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Tom McCahill on Sports Cars 144 page racing history covering Mercedes Ferrari Porsche Lancia Buggati & more (25_MccahillSpor)
$29.95 |
Cars to Remember 37 Great Automobiles in Retrospect by B Neely & J Lamm includes photos and text about Austin-Healey Packard Cord Porsche Bugatti Jaguar Duesenberg Rolls-Rouyce Ferrari and others (35_Cars_to_Rem)
$29.95 |
Sports Cars of the World by R Halmi 125 page history covering BMW Ford Lotus MG Porsche & more (30_SportsHalmi)
$9.95 |
Porsche - the Man and his Cars by Richard von Frankenberg (61_PorscheManCa)
$19.95 |
Porsche 356 by Stefano Pasini & Solieri very high quality hardbound photo book has pre-356 Porsche history then many photos of 356 color & B&W English & Italian text (55_Porsche356)
$89.95 |
Sports Cars in Action by John R Bond - The history and specifications of early sports cars and information about eh different manufacturers - published 1954 (54_SportAction)
$19.95 |
1900-65 the New Matadors by H Baumann 152 page hard cover Racing History (30_Matadors)
$99.95 |
Sports Cars on Road & Track History book by Ray Hutton 94 beautifully illustrated hardbound pages (32_SportCarsRTH)
$12.95 |
The Worlds Fastest Cars - by Fred Horsley - A book on a half century of the worlds fastes cars and stories of th ebrave drivers of these cars - published 1955 (55_WorldFastest)
$24.95 |
Stuttgarter Karosseriewerk Reutter: Von Der Reform Karosserie Sum Porsche 356 Hardcover history of the Reutter Coachbuilding company that amoung other things made the bodies for the 356 Porsche 322 pages in GERMAN (56_35444)
$99.95 |
Man and Motor - the 20th Century Love Affair - edited by Derek Jewell - A compilation of articles and pictures about how deep the passion runs between man and the machine that defined the 20th century - published 1967 (67_ManMotorLove)
$24.95 |
65-73 Targa Florio the Porsche Years compliation book portfolio by Brooklands 172 pages (69_TFMR65)
$32.95 |
Volume 42 Issue 3 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Porsche 356 Auburn Cord Duesenberg Museum Cord L29 Riley 2.5 and more (B20_AQVol42Iss3)
$34.95 |
Volume 48 Issue 4 of Automotive Quarterly featuring Porsche Maserati Birdcage Microcar & more... (B20_AQVol48Iss4)
$29.95 |
00-71 Sports Cars of the World by B. Kovacik incl articles on Ferrari Porsche Bugatti Alfa Bentley Stutz Duesenberg Morgan Scarab Lotus Maserati Isotta Fraschini & more 320 pgs by Petersen (35_SportCarWrld)
$19.95 |
The Rally Handbook by R Hudson-Evans Hardcover 206 pgs (Hudson_Rally)
$19.95 |
The World of Automobiles vol 15 An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Motor Car covering models PE through RA including Peugeot Plymouth Pontiac Porsche Piccard Pictet Oierce Arrow Piper Pope Railton and more (40_WOA_V15)
$29.95 |
PORSCHE Double World Champions 1900-1977 History book hardbound 276 illustrated pages by Richard von Frankenberg w/ Michael Cotton (38_DoubleWrldCh)
$24.95 |
1890-1969 A History of Sports Cars by GN Georgano Hardcover 320 pgs (30_SportsCarHis)
$19.95 |
Cars In Profile Collection 1 includes 246 SP-330 P4 Ferraris 4.5 litre Lago-Talbot F1 Repco-Brabhams Chaparral 2, 2D, 2F Porsche 917 & Alfa Romeo Type B editor: Anthony Harding (40_CarsInProfil)
$29.95 |
Racing Cars by Doug Nye - A Book about many of the Racing cars from 1895 until 1980 (80_RaceCNye)
$9.95 |
Sports Cars by Doug Nye - A Book about many of the sports cars from 1900 until 1980 (80_SportCNye)
$9.95 |
We at Porsche The Autobiography of Ferry Porsche with John Bentley 290 hardbound pages tells story of the Porsche family and cars from late 1800's to 1976, very interesting with Military history also many B&W photos (50_weatporsche)
$39.95 |
Porsche Portrait of a Legend by Ingo Seiff Hoffmand und Campe 288 hardbound pages 340 X 270 mm large book with large photos large print story of Porsche cars up to 1985 (60_Porschelegen)
$19.95 |
Classic Convertibles History Book on Exotic Convertibles 127 hardbound pages (42_ClassConvert)
$24.95 |
Porsche by Mike McCarthy 190 hardbound pages many B&W & color photos street & race cars 1903-1986 (70_Porsche_M_MC)
$14.95 |
Classic Sportscars hard cover history covering BMW Ford Lotus MG Porsche & more (50_SportsBadre)
$19.95 |
Berlinettas - Classic Coupes of Yesterday and Today - by Jean-Paul Thevenet and Peter Vann (87_Berlinettas)
$29.95 |
At the Limit Twenty One Classic Cars That Shaped a Century of Motor Sport Racing by N Mason 176 page hard cover book featuring Panhard Ferrari Porsche Alfa Romeo Jaguar & more classic racing cars (44_LimitRacing)
$49.95 |
The Worlds Most Powerful Cars by G Robson (44_PowerfulCars)
$24.95 |
Supercars the Worlds Finest High Performance Automobiles by J Walton 240 hard cover history (75_SuperWalton)
$14.95 |
Dream Cars History Book by Richard Nichols 190 hardbound pages (45_DreamCars)
$24.95 |
1900-90 Porsche Carrera 4 - Porsche Allrad - All-Wheel Drive cars - in German and English (45_PorscheAllra)
$69.95 |
Autodrome the lost racing circuits of Europe 176 pages by Collins (65_139530AE)
$79.95 |
The World's Fastest Cars - An illustrated guide to High Performance Production Cars - by John McGovren (88_WorldFastest)
$24.95 |
Corvettes for the Road - Corvette Ferrari Mercedes Porsche - The greatest of the Survivor Series - by Henry Rasmussen (89_FourForRoad)
$39.95 |
Mercedes Magic - The Story of the 1989 Le Mans race by Ken Wells (89_MercedesMagi)
$14.95 |
Porsche - The Enduring Legend by Nicky Wright (90_PorscheEndur)
$24.95 |
Porsche by David Vivian 72 hardbound pages many color photos story of cars up to 1993 (50_Porsche)
$19.95 |
Porsche The Fine Art of the Sports Car photography by L. Lewis & others 312 high quality hardbound pages from Auto Union to 911 Carrera 4 200 color & 120 B&W photos large coffee table book (70_Porscheart)
$49.95 |
Porsche Road Cars Race Cars by Roger W Hicks (91_PorscheRoadR)
$14.95 |
Classic Porsches Generations of Genius by Brian Laban (92_ClassicPorsc)
$39.95 |
The World's Great Marques - BMW 850i Ferrari F40 Jaguar Etype Lamborghini Countach Diablo Mercedes 500SL Porsche 911 Maserati Bora Nissan 300ZX Chrevrolet Corvette Aston Martin V8 Vantage. Learn all the greatest marques the world has ever known (92_WrldsGrtMrqs)
$24.95 |
Classic Porsche by Michael Cotton with a forward by Jacky Ickx with over 220 photos (93_ClassicPorsc)
$19.95 |
Great Marques - BMW Ferrari Jaguar Lamborghini Mercedes Porsche - by Stuart Bladon - Chris Harvey - Brian Laban - Learn all about the six greatest marques the world has ever known (94_GreatMarques)
$24.95 |
Porsche - The Illustrated Motorcar Legends by Roy Bacon (90_PorscheBacon)
$17.95 |
Porsche Racing - by David and Andrea Sparrow - 356 to GTI Lemans Dayton Grand Prix Supercup - Historic Triumphs and Contemporary Action (97_PorscheRacin)
$49.95 |
1885-1984 Purnells Great World of Performance Cars by Peter Roberts - A photographic and textual history of the great performance cars . From the Experimental years of the 19th century to the streamlined beauty of the cars of the sixties and seventies. (35_PurnellPerfC)
$23.95 |
100 Years of Porsche Mirrored in Contemporary History 1875-1975 story of Ferdinand Porsche, forward by Ferry Porsche, year by year story of Porsche with historical events that happened world wide many B&W photos hardbound book (30_Porscheyears)
$89.95 |
If Hemingway had written a racing novel 197 pages of short stories about cars & car racing edited by Nisley (50_1588500489)
$19.95 |