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53-56 Porsche Spyders Type 550 by Karl Ludvigsen The history of the early Porsche 550 Spyder racing automobiles 122 photos 125pages (545_10185)
$32.95 |
53-56 550 Porsche Owners Manual (545_550_OM - Not a shop manual)
$4,994.95 |
56-59 356A factory Shop Service Repair Manual by Porsche for 356 A over 500 pages (55_WKD_480_120)
$129.95 |
356A shop service Repair Manual by Porsche (56_356ServGer)
$399.95 |
56-59 356A owners manual by Porsche (57_WKD460020 - Not a shop manual)
$89.95 |
Elva Sports Racers Road Test Portfolio by RM Clarke with Road Tests Feature Articles and much more with information on the MKI MKII MKIII MKIV MKV MKVI MKVII MKVIII Courier GT160 and much more in 160 pages with over 350 photos (57_ELVARP)
$39.95 |
Elva the cars the people the history 516 page by J. Wimpffen (57_ELVA_WIMPFFE)
$99.95 |
Porsche 356 Speedster typ 540 by Heinrichs Perrin et al 256 pgs (56_540_Speedstr)
$3,499.95 |
Porsche 356 Speedster 50th Anniversary celebration of an Icon 256 pgs 332 color photos by Edwards & Heinrichs (56_Speedster50)
$189.95 |
56-62 - The Best of Christophorus - The best articles from the classic Porsche magazine selected and edited by Michael Cotton - Special first edition of a limited printing (59_Christophoru)
$89.95 |
Porsche 356 Speedster Schuco 1:18 Model Bruce Jennings (33_BirthHist)
$199.95 |
55-62 Car & Driver on Porsche, Articles on Porsche models, 96 pgs, compiled by Brooklands. (58_A_POCD55)
$29.95 |
56-64 Porsche Spyders Type 550A RSK & 718 by Karl Ludvigsen The history of the early Porsche 50 Spyder racing automobiles 122 photos 128pages (60_145949AE)
$29.95 |
Le Mans 1949-59 The Official History of the World's Greatest Motor Race 352 pages hardcover by Spurring (55_193958)
$69.95 |
European Sports Cars of the Fifties The Survivors Series by Henry Rasmussen (55_EuropaSportC)
$34.95 |
James Dean From Passion for Speed to Immortality History Book by Philippe Defechereux 131 Hardbound illustrated pages (55_JamesDean)
$34.95 |
50-60 Liebe Zu Ihm Love or Porsche 220 pgs (57_196329AE)
$1,495.95 |
Porsche & Mille Miglia 1952-1957 by Andrea Curami 144 pages Hardcover many color & B&W illustrations (53_137693)
$79.95 |
53-65 356 portfolio of articles compiled by Brooklands; 172 page gold edition (59_A_PO53GP)
$39.95 |
52-65 Porsche 356 Ultimate Portfolio compilation of articles in book form 208 pgs (59_A_PO52UP)
$44.95 |
The Porsche & Volkswagen Companion by Kenneth Ullyett 163 hardbound pages storys and technical info about early air cooled Porsche's & VW (65_PorscheVW_Co)
$44.95 |
Porsche 356 Coupe 1:18 Burago Model (61_356_Cpe_18)
$59.95 |
50-65 Buying, Driving, and Enjoying your Porsche 356: 144 pages by Schrager (575_131993AE)
$49.95 |
50-65 Original Porsche 356 Restorer's Guide by Meredith. Color illustrated history covering Coupe Cabriolet Roadster and Speedster models (575_136426AP)
$44.95 |
Porsche 356 Performance Guide Modern upgrades for performance & reliability on the street & track by D. Spencer 208 pages (575_30103)
$149.95 |
50-65 Technical Specifications Manual by Porsche for 356 (575_356_Specs)
$74.95 |
Guide to Do it Yourself Porsche 356 Restoration 146 pages by Jim Kellogg with 250 B&W photos (58_191541)
$29.95 |
The 356 Porsche: A restorers guide to Authenticity Rev. III by DR. B. Johnson 154 pgs. (60_356rest_guid)
$27.95 |
Porsche owners handbook and Shop Service Repair Manual 48-65 356 356A 356B 356C by Floyd Clymer was out of print published in 1967 now repro print 216 pages (60_Prsch_Cly)
$29.95 |
50-65 356 A B C Tech Spec's manual 99 pages by Porsche (60_WKD420220)
$49.95 |
356 by L. Meredith, 144 pages in about the legendary Porsche (61_S25981)
$39.95 |
Porsche Carrera and the early years Porsche Motorsport 832 pages by Sprenger & Heinrichs 500 illustrations of which 250 in color (47_31458A)
$389.95 |
Porsche 356 Coupe Cabriolet Roadster Speedster Carrera Osprey Expert History by Denis Jenkinson 127 pages many great photos (58_Porsche356Os)
$89.95 |
51-67 Road & Track on Porsche, 100 pgs of articles compiled by Brooklands (59_A_PORT51)
$23.95 |
52-68 Porsche Sports Racers Ultimate Portfolio; Featuring articles, road comparisons, and track tests. 250 illustrations, 208 pages. 904 906 910 907 908 718 RSK Aabarth GT Carrera 6 (59_POSUP)
$44.95 |
48-65 Restored by Hand The Nuts and Bolts of Porsche 356 Restoration by R Roland 256 pages (565_356_Restore)
$59.95 |
48-65 Porsche 356 Technical & Restoration Guide Volume II 256 page volume 470 illustrations including in depth acticles on body repair upholstery brakes suspension engine transmission carburetion 4-cam and more..... (57_31302A)
$799.95 |
356 Carrera The Four-Cam Production Cars by Cole Scrogham (61_356Carrera)
$299.95 |
Porsche 356 made by Reutter 320 pages hardcover 9x10.5 by F Jung (509783667114563)
$799.95 |
Porsche 356 1948-1965 Photo Album Edited by Wallace Wyss 109 pages of B&W photos (55_10076)
$24.95 |
50-59 They Started in MGs by Goodwin 288 page racing history book profiling the drivers of the MG TC TD TF MGA models in the 1950s and then graduated to other makes (55_786460526)
$37.95 |
Porsche Speedster Typ 540 Quintessental Sports Car history about the 356 Carrera 12 by 10 2/8 (55_QuintSpeed)
$550.95 |
Porsche 356 and 550 History Hardcover illustrated book. Text by author Henry Rasmussen and Forewood by professor Ferry Porsche. 160 pages (56_356_550rasmu)
$59.95 |
Porsche 356 Der Erfolgreichste Deutsche Sportwagen [ The Most Successful German Sports Car ] Text in German & English 48 pgs Auto-Classic Nr. 1 (56_Porsche356)
$19.95 |
Porsche 956 by Stefano Pasini history book with multiple photographs on the origin & development of the 956 including Carrera 2 (57_Porsche356)
$104.95 |
Toly's Ghost by BS Levy a wonderful novel about sports car racing (58_09642107_6_2)
$34.95 |
356 Porsche history by Brian Long 160 hardbound pages Over 160 colour and black & white photographs and line illustration (58_1903706483)
$59.95 |
Porsche Story, Weitmann. Early history from 1951 thru 1968 covering production and competition. 256 pg illust (59_5_History)
$49.95 |
48-65 356 Defined; by Dr. Brett Johnson; 140 pgs detailing each year by year model and detail changes: a pictorial guide to authenticity for the Porsche 356 (60_140606AE)
$34.95 |
Porsche 356 Driving in its purest form 263 pages (60_31129A)
$39.95 |