Description |
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84 505 Turbo Diesel XD2S Maintenance record book (84_505Maint)
$1.95 |
84 505 and 604 Body Frame Dimension chart for Peugeot by KLM (84_505_604_Fran)
$19.95 |
Warranty Booklet by Peugeot, 1984 (84_Warranty)
$1.95 |
84 505 Wagon Body Frame Dimension Chart for Peugeot by KLM (84_Wagon_Frame)
$19.95 |
83--84 RallyCourse The Worlds Leading Rally annual year review 2nd yearly edition 176 color pages (835_Rallycourse)
$199.95 |
84--85 RallyCourse The Worlds Leading Rally annual year review 3rd yearly edition 176 color pages (845_Rallycourse)
$89.95 |
82-84 505 Electrical Workshop Manual by Peugeot (83_505_Elec)
$79.95 |
83-85 Peugeot Service Bulletins, Volume #3. (83_5SvcBulet)
$29.95 |
80-81 505 Electrical Service Manual by Peugeot. (805_505_Elec)
$59.95 |
505 Turbo Diesel Introductory Technical Description. 31 pgs. (82_505_TDIntro)
$14.95 |
80-85 Automatic Transmission Shop Service Repair Manual by Peugeot & ZF for automatic transmission ZF 3HP 22 3HP22 as used in 505 Biturbo and other models (825_3HP22)
$39.95 |
80-87 505 XN6 Engine Controls Manual by Peugeot (83_505_XN6_CTRL)
$49.95 |
80-87 505 XN6 Engine Workshop Manual by Peugeot (83_505_XN6_Engn)
$49.95 |
Warranty Statements (88_WarrentyStat)
$6.95 |
La Peugeot de mon pere 604 in French by Dominique Milleron History and the production of the Peugeot 604 Hardcover with photographs 120 pages (80_38180)
$199.95 |
Diesel Engines 504 505 604 Inc. turbo shop service Repair Manual for Peugeot by Haynes 2.0 2.1 2.3 2.5 XD2 XD2S XD3S OWM161 OWM162 1974-1990 (84_1607)
$89.95 |
505 504 Diesel Engine XD2, XD2C, XD2S Workshop Manual by Peugeot (85_505_DieslEng)
$69.95 |
84-94 Peugeot 205 GTI Essential Buyers Guide 1.6 1.9 incl Cabriolet with 205-specific guidelines for inspeciting and fixing weak points rust traps & defects with 100+ color photos (89_194225)
$19.95 |
78-89 305 repair manual by Haynes, hardback book for all models of this Peugeot (84_0538)
$34.95 |
505 Body & Interior, Maintenance General, Workshop Manual by Peugeot (86_505_Body)
$89.95 |
505 Steering, Brakes, Suspension, Wheels & Tires, Workshop Manual by Peugeot (86_505_ChasStee)
$69.95 |
505 Clutch, Manual Transmission BA10/5 & Automatic 3HP22 Transmission Workshop Manual by Peugeot (86_505_CltchTrn)
$39.95 |
505 Driveline, Front Axle, & Rear Axle, Workshop Manual by Peugeot (86_505_DriveLin)
$49.95 |
L-Jetronic; Technical Training (86_L_Jetronic_X)
$28.95 |
80-92 Peugeot 505 Parts Manual over 1,000 pages covering all models including Gas Diesel Turbo Sedan Wagon 4 cyl V6 STX STI SW8 and more... (86_505_Part)
$249.95 |
Peugeot 505 shop service repair manual by Haynes for 4 cylinder gas petrol engine. We offer a special diesel supplement as a separate item to go along with this manual for diesel applications. (87_0762)
$39.95 |
83-97 Peugeot 205 shop service repair manual by Haynes incl. all models (GTI, Cabrio, etc.) (89_0932)
$34.95 |
82-96 1.7 & 1.9L Diesel Haynes shop service repair manual for Peugeot engines (90_0950)
$34.95 |
ZF 4 HP-22 Techtran Transmission Manual by ATSG as used in BMW Peugeot Alfa Romeo Lincoln Marks Diesel and Jaguar Vehicles with 4HP22 Automatic Trans (80_ZF4HP22_ATSG)
$39.95 |
Peugeot 205 T16 by Graham Robson Technical details facts and fihures of this successful rally car 100 photos 128 pages (85_145975AE)
$29.95 |
83-98 Peugeot 205 Owners Manual (90_Peug_205_OM - Not a shop manual)
$34.95 |
Peugeot 205 T16 Haynes Enthusiast's Manual 160 pages Hardcover by N. Garton (9781785212512)
$29.95 |
La Peugeot de mon pere 504 in French by Dominique Milleron History and the production of the Peugeot 604 Hardcover with photographs over 100 pages covering all models including Sedan Wagon Pickup Coupe Convertible GL & Diesel (75_38179)
$69.95 |
La Peugeot de mon pere 505 in French by Dominique Milleron History and the production of the Peugeot 505 Hardcover with photographs 120 pages (85_505_Pere)
$199.95 |
71 Peugeot 504 Convertible 1:18 Model Norev Grey (92_00400_WD129)
$89.95 |
71 Peugeot 504 Coupe 1:18 Norev Model Red (94_740_OM)
$129.95 |
78-96 Engine parts 1 interchange Manual for Foreign & Domestic Cars & light duty Trucks by Hollander 62nd edition (80_Engine)
$89.95 |
83-01 Peugeot 106 205 206 306 Shop Manual by Porter for Gas & Diesel in approx 300 pages including engines 1.0 1.1 1.4 1.6 1.8 1.9 2.0 incl Turbo. Does not cover HDI or 16v (90_PM3845)
$39.95 |
Service Codes: Binder of Service Codes - Peugeot factory service (81_PeugotSvcCod)
$14.95 |
Tools: Special Tools Catalog - Peugeot official (81_SpecToolsPeu)
$14.95 |
Service Operations Manual by Peugeot (81_SvcOperation)
$14.95 |
Improve and Modify Peugeot 205 by Dave Pollard and Lindsay Porter (87_F833)
$34.95 |
Peugeot Scooter Manual by Haynes for repair and service of Peugeot Scooters (75_3920PeuScoot)
$34.95 |
Road & Track On Peugeot 1955-1986 Out of Print Brookland Books publication 100 pages 182 illustrations Reprinted Road & Track articles containing Road Tests (69_Peugeot_Road)
$39.95 |
Peugeot 203 Auto Collection 24. French language collector car magazine from 1995. 35 pages. Hors Serie Auto Passion (95_Peugeot203)
$49.95 |
Peugeot 403 Auto Collection 29. French language collector car magazine from 1995. 35 pages. Hors Serie Auto Passion (95_Peugeot403)
$49.95 |
Phillipe Charbonneaux in French by Dominiqe Pagneux The history of the designer, Hardbound with full color photographs 175 pages (68_34060)
$64.95 |
Vitesse Elegance French Expression of Flight & Motion by S. Bellu covering Voison Hispano Suiza Renault Peugeot Panhard Chenard & more Mullin Automotive Museum (68_VitesseElega)
$139.95 |
Les Carrosseries Henri Chapron by Dominiquie Pagneux in FRENCH Hardcover with full color photographs and information about the famous designer 192 pages (60_34059)
$89.95 |
00-91 Small Diesel Shop Service Repair Manual by Intertec 493 page book for Isuzu Kubota Mitsubishi Peugeot Volkswagen and other small diesel engines (50_DieselIntert)
$39.95 |