhery)
$83.95 |
Racing Maseratis: 192 hardbound pages in English by Giancarlo Reggiani about Racing Maserati Cars from the early 30's through the 60's. (50_134020AE)
$39.95 |
History of Maserati Motorcycles & other Modenes Bikes with a special enphasis on the Maserati motorcycles 160 pages in ITALIAN Language Le moto Maserati e l'artigianato motociclistico modenese (53_MasMotrcyclH)
$59.95 |
Racing Maseratis 192 hardbound pages in ITALIAN by Giancarlo Reggiani about Racing Maserati Cars from the early 30's through the 60's. (50_134020_ITAL)
$24.95 |
Maserati: A History by A. Pritchard; 399 pages with extensive coverage of racing. (50_MaserHistPri)
$49.95 |
Maserati Owners Handbook by Hans Tanner: 174 pages covering models from pre-war thru the 1950's (40_588500438 - Not a shop manual)
$29.95 |
Racing Maserati: a compilation of articles into 75 page book by Unique (56_31619A)
$24.95 |
Maserati a Racing History: 256 hardcover pages. Detailed scholarly work about the colorfull history with much text & photos. Includes biographical info about personalities. Incl specs on the cars. Incl chassis number records by Pritchard (42_H871)
$59.95 |
26-75 Maserati Sports, Racing & GT Cars History Book by Richard Crump & Rob de la Rive Box 298 hardbound pages (50_F196_F302)
$34.95 |
Carrozzeria Riva 88 pages hardcover by A. Sannia (559788896796245)
$399.95 |
Volume 05, Issue 3 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Franklin Plymouth Barracuda Maserati Lalique LaSalle Mercedes and more.... (B20_AQVol05Iss3)
$19.95 |
Volume 40 Issue 1 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Maserati 5000 Packard Caribbean and more (B20_AQVol40Iss1)
$29.95 |
Maserati - A Complete History from 1929 to the Present - by Luigi Orsini and Franco Zagari published 1980 (50_MaseratiHist)
$299.95 |
Fiat in the Mille Miglia 108 pgs by G. Cancellieri documenting the many interesting Fiat entries in the famous race. In Italian Language (49_MilleMigliaF)
$45.95 |
Mille Miglia 1957 the minor classes 208 pages hardcover by Dolcini (579788879115520)
$79.95 |
Maserati Heritage by Sparrow & Ayre 122 pgs. (80_121407AE)
$29.95 |
The Schlumpf Automobile Collection by Halwart Schrader 180 pages with lots of illustrations in German, French & English (30_SchlumpfColl)
$29.95 |
Carlo Chiti: Sinofia Ruggente: 206 pages in English & Italian by O. Orefici about the famous Ferrari & Alfa Romeo Engineer (50_135950AE)
$129.95 |
The Cruel Sport - The drama of Grand Prix auto racing with a collection of 165 phoots taken by the author - by Robert Daley - published 1963 (63_CruelSport)
$49.95 |
Sports Cars on Road & Track History book by Ray Hutton 94 beautifully illustrated hardbound pages (32_SportCarsRTH)
$12.95 |
The Racing Car: Development & Design by Clutton, Posthumus, & Jenkinson from 1895-1961, 247 pages (28_Racing_Car)
$17.95 |
14-81 Maserati Pocket History by G Agostini published by Motorbooks International history book with numerous photographs (47_MasPocHis)
$39.95 |
History of the World's Sports Cars by Richard Hough Illustrated 223 page hard cover covering first race cars thru 60's GP cars (30_SportH)
$19.95 |
Touring by Anselmi (50_Touring)
$599.95 |
Catalogue Raisonne Pininfarina by Gino Rancati 2-volumes thick stock, 693 pgs. complete guide to all the designs (55_Cat_Raisonne)
$299.95 |
Targa Florio 20th Century Epic Race 500 page hardcover book by Pino Fondi (60_144831)
$499.95 |
65-73 Targa Florio the Porsche Years compliation book portfolio by Brooklands 172 pages (69_TFMR65)
$32.95 |
Volume 48 Issue 4 of Automotive Quarterly featuring Porsche Maserati Birdcage Microcar & more... (B20_AQVol48Iss4)
$29.95 |
Issue #3 Maserati Magazine: 64 color pages featuring 250F, Maserati Challenge, Goodwood, 3200GT (99_Maser_3)
$29.95 |
The World of Automobiles vol 11 An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Motor Car covering models LI through MERCE including Lotus Maserati Mazda Mercedes-Benz Locomobile Martini Maybach McLaren Mercer and more (40_WOA_V11)
$29.95 |
Castrol Racing Drivers Manual by F Gardner 160 page hard cover with numerous photos offering expert advice on racing (73_racingdriver)
$39.95 |
Automotive Electronics by Rudolf Graf and George Whalen (50_AutoElectron)
$14.95 |
26-2003 Maserati Cars: Sport, GT & Grand Prix, by M. Tabucchi. covering all production and racing cars. 400 pages Hardcover (70_31662A)
$249.95 |
1926-2003 Maserati Catalouge Raisonne 2 volume set in slipcover detailing the history of Maserati model by model (56_32407)
$279.95 |
The Classic Twin Cam Engine: 275 pages hardcover by G. Borgeson (60_30883)
$229.95 |
Lunches with Mr. Q Kjell Qvale An Auto Industry Titan on Business, Life and Sports Car Dreams 212 pages by Kevin Nelson (99_Qvale_Lunch)
$29.95 |
Issue #83 Hardcover Maserati Vialle Ciro Menotti Magazine 190 pages full of Maserati info (B03_Maser_83)
$89.95 |
L'automobilista Costruttore di Automobili Engine Engineering Facts Book in Italian by Dr. G. Pedretti published 1918 (62_EnFactBkItal)
$59.95 |
Turbo - An A-Z of Turbocharged Cars by Graham Robson (90_TurboAZ)
$19.95 |
00-90 Model Cars made in Italy 112 pgs hardcover in English & Italian by P. Rampini (60_31666)
$39.95 |
Zagato Milano 1919-2009 The Official Book by Giorgio Nada 175 hardbound pages covering all desings including those for Abarth Alfa Romeo Maserati Ferrari Lancia Aston Martin and all others. (65_191594)
$64.95 |
1926-2016 Maserati Album photo history by R. Ward (9781854821303)
$19.95 |
From Origins to BiTurbo Maserati History Book (BiTurbo_Origin)
$79.95 |
Zagato Milano 1919-2014 by Zagato & Di Taranto 176 pages hardcover (89_200_audi)
$89.95 |
Racing Colours Series: Italian Racing Red Drivers Cars and Triumphs of Italian Motor Racing by K. Ludvigsen 176pgs with many color and B&W photos (50_ITRacingRed)
$49.95 |
1914-2011 Maserati - Italian Luxury & Flair - hardcover History in 176 pages with 150 photos by M. Buckley (64_148969)
$99.95 |
1914-2014 Maserati - A Century of History in 320 pages with hundreds of photos over 100 years by Gianni Cancellieri Luca Dal Monte Cesare De Agostini Lorenzo Ramaciotti (64_213024AE)
$149.95 |
1914-2014 Maserati 100 History of company and cars 48 pages Produced by Autoweek (64_Maserati100)
$19.95 |
Granite & Marble Directory of Resting Places of Motor Racing Greats by Eddie (65_Spridget)
$74.95 |
2014 Maserati Alfieri A magazine by Autoweek on the release of the new Alfieri and commemorating the 100 year history of the company 36 pages color photographs (B14_Alfieri)
$19.95 |