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66-76 Shop Service Repair Manual for Pontiac all models incl: Catalina Tempest GTO 2+2 Star Chief Bonneville LeMans Grand Prix Firebird Trans Am Ventura Phoenix & more (71_Pont_Svc)
$49.95 |
74 Chevy II Nova Factory Assembly Manual by Chevrolet (74_NFA)
$29.95 |
75 Chevy II Nova Factory Assembly Manual by Chevrolet (75_NFA)
$29.95 |
76 Chevy II Nova Factory Assembly Manual by Chevrolet (76_NFA)
$29.95 |
77 Shop Service Repair Manual 1,439 pages by Pontiac for TransAm Ventura Catalina Firebird TransAm Grand Prix Bonneville LeMans Astre Phoenix (77_Svc)
$64.95 |
79 Chevy II Nova Factory Assembly Manual by Chevrolet (79_NFA)
$29.95 |
79 Shop Service Repair Manual Supplement by Pontiac to be used in conjunction with 78 manual for all Firebird, Grand Prix, Bonneville, LeMans, Phoenix, and all other 1979 Pontiac models (79_S7910)
$34.95 |
80 Phoenix Shop Service Repair Manual by Pontiac (80_phoenix)
$29.95 |
80 Shop Service Repiar Manual supplement by Pontiac covering all models including Firebird Bonneville LeMans Grand Prix and more... supplement to 1978 manual (80_SVC_supp)
$28.95 |
81 Phoenix Service manual by Pontiac (81_Phenx_Serv)
$26.95 |
82 Phoenix & 6000 Service Shop repair Manual by Pontiac (82_FWD_Servc)
$36.95 |
83 A & X-J FWD Service shop repair manual in binder for 6000, Phoenix, 2000, Sunbird by Pontiac (83_AX_JSERVICE)
$24.95 |
83 Shop Service Repair Manual for all models by Pontiac including Firebird Bonneville Sunbird Phoenix Grand Prix & more (83_Gen_Carlin)
$44.95 |
84 Pontiac Shop Service Repair Manual, Vol #1 (84_Serv_Vol1)
$44.95 |
84 Pontiac Service Manual, Vol 2 Engine & Transmission (84_Serv_Vol2)
$28.95 |
84 Pontiac Service Manual, Vol 3 (Complete) (84_Serv_Vol3)
$28.95 |
84 Service shop repair Manual for 6000, Parisenne, Bonneville, Firebird, Grand Prix, 2000, Sunbird, 1000, Phoenix by Pontiac, 3 volume set (84_SvcMnV1_3)
$99.95 |
85 A X J N Fisher body service manual for Chevrolet Celebrity Cavalier Citation Cadillac Cimarron Buick Century Somerset Regal Skyhawk Pontiac Sunbird 6000 Phoenix Oldsmobile Firenza Ciera Cutlass Calais (85_FisherAXJN)
$14.95 |
85 Pontiac Product Service Publications Bulletins (85_ServPublct)
$19.95 |
86 Pontiac Product Service Publications Bulletins (86_PontProdct)
$17.95 |
87 Pontiac Product Service Publications (87_Publct)
$15.95 |
89 Pontiac Product Service Publications Bulletins (89_ServPublct)
$29.95 |
77 Phoenix Owners Manual by Pontiac. (77_Phoenix_OM - Not a shop manual)
$19.95 |
78 Phoenix Owners manual by Pontiac (78_Phoenix_OM - Not a shop manual)
$29.95 |
79 Phoenix Owners Manual by Pontiac (79_Phoenix_OM - Not a shop manual)
$24.95 |
80 Phoenix Owners manual by Pontiac. (80_Phoenix_OM - Not a shop manual)
$17.95 |
81 Phoenix Owners manual by Pontiac. (81_Phoenix_OM - Not a shop manual)
$17.95 |
82 Phoenix Owners Manual by Pontiac (82Phoenix_OM - Not a shop manual)
$17.95 |
83 Phoenix Owners manual by Pontiac (83_Phoen_Own - Not a shop manual)
$23.95 |
84 Phoenix Owners manual by Pontiac (84_Phoen_Own - Not a shop manual)
$17.95 |
79 Pontiac Buyer's Guide Sales Brochure by Pontiac for all 1979 models inclding Firebird Grand Prix LeMans Phoenix Bonneville Trans Am & more.. 12 pages (79_Pont_Buyer)
$8.95 |
79 Range Sales Brochure by Pontiac for all 1979 models inclding Firebird, Grand Prix, LeMans, Phoenix, Bonneville, Trans Am, and more.. over 30 pages (79_Range)
$12.95 |
78 Shop Service Repair Manual by Pontiac for Firebird Grand Prix Bonneville LeMans Phoenix Sunbird Safari Grand Am Catalina and Le Mans GrandAm all other 78 models Also used for 1979 & 1980 (78_3896R)
$69.95 |
78-80 Shop Service Repair Manuals Set by Pontiac on CD for Firebird Grand Prix Bonneville LeMans Phoenix Sunbird Safari Grand Am Catalina and Le Mans GrandAm all other 78 79 & 80 models (79_1400)
$34.95 |
80-84 Pontiac Phoenix & Oldsmobile Omega by Haynes (82_344_)
$8.95 |
80-85 Citation, Skylark, Phoenix, Omega; Chilton's Manual for Chevrolet, Pontiac, Buick, & Oldsmobile (825_7049U)
$21.95 |
80-85 shop service repair manual Chevrolet Citation Buick Skylark Pontiac Phoenix Oldsmobile Omega by Haynes (82_38020_Ch)
$12.95 |
83-89 B-body Parts & Illustration Catalog Manual by Pontiac, also 82-84 G, T, & X-bodies and 85-87 G & T-bodies (89_BGTXparts)
$69.95 |
82-89 Parts Manual by Pontiac covering Grand Prix, Bonneville, Parisienne, 1000, Phoenix, and more... (85_BGTX_Parts)
$69.95 |
74-83 Large format repair manual for Pontiac by Chiltons covering Grand Prix Grand Am LeMans GTO Phoenix & Ventura (78PO_28740)
$29.95 |
74-83 Pontiac Mid-Size shop Service repair Manual by Chilton (includes models like Grand AM, Grand Le Mans, Grand Prix, GTO, Le Mans, Phoenix, Ventura) (78_7346)
$29.95 |
68-79 Chevrolet Nova Interchange parts manual by Hollander; 300 pgs. (72_HNOVA)
$42.95 |