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75-76 Ford Car Electrical Shop Manual Vol #3 for all models including Pinto Maverick Torino Elite Mustand LTD 500 Thurnderbird Continental MkV Grand Marquis Motego Cougar Comet Bobcat and more (755_V3_Elect)
$19.95 |
75-76 Body Shop Service Repair Manual by Ford Vol4 for all 75&76 Ford Mercury & Lincoln cars incl Continental, Mustang, Torino, LTD, Cougar, Marquis, Pinto, Maverick, MkIV, Elite, Town Car, Country Squire, Galaxie, Grand Marquis, Montego, ... (755_V4_Body)
$13.95 |
75-76 Ford Car Shop Manual Vol. 5 Pre-Delivery, Maintenance and Lubrication (755_V5_PDI)
$3.95 |
74-75 Engine & Emission diagnosis manual by Ford. Vol. #6 (75_F_V6_Emissn)
$24.95 |
1975 O.S.I Catalog for Ford Lincoln & Mercury Vol.#4 OSI (75_OSICatalog)
$29.95 |
79-80 Capri V6 & V8 Workshop Manual Haynes (79_559)
$19.95 |
79-80 Capri Workshop Manual by Haynes (79_655)
$19.95 |
81-82 2.3L Identification, function and operation engine manual, covers passenger cars (815_2_3Eng)
$17.95 |
1981-82 3.3 Litre Passenger Car Engine Control Systems Manual covers Identification Function & Operation by Ford (815_3.3EngnSyst)
$19.95 |
81-82 3.3L Identification, function and operation engine manual, covers passenger cars (815_3_3Eng)
$17.95 |
81-82 1.6L Engine control systems, includes Escort, Lynx, EXP and LN7 (81F_1_6LEng)
$17.95 |
82 Ford Mercury Car Care Guide by Popular Mechanics for the Cougar Custom Elite Fairlane Galaxie LTD LTD II 2 Marquis Montego T-bird Thunderbird torino X-R7 Wagons (82_0_87851_9580)
$29.95 |
82 Cross Reference List for engineering part nos. & service part nos., for Ford, Lincoln, & Mercury cars, Apr. 80 to Oct. 81 (82_PartXref)
$14.95 |
1984 1.6 Litre EEC-IV/EFI Turbo & 1983-84 2.3 Litre EEC-IV/EFI Turbo Engine Function Operation & Identification by Ford for EXP Thunderbird Cougar Mustang Capri (835_1.6_2.3Engi)
$24.95 |
83-84 2.3L and 1.6L Turbo Function Operation and Identification Engine manual, covers EXP (84) and Thunderbird, Cougar, Mustang and Capri (83&84) (83F1_6_2_3Eng)
$17.95 |
84-85 Tech Service Bulletins collection by Ford, Lincoln, & Mercury: car & truck (84_TSB)
$29.95 |
86-87 2.9L and 3.0L Function, operation and identification engine manual, covers multi-point fuel injection engines (86_2_9_3_0Eng)
$17.95 |
92 Mariner 40 Magnum Shop Service Repair Manual by Mercury Mariner (92_90_814676)
$36.95 |
94 Shop Service Repair Manual for models: 4GNAT (2-Cyl.), 90cc Sailpower (1-Cyl.), 4 (1-Cyl.), 7.5, 9.8, 20 & 40 by Mercury Outboards (94_Outbrd_Srvc_)
$34.95 |
2001 Shop Service Repair Manual CD by Ford on CD-Rom for all 2001 Passenger cars by Lincoln Mercury & Ford including Continental Mustand Town Car Taurus Sable Crown Victoria Cougar Grand Marquis Escort and more.... (B015_CD)
$89.95 |
2002 225/250 3.0 Litre Work Electronic Fuel Injection Shop Service Repair Manual by Mercury Marine (Starting Model Year 2002) (B02_90_884294)
$54.95 |
2011 Fusion Milan and Zephyr & Hybrid factory Shop Service Repair Manual by Ford Lincoln and Mercury (B11_FCS1426811)
$139.95 |
46-48 Shop Service Repair Manual by Ford Lincoln Mercury cars & Ford Truck 256 pgs. (47_LV24)
$34.95 |
49-51 Shop service repair & Overhaul manual 854 pgs complete body & chassis by Lincoln Mercury (49_MESM)
$69.95 |
52-53 Hydra-Matic Transmission Manual Supplement for Lincoln Cars ( supplement to 49-51 manual ) (525_Linc_HMD)
$39.95 |
61-63 Comet Shop Service Repair Manual by Mercury 300 pgs includes V8 supplement (61_10107R)
$49.95 |
61 Shop Service Repair Manual by Mercury for Meteor Monterey Commuter Colony Park; 624 pages also used for 1962 & 63 (61_eb9600R)
$42.95 |
64-66 Mustang Falcon Comet Convertible Top repair manual 13 pages by Ford & Mercury (65_MP0014)
$16.95 |
79-81 Service Labor Time Standards for Ford, Lincoln, & Mercury Passenger cars. (80_LaborTime)
$24.95 |
81-83 5.0L and 5.8L Function, operation and Identification engine manual, covers Ford, Lincoln, & Mercury passenger cars and light trucks (82F5_0_5_8Eng)
$17.95 |
82-84 Passenger car service labor time standards manual by Ford, Lincoln, & Mercury (83_LaborTime)
$24.95 |
87-89 Tracer Shope Service Repair manual by Mercury - Ford (88_TracrSrvMn)
$64.95 |
93-95 Sport Jet 90 120 hp Marine Shop Service Repair Manual 192 pages by Clymer for Mercury (94_W815)
$39.95 |
2001 200 Optimax Jet Drive Shop Service Repair Manual by Mercury Marine (starting model year 2001) (B01_90_881986)
$49.95 |
60-63 Falcon Shop service repair manual by Ford including 1963 260 289 V8 Supplement includes Ranchero and Mercury Comet (615_SM0072)
$59.95 |
68-71 Torino GT & Cyclone Illustrated Restoration Guide for Ford & Mercury by C. Eden 288 pages Guide to authenticity for Fairlane 500 Cobra Ranchero encyclopedia of original part numbers & codes (695_SRTR_188)
$46.95 |
69-72 Capri 2000 3000 Shop Service Repair Manual by Autopress Ltd (70_Capri_shop)
$69.95 |
75-78 2800 Capri II Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes (765_375)
$19.95 |
81-84 Escort EXP Lynx LN7 ford & mercury Shop Manual by Clymer (82_A287)
$14.95 |
1983-1986 Ford Thunderbird and Mercury Cougar shop manual by Clymer (83_thunder_clym)
$34.95 |
84-87 Tempo & Topaz Clymer Shop Service Repair Manual for Ford & Mercury (85_A256)
$7.95 |
90-93 3 275 hp Outboards Marine Shop Service Repair Manual, 640 pages by Clymer for Mercury (92_B722)
$39.95 |
94-97 2.5 60 hp Two Stroke Outboards (includes Jet Drive Models) Marine Shop Service Repair Manual, 400 pages by Seloc for Mercury & Mariner (95_B723)
$39.95 |
94-97 75 275 hp Two Stroke Outboards (includes Jet Drive Models) Marine Shop Service Repair Manual, 700 pages by Clymer for Mercury and Mariner (95_B724)
$39.95 |
98-01 2.5 60 ph Two Stroke Outboards Marine Shop Service Repair Manual, 500 pages by Clymer for Mercury and Mariner (99_B725)
$59.95 |
60-64 How to restore your Full Size Ford by C. Kleer 192 pagges 506 FullSize restoration color photos (62_SA390_P)
$39.95 |
71-75 2000 Capri Haynes Shop Service Repair Manual (73_296)
$19.95 |
71-75 Mercury Capri V6 2600 2800 Workshop Manual by Haynes (73_CapriHaynes)
$49.95 |
73-77 How to Bypass Emission Controls for Better Mileage & Performance for Ford Motor Company cars & light trucks (75_Bypass)
$39.95 |
74-78 2300 Capri II Haynes Shop Service Repair Manual (76_283)
$19.95 |