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19-39 A-Z British Sports & Thoroughbred Motor Cars by Nick Walker 240 pages (30_146139)
$59.95 |
00-29 Life of the Automobile by I Ehrenburg 162 page history of the early auto industry covering Ford Morgan Citroen & more (15_LifeEhrenbur)
$9.95 |
1910-52 3-wheeler Gold Portfolio, 180 pgs of articles about Morgan Three Wheelers compiled by Brooklands (31_A_MOR3GP)
$39.95 |
10-52 Completely Morgan Three Wheeler 224 pgs by Ken Hill incl complete model history, racing record, company history, restoration maintenance & repair tips, wiring diagram, parts sourcing & more (39781787112605)
$59.95 |
09-52 Morgan Three Wheelers Ultimate Portfolio of articles 216 pages compiled by Brooklands Including Grand Prix 3-wheeler Racer Aero Record Breaker Family F F4 MAG JAP Blackburne Anzani Ford and Matchless (25_MR3UP)
$39.95 |
10-52 Morgan Sweeps the Board the Three Wheeler Story by Alderson & Rushton 249 pages hardcover (30_Sweeps_Board)
$59.95 |
Illustrated Buyer's Guide for Morgan model-by-model analysis from 1909 by Ken Hill 144 pages (34_MorganBuyGde)
$39.95 |
Morgan Three Wheeler The Complete Story By Peter Miller (45_138992AE)
$34.95 |
00-50 Motor Men Pioneers of the British Car Industry168 page hardcover history detailing the rise of British car makers between the years of 1900 and 1950 (50_MotorMen)
$14.95 |
The Three Wheeler Story of The Morgan by Brain Watts pub 1970 68 pages hardbound (70_MorganWatts)
$39.95 |
Autumn 1984 - Le Grandi Automobili Vol 8 - Articles and pictures of the great automobiles of the world - in French (84_GrandiAutumn)
$29.95 |
Book of Morgan by K. Dowdeswell self published service manual about Three Wheelers (42_MorganDowdes)
$34.95 |
Book composed of articles from 1910 to 1975 about Morgan sports cars, originally printed in England. (423_MorganSport)
$29.95 |
Winter 1984 - Le Grandi Automobili Vol 9 - Articles and pictures of the great automobiles of the world - in French (84_GrandiWinter)
$29.95 |
Volume 05, Issue 4 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Lamborghini, Ford @ Lemans, Morgan, and more (B20_AQVol05Iss2)
$16.95 |
10-80 Moggie the Purchase Maintenance & Enjoyment of Morgan Sports Cars by C Musgrove 112 page hard cover history (45_Moqqie)
$69.95 |
10-80 70 Years of Morgan Motoring Portfolio published by the Morgan Clubs (45_Morgan70)
$39.95 |
British Sports Cars - by Gregor Grant (50_BritishSport)
$19.95 |
Ash and Dash the story of Morgan & other British Sports cars incl Salmson Cooper Connaught HWM Keift Lister& Squire 30 pgs by R. Ward (609781900482806)
$17.95 |
Morgans Pride of the British by John H Sheally 198 hardbound pages many B&W photos 3 wheelers and 4, with story of authors trip across the US in a 3 wheeler (60_2083)
$69.95 |
The World of Automobiles vol 12 An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Motor Car covering models MERCU through MO including Mercury MG Monica Morgan Morris Moskovich Military Vehicles and more (40_WOA_V12)
$29.95 |
Morgan 75 Years on the Road by Ken Hill 160 pages collection of period advertising 1909-1984 all models black and white (80_morganadvert)
$69.95 |
Morgan The Cars & the Factory by J Tipler 208 pages hardbound History of the company plus much more (415_Morgan_Hist)
$39.95 |
A Yank at Malvern by C Twillie 245 pages A collection of articles about Morgan cars (415_Yank_Morgan)
$299.95 |
Great Cars Sports & Racing by D Nye Hardcover 158 pgs all about classic marques & models from the 1890s till the 80s (37_SportsRacing)
$19.95 |
The Morgan 75 years on the Road by Ken Hill 160 pages hardcover (42_TheMorgan_KH)
$49.95 |
Morgan: The Art of Selling a Unique Sports Car; 168 hardbound pages by Ken Hill about the marketing of Morgans (55_124163AP)
$49.95 |
Morgan First amd Last of the Real Sports Cars 200 pages hardcover by Gregory Houston Bowden (45_MorganFrtLst)
$32.95 |
Morgan Performance plus Pedigree by J. Wood 168 hardbound pages 203 illustrations (50_138950AE)
$59.95 |
Morgans to 1997 A Collectors Guide by Roger Bell (48_125379AE)
$99.95 |
First & Last of the real sports cars: 304 hardbound pages about Morgan by B. Laban (51_131790AE)
$59.95 |
Morgan 100 Years Ofiicial History by C. Morgan & G. Bowden incl Three Wheeler Plus 4 Plus 4/4 +4 8 +8 Aero 8 Business History Peter Morgan LeMans Production & Future (60_37087)
$149.95 |
Volume 30, Issue 2 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Dick Teague, Pontiac vs. Chevy, Delage, Checker, Prewar Morgan, 1910 Marion. (B20_AQVol30Iss2)
$29.95 |
Morgan Three Wheelers back to the future 144 pages hardcover by P. Dron about the new 3-wheeler (B09781845847630)
$89.95 |
More Morgan A Pictorial History of the Morgan Sports Car by Gregory H. Bowden 217 hardbound illustrated pages. (40_MorganHistor)
$49.95 |
Morgan Four Wheeler Workshop Service Repair Manual 96 pages by J. Dowdeswell (60_MORGAN_WKSP)
$59.95 |
Famous Car Factories: Morgan Factory by Bengt Ason Holm 120 Hardbound Pages with lots of illustrations 10"X10" (50_FamousCarFac)
$69.95 |
Morgan History Book by R. Isaac Osprey Classic Marques (60_MorganOsprCM)
$34.95 |