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54-57 Mercedes Benz portfolio by Brooklands covering all the models including 180 190SL 300B 180D 220S 300 300SL 190 220 220SE Coupe & more.... (55_MBPort)
$79.95 |
49-54 Mercedes Benz Cars by Brooklands portfolio compilation of magazine articles (51_4954HIST)
$29.95 |
1954-1957 Mercedes Benz 190SL 300SL 300SLR Brooklands Portfolio by RM Clarke in 350 pages with over 600 photos (56_200163AE)
$79.95 |
54-63 190SL 300SL portfolio of articles about Mercedes-Benz sports cars; 100 pgs compiled by Brooklands for 190 & 300 SL (59_A_MB54SL)
$49.95 |
52-62 Road & Track on M-Benz 96 pgs of road test articles about Mercedes compiled by Brooklands (57_A_MBRT52)
$23.95 |
52-63 The Mercedes Benz 300SL Book over 300 pg Photo history book by R. Staud in English French German Russian & Japanese includes later SL as well (619783832733865)
$54.95 |
53-67 Essential Mercedes Coupes Cabriolets & Sedans: 80 page color history of the S-class coupes convertibles ponton & fintail models: 80 pages by J. Taylor including 180D 280SE 250SE 220SE 300SE and more (60_125175AP)
$34.95 |
Star Classic shop Service manual Library Volume 1 on CD 46-55 W136 170, 52-53 W191 170, 52-57 W186 300, 52-58 W188 300, 58-62 W189 58-62, 51-54 W187 220, includes chassis & engine manuals, parts picture & lists, and others by Mercedes (55_QL6516561202)
$149.95 |
45-59 Mercedes-Benz since 1945 Collector's Guide Vol 1 by Taylor includes 300SL 190SL 170 & Pontoon models 180 200 219 220 300 & more (59_5_0900549955)
$39.95 |
54-72 190SL 230SL 250SL 280SL 300SL and 600 Shop Service Manuals on CD ROM by Mercedes including W100 W113 W121 W198 (59_QL6515541502)
$189.95 |
Unimog 403 406 416 Shop Service Repair Manual by Mercedes covering: Tech.l Data, Engine, Engine Housing, Crank Assembly, Engine Timing, Carburetor & Injection System, Air Compressor, Lubrication of Engine, Clutch, Transmission, Pedal Linkage & Frame (60_Unimog403_40)
$139.95 |
Gearboxes Shop Service Repair Manual for Mercedes Commercial Vehicles by Mercedes (65_GearBoxSVC)
$84.95 |
Electrical Wiring Diagrams Manual for Commercial Vehicles by Mercedes (68_ElectrWrngMB)
$29.95 |
Sports and Classic Cars. History of over 60 American and foreign marques covering 1920 thru 1955. by Griffith Borgeson & Eugene Jaderquist 466 hardbound pgs (38_Borgeson)
$19.95 |
Automobile Connoisseur Volume4 editor H Vyse Articles on Cunningham Mercedes Benz Bentley Vanwall & more published 1970 (70_AutoConnois4)
$26.95 |
Mercedes Roadsters History by LJK Setright including 190SL 300SL 230SL 250SL 280SL 350SL 450SL and more... (MErcedesRoadste)
$39.95 |
Commercial Vehicles Standard Texts & Flat Rates Manual for 406G 408G 405 406 408 608 808 710 911 1113 911B 1013 1313 1317 1413 1513 1517 1418 1518 1620/1623 2020/2023 2220/2623 311 312 321 329 333 334 309D 309B 319D 319D 319B 302 302 321H 321HL 322 317 by Mercedes Vol.1 (73_CmrclFlatRat)
$34.95 |
Great Classic Cars of the World book includes 4 Giant Fold-Out Pictures 193 pages with photos on each page Hardbound by Hans Georg Isenberg (40_GCClassic)
$29.95 |
70-79 The Mercedes-Benz since 1945 collector's guide Vol 3 by Taylor includes 200 220 230 280 300 350 450 600 6.9 & more (59_5_0900549971)
$49.95 |
36-81 Mercedes-Benz Diesel Automobiles History book, R Nitske. Complete specifications and descriptions of all diesel models, 170 illustrations covering all Diesel sedans including but not limitied to 300D 240D 220D 200D 190D 170D and more... (58_5_0879381469)
$39.95 |
45-90 East German Motor Vehicles in Pictures - Cars Vans and Trucks by Christian Suhr and Ralf Weinreich (73_192349AE)
$69.95 |
80-89 The Mercedes-Benz since 1945 Collector's Guide Vol 4 Taylor includes 190 240 280 300 320 380 420 500 560 & more (59_5_0947981772)
$39.95 |
Mercedes-Benz S-Class The Brochures since 1952 Book by Martin Haussermann Hardbound - Sales Brochures (70_33938)
$129.95 |
Mercedes Benz S Class history book - for the 300SEL 500SEL 600SEL (90_SClassHistor)
$39.95 |
The Supercharged Mercedes large Hardcover History in 100 pages by Schrader & Demand covering all models including 28/95 38/250 SS SSK SSKL 380 380K 400 500 500 K 540K 600 600K 620 680 680K 710 710SS 770 770K W154 W165 and more... (30_Supercharged)
$39.95 |
Mercedes Club MBCA Technical Reprints #1 covering fuels oils & waxes in 24 pages (80_MBCA_Reprt_1)
$23.95 |
20-72 Sports Cars of the World edited by A. Bishop includes articles on Montiverdi Wankel Racing Bucciali V16 Marmon and much more 191 pages (46_SportCarWrld)
$19.95 |
Mercedes Benz Technical Companion technical articles from THE STAR magazine of the Mercedes Club of America service repair maintenance and procedures for a wide-range of Mercedes models 412 pages published by Bentley (85_GMCC)
$49.95 |
52-63 The Mercedes Benz 300SL Book over 300 pg Photo history book by R. Staud Large & Heavy weights almost 10 lbs measures 29x37cm in English French German Russian & Japanese includes later SL as well (609783832796426)
$299.95 |
Antique & Classic Cars by J Wherry published by Motor Trend 128 page history covering Cord Mercedes Lincoln Packard & more (25_AntWherry)
$19.95 |
Automobile Connoisseur Volume 1 with articles on Porsche Mercedes Jaguar Vauxhall GKN & more published 1970 (70_AutoConnois1)
$26.95 |
Racing Cars; Richard Hough. Illustrated history from first race cars thru modern GP cars. Fwd by Jim Clark. pub 1966 152 pg (30_Hough)
$19.95 |
1900-1955 Three Pointed Star The Story of the of Mercedes Benz cars and Their racing succeses by David Scott-Moncrieff with St. John Nixon and Clarence Paget Hardbound book with black & white photos (32_0856140589)
$19.95 |
Runabouts and Roadsters - Collecting and Restoring Antique Classic and Special Interest Sports Cars by Bob Stubenrauch (30_RunaboutRoad)
$24.95 |
The World of Automobiles vol 11 An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Motor Car covering models LI through MERCE including Lotus Maserati Mazda Mercedes-Benz Locomobile Martini Maybach McLaren Mercer and more (40_WOA_V11)
$29.95 |
The Annals of Mercedes Benz Motor Vehicles & Engines by F Schildberger published 1961 by Daimler-Benz 223 hardbound pages (37_AnnalsMerced)
$49.95 |
Classic Sports Cars - From the Gullwing Mercedes to the Ferrari Testarossa by Brian Laban (50_ClassicSport)
$14.95 |
Great Automobiles Designs by John Mclellan (75_GreatDesigns)
$19.95 |
The Upper Crust The Aristocrats of Automobiles by John Bolster 200 hardbound pages includes Panhard 1890-1902 Mercedes 03-06 Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost 07-14 & Camargue Hispano-Suiza 20-28 Packard 32-39 and much more (40_Crust)
$24.95 |
Classic Mercedes by George Bishop with forward by Alan Jones (60_ClassMercede)
$9.95 |
The Classic Mercedes Benz by Phil Drackett (83_ClassicMerce)
$29.95 |
Mercedes-Benz, A Great Marques book, Illustrated history from origins to 1980 models incl 300SL and race cars by Roger Bell. (43_5_0786413717)
$14.95 |
Mercedes-Benz A History, R Nitske. History of Mercedes from 1886 thru 1978. 228 pg illustrated. (34_0879380551)
$49.95 |
Mercedes; an illustrated history by Exeter. (33_5_0671062522)
$19.95 |
Mercedes-Benz Illustrated Buyer's Guide by Frank Barrett; 208 pages (52_126486AP)
$17.95 |
A Century of Style - The Imperial Palace Auto Collection by Henry Rasmussen (40_CenturyOfSty)
$29.95 |
Osprey Classic Marques: Custom Mercedes-Benz Book by David Sparrow & Adrienne Kessel 126 pages full of Color photos of customized Mercedes AMG Brabus Duchatelet Mosselmann Rude Gockel (50_CustomMBNZ)
$29.95 |
600 page Mercedes history of all the models thru 2004 by Schlegelmilch, Lehbrink, & Von Osterroth Hardcover Oversized (72_32933)
$79.95 |
Mercedes Sport 400 pages Hardcover by Schlegelmilch & Lehbrink "English German French text" (90_35943)
$49.95 |
Cars - The Classic Collection - A World of Cars in Two Great Volumes - Contains Classic Cars by Martin Buckley and The Encyclopedia of Dream Cars by Chris Rees (50_CarsClassicC)
$29.95 |