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304 '71 Emission Controls workshop manual for USA including operating principles (71_304_Emissi)
$7.95 |
71 Peugeot 504 Repair Guide By Peter Russek (71_504_Russek)
$24.95 |
68-72 504 Workshop Manual by InterEurope, for Peugeot sedan, coup & convert w/gas engines (70_IE184_504)
$19.95 |
70-74 Chilton Peugeot 304/504/Diesel Manual (72_5982u)
$12.95 |
70-74 304 Autobooks Workshop Manual, for small Peugeot, out of print (72_Abook_716)
$14.95 |
68-73 504 Autobooks Workshop Manual, for Peugeot (69_Abook_229)
$11.95 |
504 Air Conditioning Shop Service Repair Manual by Peugeot (71_504_A_C)
$19.95 |
68-75 Peugeot Service Bulletins (72_Peug_Bul)
$14.95 |
204 Shop Service Repair Manual by Peugeot (70_204_Srvc)
$59.95 |
Family Cars of the 1970s a Shire Library publication by J Taylor including information on the Morris Marina Ford Cortina Vauxhall Chevette Volkswagen Golf Renault 12 Peugeot 504 and more (75_SL688)
$17.95 |
65-76 204L 204B 204GL 204C Shop Service Repair Manual for Peugeot 204 by Autobooks, Hardcover 136 pages (71_OWM841)
$29.95 |
68 - 79 Peugeot 504 Gas Haynes Manual (74_0161)
$34.95 |
504 Workshop Manual by Peugeot (75_504_Svc)
$49.95 |
Peugeot 204 Parts Manual (69_204_Part)
$199.95 |
Weber Parts Manual for Carburetors as used on French car 65-77 Simca Citroen Matra Peugeot Renault (71_Weber)
$39.95 |
Peugeot 504 Station Wagon 1:34 Edicola Blue DieCast model (76_504_Wgn_Edic)
$49.95 |
Peugeot 504 Station Wagon 1:18 MCG Gold DieCast model (76_504_Wgn_MCG)
$129.95 |
404 Factory Shop Service Repair Manual by Peugeot (65_404_Sv)
$44.95 |
60-75 404 Shop Service Repair Manual bY Autobooks for Peugeot (65_B_PE40WE)
$24.95 |
Peugeot Wiring Diagrams Manual for 404 204 304 504 104 J7 Petrol & Diesel by Peugeot (70_PeugeotWire)
$69.95 |
60-75 404 Sedan owners manual by Peugeot (70_404_OM - Not a shop manual)
$49.95 |
60-75 404 Body Work Parts Manual by Peugeot (68_404_BodParts)
$59.95 |
60-75 404 Mechanical and Electrical Parts Manual by Peugeot (68_404_MecParts)
$59.95 |
504 Illustrated Parts Catalog Manual 2 Vol. Set by Peugeot. published July 1972-July 1973 (73_504_Parts)
$69.95 |
La Peugeot de mon pere 504 in French by Dominique Milleron History and the production of the Peugeot 604 Hardcover with photographs over 100 pages covering all models including Sedan Wagon Pickup Coupe Convertible GL & Diesel (75_38179)
$69.95 |
71 Peugeot 504 Convertible 1:18 Model Norev Grey (92_00400_WD129)
$89.95 |
71 Peugeot 504 Coupe 1:18 Norev Model Red (94_740_OM)
$129.95 |
65-83 BW 65/66 Transmission Shop Service Repair Manual by ATSG as used in BMW 2800 250 3.0CS Jaguar XJ6 & Puegeot 504 (74_BW65_66_ATSG)
$39.95 |
Peugeot 404 1:18 Norev Grey Model (98_AUTT1P)
$89.95 |
Peugeot de mon pere 404 in French by Dominique Pagneux History and information about design production and use of the French car Hardcover with photographs 120 pages (68_33994)
$59.95 |
Service Codes: Binder of Service Codes - Peugeot factory service (81_PeugotSvcCod)
$14.95 |
Tools: Special Tools Catalog - Peugeot official (81_SpecToolsPeu)
$14.95 |
Service Operations Manual by Peugeot (81_SvcOperation)
$14.95 |
Peugeot Scooter Manual by Haynes for repair and service of Peugeot Scooters (75_3920PeuScoot)
$34.95 |
Road & Track On Peugeot 1955-1986 Out of Print Brookland Books publication 100 pages 182 illustrations Reprinted Road & Track articles containing Road Tests (69_Peugeot_Road)
$39.95 |
Peugeot 203 Auto Collection 24. French language collector car magazine from 1995. 35 pages. Hors Serie Auto Passion (95_Peugeot203)
$49.95 |
Peugeot 403 Auto Collection 29. French language collector car magazine from 1995. 35 pages. Hors Serie Auto Passion (95_Peugeot403)
$49.95 |
Phillipe Charbonneaux in French by Dominiqe Pagneux The history of the designer, Hardbound with full color photographs 175 pages (68_34060)
$64.95 |
Vitesse Elegance French Expression of Flight & Motion by S. Bellu covering Voison Hispano Suiza Renault Peugeot Panhard Chenard & more Mullin Automotive Museum (68_VitesseElega)
$139.95 |
50 ans d'Automobile - by J A Gregoire - 588 pages in French (70_50AnsDAutomo)
$59.95 |
Les Carrosseries Henri Chapron by Dominiquie Pagneux in FRENCH Hardcover with full color photographs and information about the famous designer 192 pages (60_34059)
$89.95 |
The World of Automobiles vol 15 An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Motor Car covering models PE through RA including Peugeot Plymouth Pontiac Porsche Piccard Pictet Oierce Arrow Piper Pope Railton and more (40_WOA_V15)
$29.95 |
Sleeping Beauties by Hesselmann & Schrader about a forgotten collection of classic cars in France that included Bugatti and more.. 160 pages in both English & German text (50_37794)
$59.95 |
Peugeot sous le signe du lion by Pierre Dumont - Under the Sign of the Lion - in french 440 pages many B&W photos (50_PeugeotLion)
$69.95 |
00-91 Small Diesel Shop Service Repair Manual by Intertec 493 page book for Isuzu Kubota Mitsubishi Peugeot Volkswagen and other small diesel engines (50_DieselIntert)
$39.95 |
Volume 04, Issue 4 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Duesenberg PF Sigma Peuget, F. Gordon Crosby (B20_AQVol04Iss4)
$12.95 |
Volume 29, Issue 1 of Automobile Quarterly featuring MGA, Peugeot Gray-Dort Edgar Roy's Miniature Simplexes Chrysler 1903 Napier (B20_AQVol29Iss1)
$29.95 |
Volume 29, Issue 3 of Automobile Quarterly featuring C.O.P.O. Camaros, Edsel, Lincoln Highway, Peugeot Racing, Summit, Aston Martin DB3, Japanese sports cars. (B20_AQVol29Iss3)
$29.95 |
Peugeot history in Australia from 1889-2001 in 96 pages (70_Peugeot_AU)
$29.95 |
Peugeot Coupes Cabriolets par Francois Allain en Francais Histoire Modele 21 a Modele 307 CC. 160 pgs pub par ETAI 2001 (B01_PeugeotCC)
$65.95 |