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52-82 Porsche at the Rally Monte Carlo 912 pages in two hardcover volumes in specail slipcase (67_978387166108)
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Track Tests, Sports Cars by Michael Bowler, excellent combined test and history, from early BMWs to 917 Porsche, large format 142 pages (52_Track_Test)
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ABCs (and 912s) of Porsche Engines or Porsche Engines and the Future of the Human Race by Harry Pellow (69_356_912)
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Porsche by M. Cotton a pictorial history with a foreword by Jacky Ickx (70_Por_Cott)
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New Porsche Guide by Sloniger 126 page history (30_PorscheSlo)
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The Golden days Thompson Speedway & Raceway sports & formula car events 760 pages in 2 volumes w/1,200 photos by O'Neil (59_Cady_Convert)
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Porsche, Great Marques history by Chris Harvey 96 pg hardcover featuring all the modes including 356 911 914 924 917 904 936 956 910 912 928 930 Turbo and more... (64_0706413709)
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51-83 Classic Porsche Racing Cars by Michael Cotton (66_PorscheRacin)
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Porsches for the Road A Survivor's series volume by Henry Rasmussen (655_0879381523)
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Porsches at LeMans by Dominique Pascal 132 hardbound pages deatiled history of racing 1951-1984 many B&W & color photos with technical specs of the cars, drivers, performance (70_F457)
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Porsche & Design by Giancarlo Perini and Akira Fujimoto Hardbound book 131 pages with lots of photos black white & color Japanese & English (70_PorscheDesig)
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The Racing Porsches; A Technical Triumph: by Paul Frere. Copyright 1974. Hardbound book 212 pages with photos. (57_RacePorscheT)
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Cars The New Classics: The Greatest Cars Made Since 1945 by Chris Harvey 80 hardbound pages (62_CarsClassics)
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Porsche, A Tradition of Greatness, 256 pg by the Richard Langworth and the Editors of Consumer Guide. (655_0517404966)
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The One & Only Crazy Car Book by S Walker aged 10 years old hardcover (54_CrazyCarBook)
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Mark Donohue His Life in Photographs by M. Argetsinger hardcover 160 pages (56_MDonohue)
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Porsche 911 in all its forms by Chris Harvey (88_PorscheForms)
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Legendary Car Engines by John Simister 159 of the best 20 automotive engines that made history including Alfa Romeo Aston Martin (04_Lengendary_H)
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Porsche Story by Julius Weitmann revised & edited by Michael Cotton Porsche's competition history in more than 700 B&W photographs 432 hardbound pages 1951-1991 (65_Porschestory)
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Racing in the Rain by J. Horsman My years with Brillian drivers Legendary Sports Cars and a Dedicated team 416 pages hardcover (70_35427)
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A French Kiss with Death: Steve McQueen and the Making of LeMans: 464 pages by M. Keyser (70_GMCS)
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The Worlds Great Cars - edited by J Coulter - with Performance Information Specifications Motoring History and stories of Famous Designers from the US Italy Great Britain Germany France & more in 416 hardcover pages (80_WorldsGreatC)
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Collectors Cars - A Generation of Post War Classics - by Julian Brown (85_CollectorCar)
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Illustrated Buyers Guide for Porsche by Dean Batchelor. 176 pages. B&W Photos all models 1948 to 1990 (69_125185AP)
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LeMans Porsche by John S Allen 128 pages history of the race cars from the 1950's to 1992 many color photos 356 911 917 956 962 904 910 and others (70_Lemanporsche)
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Birth of the Beetle: The Development of the Volkswagen by Porsche 320 pages by C. Barber (57_135868AE)
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Starting Grid to Chequered Flag by P Frere 296 page racing history autobiography of the famous Formula One driver & jouranlist (50_StartingGrid)
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Racing Milestones by Porsche 356 to 962 by H. Thoms 224 pages (70_0963172638)
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Legendary Porsche by Randy Leffingwell: beautifull 228 page color history book Porsche Legends with excellent text about all the various Porsche models (80_135132)
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Porsche Speedster 356 & 911 by Michael Thiriar 220 pgs. (60_31139A)
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Porsche Family Tree Porsche Models From 1948 to 1995 by D James history covering 356 911 Carrera Turbo & more (72_PorscheFam)
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Porsche Catalogs a compilation of Sales Brochures bound into book form from 1948 to early 90's by Malcolm Toogood 125 hardbound pages (75_PorscheCatal)
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Porsche Past & Present by Denis Jenkinson 207 hardbound pages, many B&W photos, authors story's of his experiences with Porsche's and other interesting cars from 1930's to 1983 (60_Jenkinson)
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Porsche Color Family Album by Andrea & David Sparrow 96 hardbound pages loads of pictures up to 1996 (75_1901295281)
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Rallying by S Turner hard cover offering techniques for winning time and distance rallies (88_Rallying)
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Porsche Specials by Lothar Boschen and Jurgen Barth 238 hardbound pages German edition many B&W photos stories of many unusual vehicles airplanes tanks cars trucks 1930's to 1984 (61_Porschespec)
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Porsche by A. Noakes Illustrated hardcover history covering the 356 550 911 917 936 956 964 997 & racing models (75_PorscheHist)
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Porsche Panorama October 1981 Magazine 87 page History (65_PorsPan1081)
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Porsche Panorama November 81 Magazine 87 page History (65_PorsPan1181)
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Porsche Panorama December 81 Magazine 87 page History (65_PorsPan1281)
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The Last Open Road by B.S. Levy: a wonderful novel about sports car racing in the 50's; 354 pages (75_RFP316)
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Porsche Buyers Guide 192 pages by Dean Batchelor updated by R. Leffingwell all models 1948 to 97 356 911 912 914 928 924 944 Boxster (84_134867AP)
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Elite Cars (88_323_training)
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Auto Focus - Porsche 911 by Richard A Lentinello - A history of one of the greatest sports cars ever made (B00_AutoFocusPo)
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Porsche Panorama March 82 Magazine 87 page History (65_PorsPan0382)
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Porsche Panorama April 82 Magazine 87 page History (65_PorsPan0482)
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Porsche Panorama November 82 Magazine 87 page History (65_PorsPan1182)
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The Little Book of Porsche color photo history book by Phillip Raby 127 pgs (65_Porsche_Litt)
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Porsche Panorama August 83 Magazine 87 page History (65_PorsPan0883)
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Porsche Panorama December 83 Magazine 87 page History (65_PorsPan1283)
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