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Porsche 911 Performance Handbook by Mitchell Sam Rossi 192 pages (71_1489)
$249.95 |
69-73 Porsche 911 912 914 Shop Service Repair Manual by Chiltons (71_5811)
$32.95 |
72-76 Up-fixin der Porsche Vol. #4; Compilation of techincal articles from Prosche Panorama; 284 pgs. (74_Upfixin4)
$27.95 |
911 Carrera DME Testing Plan Intruductory Service Training Information Manual by Porsche (copyright 1983) (84_WSP_49052100)
$29.95 |
87 calendar year Technical Service Bulletins Shop Manual by Porsche apply to 87 and earlier 911 944 924 928 (87_PNA062_SM)
$24.95 |
85-89 911 Carrera Shop Manual Supplement insert pages by Porsche (87_WKD482020)
$59.95 |
89-91 Technical Specifications Manual by Porsche 911 Series (91_WKD_423_920)
$59.95 |
64-69 Porsche 911 Shop Service Repair Manual by Autobooks covering all models including 911S 911L 911E 911T 168 pages (66_911_Autobook)
$54.95 |
69-74 911 Bosch mechanical fuel injection Shop manual covering tuning emissions trouble shooting & more for 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.7 liter engines 47 pages by Porsche (72_POR911MFIsvc)
$59.95 |
78-83 911SC shop Service repair manual by Robert Bentley 666 pages for Porsche 911 Coupe Targa Cabriolet (81_P983)
$129.95 |
84-85 Technical Bulletins applicable to 1985 and earlier models 911 912 914 924 928 944 by Porsche (845_PONT_Bull)
$29.95 |
84 Porsche 911 Carrera Servicing, Assembling & Adjusting maintenance manual, 58 pages by Porsche (84_WKD490421)
$49.95 |
84-89 Porsche 911 Carrera Shop Service Repair Manual by Robert Bentley 690 pages Very complete (865_P989)
$139.95 |
84-89 911 Carrera workshop manual 5-volume set #7-11 (supplement to vol's 1-6) by Porsche (86WKD_482_020)
$1,199.95 |
89-94 Porsche 911 Enthusiast's Companion Carrera 2 & 4 & Turbo 964 638 pages by A. Streather including buyers guide service & maintenance troubleshooting DIY repairs performance enhancements & more (915_GP64)
$79.95 |
Porsche Special Tools & Equipment Catalog by Porsche May 1991 (91_PorscheTools)
$59.95 |
89-94 Porsche Carrera 911 964 & 965 Technicians Handbook of 368 pages covering Carrera 2 Carrera 4 RS America Turbo 3.3 Turbo 3.6 Tiptronic and more technical data without guesswork by Robert Bentley (92_PC94)
$59.95 |
89-94 shop service repair manual set of 7-volumes for 911 Carrera 2 & 4 964 by Porsche (93_WKD_482_520)
$994.95 |
71-77 Paint & Interior Color Samples & Codes by Porsche for all models (74_PorscheColor)
$169.95 |
78-84 Technical Bulletins 911 911SC 911 Carrera 924 928 928S 944 all Turbo by Porsche (91_PNA000056_SM)
$69.95 |
99-2005 Porsche 996 The Essential Companion 656 pages by Adrian Streather covering all the models of the water cooled Supreme Porsche 911 in intricate technical detail (965_146357)
$349.95 |
99-2005 911 Carrera incl 4 & 4S Shop Service Repair Manual by Robert Bentley 1,024 pages for Porsche 996 with 1,477 color illustrations (B02_P905)
$199.95 |
70-77 Porsche 911 & S & Targa & Carrera Shop Service Repair Manual by Autobooks (73_889)
$49.95 |
64-72 Porsche 912 911 Shop Service Repair Manual by Intereurope 157 page hard cover (68_911shopIE)
$129.95 |
87-88 calendar year Technical Bulletins for models 911 924 928 944 by Porsche applicable to 1988 and earlier model years (875_PONT_Bull)
$29.95 |
88 Technical Service Bulletins Shop Manual by Porsche all Models 911 944 928 applicable to 1988 and earliers years (88_PNA076_SM)
$29.95 |
1990 911 Carrera 2 & 4 shop repair manual insert supplement #5, by Porsche (92_WKD482520.05)
$24.95 |
1997-2005 Porsche 911 Ultimate Owners Guide Owners Manual 996 & Turbo by R Hamilton with key information needed to own & maintain the Porsche 911 with a year-by-year description of all model changes maintenance in 144 page with over 200 color photos (B01_149536)
$399.95 |
04-12 Porsche 997 The Essential Companion 656 pages w/1,500 picutres by A. Streather covering all the models in intricate technical detail (B09781845846206)
$139.95 |
64-73 Porsche 911 912 Restorers Guide to Authenticity by Dr B Johnson (68_911_912)
$49.95 |
89 Porsche Technical Service Bulletins applicable to 1989 and earlier for 911 944 928 924 and more (89_PNA000082)
$49.95 |
1991 Porsche Technical Service Bulletins Manual by Porsche for all models 911 928 944 924 for 1991 and ealier model years (91_Porsche_Bltn)
$39.95 |
85-95 Service Bulletin Index by Porsche (90_BulltnIndex)
$29.95 |
1992 Porsche Technical Service Bulletins Manual by Porsche for all models 911 928 944 924 for 1991 and ealier model years (92_Porsche_Bltn)
$39.95 |
101 projects for your 98-08 Porsche 911 304 pages of 30min-8hr projects to improve performance & maintenance by W. Dempsey (B09780760344033)
$39.95 |
1994 Porsche Technical Service Bulletins Manual by Porsche for all models 911 928 944 924 for 1994 and ealier model years (94_Porsche_Bltn)
$39.95 |
76-89 911 Turbo 930 Workshop Service Manual supplement by Porsche over 400 pages Carrera (83WKD_481_321)
$89.95 |
74-89 911 912E 930 Authenticity Series by Mark Haab 135 pages restoration guide to rear engined Porsche (81_121342)
$29.95 |
73-89 Porsche 911 Shop Service Manual by Clymer 2.7 & 3.0 & 3.2 (79781588502360)
$49.95 |
72-83 911 workshop service repair manual volumes 3-6 (supplements to 1965-71 vol's 1-2) also applies to 84-89 by Porsche (77_WKD_481_021)
$649.95 |
65-89 Porsche 911 Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes (70_80020_85)
$37.95 |
Chilton's Porsche Shop Service Repair Manual for 1100 1300 1600 356 911 & 912 126 pages 1949-1968 (69_5337_)
$29.95 |
65-86 Porsche 911 912 Shop Service Manual by Clymer (75_A183)
$49.95 |
911 Performance Handbook, by Bruce Anderson 2754 pg guide to extracting the most from your Porsche 911 (81_123574_1st)
$29.95 |
68-91 emissions and tune-up specifications all models 911 924 928 944 by Porsche 31 pages small booklet (72_PNA000023B)
$39.95 |
65-71 911 workshop service manual volumes 1 & 2 by Porsche (68_WKD_480_520)
$599.95 |
65-89 Porsche 911 Shop Service Repair Manual by Haynes (71_80020)
$39.95 |
65-89 911 Purchase & Restoration Guide, Hardbound, 253 pages by Lindsay Porter & Peter Morgan (71_F475)
$34.95 |
Porsche 911 Restoration manual by Lindsay Porter & Peter Morgan 256 hardbound pages covering all models from 65-89 (75_128107AE)
$129.95 |
101 projects for your 64-89 Porsche 911 224 pages of 30min-8hr projects to improve performance & maintenance by W. Dempsey (77_131569AP)
$39.95 |