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1942 Six & Eight owners manual by Oldsmobile (42_Olds_OM - Not a shop manual)
$34.95 |
40-42 Hydra-Matic Transmission Diagnosis Manual by Oldsmobile Hydramatic (41_Olds_Hydrama)
$34.95 |
38-42 Body Chassis Parts manual by Oldsmobile (40_11875)
$69.95 |
42-48 Shop Service Repair Manual by Oldsmobile Sixes and Eights (42_OLSM)
$44.95 |
42-48 GM C-Body Convertible Top Owners manual for Oldsmobile Buick & Cadillac (42_TOP - Not a shop manual)
$7.95 |
39-48 Oldsmobile Repair and Tune up guide by Thompson. (43_Thom_Olds)
$19.95 |
37-47 Motor Age Flat Rate & Service Manual by Chiltons (42_FlatRate_SVC)
$49.95 |
1938-48 Oldsmobile Parts Catalogue No. 287 Chassis Only 350pgs (43_Olds287)
$69.95 |
37-48 Master Chassis Parts manual for Oldsmobile 340 pages (42_734802)
$69.95 |
37-48 Body Parts manual by Oldsmobile, 200 pages (42_734822)
$129.95 |
39-52 Parts Manual complete with all part numbers and some illustrations for all models by Oldsmobile (50_oldsbody)
$89.95 |
41-55 Body Parts Manual by Oldsmobile (47_Bod_Parts)
$79.95 |
39-54 GM Wagons by Don Narus with details and useful information for Buick Chevrolet Oldsmobile Pontiac and more in 128 pages with over 300 photos (48_GMWagons)
$32.95 |
1933-48 Oldsmobile Body Parts Book covering models from F33 to L42 200pgs (48_OldsBodyPart)
$69.95 |
1948 Oldsmobile Chassis Parts Book covers 1933 to 1948 models starting F33 to L42 (48_OldsChassisP)
$69.95 |
33-55 Chassis Parts catalog by Oldsmobile. (45_Chas_Parts)
$99.95 |
29-52 Chevrolet Interchange Parts Manual interchange with Pontiac Oldsmobile Buick (40_29_IPM_GM)
$29.95 |
29-52 parts interchange manual for Chevrolet (also covers Oldsmobile, Pontiac, and Buick) (40_29_IPM_OLD)
$29.95 |
33-60 Chassis Parts & Accessories Parts Manual by Oldsmobile. (52_Olds_Parts)
$78.95 |
Floyd Clymers Motor Scrapbook Number 2 (50_MotorScrap2)
$9.95 |
1900-54 American Automobile Album 224 page hard cover History (25_AmAutoAL)
$19.95 |
Dumpy Book of Motors & Road Transport by H Sampson 317 page cataloging all makes & models of cars & trucks as of 1956 (30_DumpyHist)
$99.95 |
Combustion on Wheels - An informal history of the Automobile Age by David L Cohn (20_CombustionWh)
$19.95 |
Birth of a Giant the Men & Incidents That Gave America the Motorcar by R Crabb 467 page hard cover history detailing ise of American auto industry incl: Dodge Leland Ford Oldsmobile Buick Nash Chevrolet Nash Chrysler & more (20_BOAG_Crabb)
$29.95 |
The Automotive career of Ransom E Olds - by Glenn A Niemeyer (63_RansomOlds)
$59.95 |
The World's Motor Museums by Tim Nicholson 143 hardbound pages (35_MotorMuseums)
$19.95 |
Car Badges of the World by Tim Nicholson (70_CarBadgesWor)
$19.95 |
Volume 38 Issue 4 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Olds 442 Lotus Elan Apperson and more (B20_AQVol38Iss4)
$29.95 |
The World of Automobiles vol 14 An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Motor Car covering models OI through PE including Oldsmobile OM Opel OSCA Owen Packard Panhard Panther Peerless Pegaso Pennington and more (40_WOA_V14)
$29.95 |
Oldsmobile The First Seventy Five Years edited by Beverly Rae Kimes Complete history of Oldmobile covers all models including Toronado Cutlass Super 88 442 hardcover 72 pages many color & B&W photos (34_OldsHist)
$29.95 |
Hemmings book of Oldsmobile: 120 pages from the F-31 to the 442's 1897-1972 (55_133492AE)
$39.95 |
66 Harrahs Automobile Collection (66_HarrahAutoCo)
$9.95 |
Project 2000 The rise and fall of Oldsmobile a division of General Motors by Robert Horvath (B00_Project2000)
$35.95 |
11-89 Pace Cars of the Indy 500 by Riggs approx 250 pages year by year pictorial history in hardcover (50_Pace_Cars)
$49.95 |
1897-1981 The Cars Of Oldsmobile by Dennis Casteele (50_CarsOfOldsmo)
$49.95 |
Setting the Pace Oldsmobile's First 100 years by Helen Jones Earley & James R Walkinshaw. Complete history of Oldmobile, covers all models incl Toronado, Cutlass, Super 88, 442. 496 hardbound pages many color & B&W photos and illustrations (46_OldsHist)
$69.95 |
Standard Catalog of Oldsmobile 1897-1997: 304 pages by Kowalke listing all models with productions volumes, specs, and pricing. (50_124537B)
$89.95 |
Cars with Personalities by John A Conde (82_CarsPersonal)
$24.95 |
The Automobile - The First Century - An international history of the car and car racing with over 700 illustrations - by David Burgess-Wise , William Boddy and Brian Laban (83_AutoCentury)
$29.95 |
Volume 18 Issue 3 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Lotus Elite Chevy Toronado Superleggera & others (B20_AQVol18Iss3)
$19.95 |
Volume 30, Issue 3 of Automobile Quarterly featuring '53 Oldsmobile Fiesta, '47 Lancia Aprilla, & others. (B20_AQVol30Iss3)
$29.95 |
Volume 32, Issue 1 of Automobile Quarterly featuring R.E. Olds, Triumph, Dinky Toys, Grand Sport Corvette, & others. (B20_AQVol32Iss1)
$34.95 |
Volume 41 Issue 4 of Automobile Quarterly complete dedicated to Oldsmobile (B20_AQVol41Iss4)
$34.95 |
Hershey Worlds Greatest Antique Car Event by R Taylor and J Constantine 160 page hard cover with many color photos detailing the many charms of one of America's premier antique car shows (97_Hershey)
$34.95 |
Parts Locator Guide listing hundreds of suppliers of parts & services for Oldsmobiles (60_OldsPartsLoc)
$28.95 |
Special Leather Bound Edition of The Art and Colour of General Motors Published at the GM 100th Anniversary in colorfeaturing the color photography Michael Furman & lively, entertaining essays by America's most distinguished classic car historians (50_ArtColGmLTHR)
$149.95 |
How to Rebuild & Modify Muncie 4 Speed Transmissions by Paul Cangialosi (80_SA278)
$32.95 |
Merry Old Mobiles on Parade by Hi Sibley 96 pages (25_MerryOldAuto)
$19.95 |