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76 B210 shop Service repair Manual by Datsun Nissan Motor Co. (76_20049_Svc)
$29.95 |
76 260C Shop Service Repair Manual by Datsun & Nissan for 260 C Sedan (76_260_C_Svc)
$42.95 |
76 280Z Shop Service Repair Manual by Datsun for 280 Z (76_280Z_Svc)
$149.95 |
76 610 Service Manual by Datsun (76_610Service)
$49.95 |
76 F10 Shop Service Repair Manual by Datsun for F-10 (76_F10_Svc)
$37.95 |
76 Pickup Truck Shop Service Repair Manual by Nissan Datsun for Pick-up (76_PickupSM)
$29.95 |
76 280Z Owners Manual by Datsun, 98 pages. (76_280Z_OM - Not a shop manual)
$59.95 |
76 610 Series Owners manual by Nissan & Datsun (76_610_OM - Not a shop manual)
$19.95 |
76 710 Series Owners Manual by Datsun. (76_710_OM - Not a shop manual)
$17.95 |
76 B210 Owners manual by Datsun. (76_B210_OM - Not a shop manual)
$17.95 |
76 Owners Manual F10 by Datsun. (76_Datsun_OM - Not a shop manual)
$17.95 |
76 B210 Owners Manual for Datsun B 210 series by Nissan (76_OM6E_B210U1 - Not a shop manual)
$29.95 |
76 PL 620 PickUp Owners Manual by Datsun for Pick-up (76_PL620M - Not a shop manual)
$39.95 |
280Z Electronic Fuel Injection Theory and Troubleshooting by Nissan Datsun (75_280zElecFuel)
$39.95 |
76-79 Datsun F10 workshop service repair manual by Haynes (78_368)
$9.95 |
72-76 610 Owners Workshop service repair Manual 1770 & 1952 engines by Haynes for Datsun & Nissan (74_372)
$12.95 |
73-77 Datsun 710 owners workshop service repair manual by Haynes (75_235N)
$17.95 |
73-78 B-210 shop service repair manual by Haynes for Datsun B210 (75_28007)
$34.95 |
73-78 Shop Service Repair Manual by Chiltons, Datsun models covered 510 1200 610 710 810 B210 200SX F10 510 (75_6694)
$14.95 |
76-81 F10 & 310 Shop Manual by Clymer (78_A202)
$12.95 |
76-82 F10 310 Stanza shop serice repair Manual Datsun Nissan by Chilton (7196U)
$14.95 |
71-77 510 610 & 710 Shop Manual Datsun by Clymer (71_A149)
$14.95 |
73-79 Pick-Up 620 Series shop service Repair manual for Datsun & Nissan truck by Haynes (75_277U)
$42.95 |
68-76 510 610 710 Service Repair Manual by Clymers (72_A149)
$16.95 |
68-76 Automatic Transmission service shop repair manual for model AS241 by Datsun & Nissan (72_SM0E0BWMG0)
$27.95 |
How to Restore your Datsun Z-car 240 pages by Wick Humble for 240Z 260Z 280Z 240 260 280 Z Restoration (75_240Z_Restore)
$89.95 |
70-78 240Z 280Z 260Z Datsun shop service repair manual by Haynes (75_28012)
$34.95 |
71-79 Datsun Service repair book by Clymers also available by Chilton's 210 510 1200 200SX 610 710 810 (75_A151)
$14.95 |
70-78 Engine manual for 240Z 260Z 280Z by Datsun for 240 260 & 280 Z (75_Zeng)
$69.95 |
73-81 B210 Large Format Manual for Nissan by Chiltons. Also 210, 1200. (77NS_52300)
$27.95 |
70-74 Datsun 240Z 260Z Road Test Portfolio of articles in book form 260 pages 450+ photos by Brooklands (74_200518AE)
$59.95 |
70-78 240 260 280 Z Gold Portfolio, 172 pgs of articles about Datsun sports car, compiled by Brooklands for 240Z, 260Z, 280Z (74_A_DAT7GP)
$39.95 |
75-83 280 Z ZX, portfolio of articles about Datsun sports car 160 pgs compiled by Brooklands for 280Z & 280ZX (79_199715AE)
$54.95 |
L13 L16 L20 Engine Shop Service Repair Manual by Nissan & Datsun as used in many different Datsun models including 510 521 & others (70_L13_16_20Eng)
$36.95 |
67-76 Automatic Transmission Service manual for model 3N71A by Datsun & Nissan (71_AutoTrans)
$27.95 |
70-79 Datsun 240Z 260Z 280Z shop Service repair manual by Clymer (74_A152)
$29.95 |
67-77 Haynes Service Manual for all 4-Cylinder Models of Datsun (72_352)
$89.95 |
70-80 Popular Mechanics Car Care Guide for All Models (75_CarCareGuide)
$12.95 |
73-84 Large format service manual by Chilton for Datsun 510, 610, 710, 810 (785_52302)
$29.95 |
Datsun Z-Cars, by Consumer Guide. Full story behind the 280Z 260Z 240X 280ZX hardcover 96 pages (75_5_0890094373)
$19.95 |
70-83 2WD Pick-Ups Shop Service Repair Manual by Clymer (76_A148_)
$14.95 |
Diesel Engine SD22 4 cylinder & SD33 6 cylinder Engine Operation & Maintenance Manual by Nissan for Patrol International Scout II (70_AUSSD01)
$39.95 |
70-89 Pickup Repair and Tune-up Guide by Chiltons for Datsun and Nissan covers Gas & Diesel Engines (78_6816)
$14.95 |
73-88 Datsun Nissan 1200 210 Sentra shop service Repair manual by Chilton's (80_Nis_Chilt)
$9.95 |
73-89 Datsun / Nissan Shop Service Repair Manual for 200SX, 240SX, 510, 610, 710, 810, Maxima. All Us and Canadian models by Chilton's (73_DatsunChilto)
$29.95 |
How To Rebuild Your Datsun Nissan OHC Engine, by Tom Monroe, 160 pg. guide to rebuilding 1968-1984 4 & 6 cyl. engines as used in 240Z 280Z 260Z 510 810 610 710 and other models (76_134581)
$49.95 |
70-80 240Z, 260Z, 280Z, 280ZX, Turbo, 300ZX, Chiltons repair & tune-up guide for Datsun & Nissan 240, 260, & 280 Z & ZX (78_6638)
$26.95 |
Z Car Enthusiasts Guide by Ben Millspaugh 224 pgs From the beginning to 1986 Datsun Z Car models 240Z 240 Z Fairlady 260Z 280Z 300ZX GTP ZX-Turbo (86_Zcar)
$79.95 |
Car and Driver on Datsun Z, 1600, 2000, 1966-84, 96 pgs. of articles compiled by Brooklands (75_A_DATCD)
$23.95 |
68-86 How To Keep Your Nissan Datsun Alive By Colin Messer A John Muir Publication covers L-series and Z-Series models 510 521 610 620 710 720 Pickup 240Z 260Z 280Z (77_Keep_Alive)
$99.95 |