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68 Model 510 Owners Manual by Nisssan 39 pages (68_510_OM - Not a shop manual)
$24.95 |
68 Roadster 2000 & 1600 Owners Manual by Datsun. No headrests (68_Owners - Not a shop manual)
$42.95 |
68 Pick-up Owners Manual by Datsun, 42 pages. (68_PU_OM - Not a shop manual)
$29.95 |
68-71 Pickup 521 Shop Service Repair Chassis & body Manual by Datsun & Nissan does not include engine (695_521_Svc)
$44.95 |
68-71 Roadster 2000 Engine U20 & 5-speed Transmission Shop Service Repair Manual by Datsun (69_U20FS5C71)
$74.95 |
65-69 520 Pickup Shop Service Repair Manual by Datsun & Nissan (685_520_Svc)
$54.95 |
66-70 Datsun Roadster Shop Manual & restoration guide & parts manual for model SPL311 & SRL311 3 volumes over 880 pages includes maintenance, vintage advertising, Service Bulletins, road test articles, Competition parts, Color pictures, & more... (68_Rdstr_Parts)
$249.95 |
68-72 510 Workshop Manual by Autobooks, for all models of classic Datsun sedan (70_Abook_744)
$19.95 |
68-73 510 series chassis and body service manual by Datsun (685_510ChsBod)
$89.95 |
66-70 Roadster 1600 & 2000 Shop Service Repair Manual for Datsun SPL311U & SRL311U by Clymer (68ClymerRoads)
$69.95 |
65-70 1600 SP311 Sport Shop service Repair Manual by Datsun Nissan Clymer (68_1600_Shop)
$89.95 |
68-73 510 Shop service repair Manual for Datsun 510 - Reproduction of Factory Manual (70_1600)
$59.95 |
Datsun 1200 Competition Suspension Manual by Nissan (71_1200_Susp)
$39.95 |
68-73 Datsun 510 sedan wagon & Pickup PL521 1600 shop service repair manual by Haynes (71_28018)
$39.95 |
68-73 510 Chassis & Body Shop Service Repair Manual for Datsun 510 (72_510_Svc)
$89.95 |
65 Datsun 1600 Sport Sales Brochure 11.75"x8.5" 4pgs (65_Datsun_Sales)
$79.95 |
Datsun 311 1600 & 2000 Roadster Parts Manual by Nissan (67_311_Parts)
$69.95 |
How to Modify Datsun 510 610 240Z engine & chassis by Bill Fisher Bob Waar HP Books 1973 240 pages with many black & whites photos illustrations about building a high performance street or race car (70_99996M8010)
$159.95 |
68-74 B110 1200 B210 series workshop manual by Autobooks for Datsun & Nissan (71_1200autobk)
$49.95 |
68-76 510 610 710 Service Repair Manual by Clymers (72_A149)
$16.95 |
68-76 Automatic Transmission service shop repair manual for model AS241 by Datsun & Nissan (72_SM0E0BWMG0)
$27.95 |
L13 L16 L20 Engine Shop Service Repair Manual by Nissan & Datsun as used in many different Datsun models including 510 521 & others (70_L13_16_20Eng)
$36.95 |
67-76 Automatic Transmission Service manual for model 3N71A by Datsun & Nissan (71_AutoTrans)
$27.95 |
Mr K Yutaka Katayama A Man Who Realized a Dream in America by Takahasi Ashikawa trans by Brian Long Miho Long ed by Michael Taylor 1998 152 pgs (98_MR_K)
$29.95 |
58-68 Datsun Shop Repair and Tune Up Manual by Chilton (63_DatsunChilt)
$34.95 |
67-77 Haynes Service Manual for all 4-Cylinder Models of Datsun (72_352)
$89.95 |
61-72 Datsun Shop Service Repair Manual for 240Z, 1500-1600-2000 Sports Cars, 410, 411, Nissan Patrol, 510, 1200, Pickups by Chilton's (67_DatsunChilto)
$19.95 |
60-71 Roadster portfolio of articles by Brooklands; 140 pages. on Datsun Roadsters (67_DATRPP)
$29.95 |
Shop Service Repair & Overhall Manual for Borg Warner Automatic Transmission by Nissan Datsun (66_10430120)
$39.95 |
Diesel Engine SD22 4 cylinder & SD33 6 cylinder Engine Operation & Maintenance Manual by Nissan for Patrol International Scout II (70_AUSSD01)
$39.95 |
How To Rebuild Your Datsun Nissan OHC Engine, by Tom Monroe, 160 pg. guide to rebuilding 1968-1984 4 & 6 cyl. engines as used in 240Z 280Z 260Z 510 810 610 710 and other models (76_134581)
$49.95 |
Car and Driver on Datsun Z, 1600, 2000, 1966-84, 96 pgs. of articles compiled by Brooklands (75_A_DATCD)
$23.95 |
68-86 How To Keep Your Nissan Datsun Alive By Colin Messer A John Muir Publication covers L-series and Z-Series models 510 521 610 620 710 720 Pickup 240Z 260Z 280Z (77_Keep_Alive)
$99.95 |
1960-78 Nissan Patrol Parts Manual for Series 60 L60 KL60 LG60H KLG60 KLG60V 60U K60U G60U KG60U KG60VU by Nissan (66_Patrol_Part)
$159.95 |
1960-78 Nissan Patrol Shop Service Repair Manual for Series 60 L60 KL60 LG60H KLG60 KLG60V 60U K60U G60U KG60U KG60VU by Nissan (60_Patrol_G60)
$89.95 |
How to Modify your Nissan & Datsun OHC Overhead Cam Engine by F. Honsolwetz for road & drag racing improved street perf mods for 510 610 710 810 200SX 240Z 260Z 280Z 280ZX & pickup truck engines 144 pages (73_137518)
$32.95 |
Model P Nissan Engine Shop Service Repair Manual by Nissan as used in Patrol and other applications (70_P_Eng_Svc)
$89.95 |
Datsun Z & Nissan Fairlady to 280ZX, by Brian Long 203 pages w/over 180 photographs & illustrations about 240Z 260Z 280Z 280ZX 2+2 & Turbo (77_1901295028)
$199.95 |
Datsun Nissan Sports Car illustrated buyers guide by J. Matras covering Roadster 240Z 260Z 280Z 280ZX 300ZX (84_Nissan_Buyer)
$39.95 |
83 Stanza Owner's Manual by Nissan (83_StanzaOM - Not a shop manual)
$17.95 |
Basic Automotive Electricity explaining how to troubleshoot electrical problems by Nissan Datsun (80_BasicAutoEle)
$24.95 |
Book on Shiro Nakamura Head of Design at Nissan by Marzia Gandini part of the Car-Men series 106 pages (95_CarMenShiroN)
$29.95 |
Sport Compact Bolt On Performance - Volume 1 Import Cars - by Joe Pettitt (B00_SA65)
$24.95 |
Classic Japanese Performance Cars 144 pages by B. Hsu (70_CT504)
$189.95 |
Skyline GT-R: The Ultimate Japanese Supercar by Andy Butler 160 pages (95_139466AE)
$44.95 |
Concept Cars An A-Z Guide to the World's Most Fabulous Futuristic Cars by C. Rees hardcover 96 pages (69_ConceptCars)
$39.95 |
What Did Jesus Drive Crisis PR in Cars Computers & Christianity by J. Vine (95_Jesus-drive)
$29.95 |
Zagato Autech Zagato Stelvio Book 22 pages (55_AutechZagato)
$29.95 |
1907-1986 Complete History of the Japanese Car by Marco Ruiz (47_CompleteJapa)
$19.95 |
Japanese Automobile Industry Technology & Managment at Nissan & Toyota by M Cusumano 487 page history detailing the rise of Japans foremost auto manufacturers (60_JapanInd)
$29.95 |