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Race Car Graphics the Professional Touch by G Smith racing restoration manual (50_RaceGraphic)
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Stalking the Motorsports Sponser by P Bentley racing guide to attaining sponsership (50_StalkSponser)
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History of the Racing Vehicle by G Lurani 319pgs hardcover (87_racingcar)
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Build to Win Composite Material Technology for Cars & Motorcycles by K Noakes 127 page Racing Shop Manual (50_BuildWin)
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At the Limit Twenty One Classic Cars That Shaped a Century of Motor Sport Racing by N Mason 176 page hard cover book featuring Panhard Ferrari Porsche Alfa Romeo Jaguar & more classic racing cars (44_LimitRacing)
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Monte Carlo Rally the Worlds Greatest Motor Competitions by G Robson 200 hard cover racing history (50_MonteCarRob)
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Secrets of Solo Racing Expert Techniques for Autocross & Time Trials by H Watts 173 page performance guide with chapters on Driving Basics Turns & Shifting Preparing & Modifying Cars & more (50_SoloRacing)
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The Racer's Complete Reference Guide, B. Landis, 5th edition source book for all racing equipment. 141 pg (45_0936834080)
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Winning A Race Driver's Handbook, G. Anderson. Technique and methods from top drivers and race engineers. (45_119031AE)
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Motoring My Way by Stanley Sedgwick (50_MotoringMyWa)
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Innes Remembers by Innes & Jean Ireland (60_Innesremem)
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Autodrome the lost racing circuits of Europe 176 pages by Collins (65_139530AE)
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Speedway Auto Racing Ghost Tracks 176 pages hardcover by Collins (67_150113)
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Mercedes Magic - The Story of the 1989 Le Mans race by Ken Wells (89_MercedesMagi)
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The Do it yourself Guide to Sport Trucking by Michael Bargo - Build a Super Street Cruiser or Off Road 4 wheeler - published 1991 (91_SA296)
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The Race - by Bob Judd A thriller of money, power and intrigue at the Indianapolis 500 (91_TheRaceJudd)
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Racers Guide to Fabricating Shop Equipment by J Block racing shop service manual with scetions on building a engine stand hydraulic press engine hoist motorized flame cutter & more (45_RacerFab)
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Racers Encyclopedia of Metals Fibers & Materials by F Aird Custom racing shop service manual (80_RacerMat)
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Inside Track - A Photo Documentary of NASCAR Stock Car Racing by Benny Parsons with photos by George Bennett - The photo ducumentation of a year of NASCAR racing and following several drivers and their teams (96_InsideTrack)
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Mechanic's Guide to Precision Measuring Tools by F. Aird 128 pages Powerpro Series (48_MeasurTools)
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Hot Rods by Boyd Picture book of 19 Boyd Coddington hot rods 126 pgs pub by Thaxton Press (97_HotRodBoyd)
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Road Rally Handbookthe Complete Guide to Competing in Time Speed Distance Road Rallies by C Goss 366 page volume with sections on Getting Started Running Novice Class Rally Equipment Navagation Driving Traps & more (50_RoadRally)
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A Twist of the Wrist - The Motorcycle Road Racers Handbook by Keith Code (83_TwistWristI)
$19.95 |
A Twist of the Wrist Volume 2 - Basics of High Performance Motorcycle Riding by Keith Code (83_TwistWristII)
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Porsche Racing - by David and Andrea Sparrow - 356 to GTI Lemans Dayton Grand Prix Supercup - Historic Triumphs and Contemporary Action (97_PorscheRacin)
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Speed Secrets - Professional Race Driving Techniques by Ross Bentley (90_SpeedSecrets)
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La Lancia 500 page history of Lancia by W. Oude Weernink (80_LaLancia)
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49th Annual Pebble Beach Concours dElegance program for the year 1999 (99_PebbleBeach)
$19.95 |
1001 High Performance Tech Tips by Wayne Scraba (50_HP_1429)
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Competition Car Suspension Design Construction Tuning by A Staniforth 268 page hard cover (90_CompSusp)
$44.95 |
If Hemingway had written a racing novel 197 pages of short stories about cars & car racing edited by Nisley (50_1588500489)
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1884-1984 100 Years of Mercedes Benz Motor Car Racing racing history (50_MB100Years)
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La Carrera Panamericana History of the Mexican Road Race 272 pages Hardcover by Tipler (52_146629)
$89.95 |
The Ultimate Race Car. By David Burgess Wise (53_TURC_Burgess)
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Porsche 917 - Kimberlys Racing Sportscar Guide by Michael Cotton (60_917Cotton)
$124.95 |
Racecar Engineering & Mechanics by Van Valkenburgh Fundamentals of race car performance and modification 176 pages published 2000 (60_HP_1366)
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Granite & Marble Directory of Resting Places of Motor Racing Greats by Eddie (65_Spridget)
$74.95 |
The Golden Age of the American Racing Car by Griffith Borgeson (66_GoldenAgeAme)
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How to Build and Maintain Competitive (yet legal) Formula Ford 1600 Engines by Jake Lamont & Tom Andresen adresses rebuilding blueprinting maintenance tuning of both engine and ancillary components (70_FF_Eng_Prep)
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Directory of Classic Racing Motorcycles by Brian Woolley from AJS to Yamaha 215 pages (88_ClassicMotor)
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The Formula One Pack - A Comprehensive Interactive 3D Pop Up Book with Track Plans Driver Cars and much more... by Ron van der Meer and Adam Cooper (99_FormulaOnePa)
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50th Annual Pebble Beach Concours dElegance program for the year 2000 (B00_PebbleBeach)
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Volume 33, Issue 3 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Corvair, Fleetwood, M.G., Mario Andretti, & others. (B20_AQVol33Iss3)
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Racing Cars Seventy Years Of Record Breaking By Golden Press (Racing_Cars_Sev)
$14.95 |
The Power and the Glory a Century of Motor Racing by Ivan Rendall 240 hardbound pages many color &b/w photos and illustrations amazing artwork (80_Rendall)
$19.95 |
the Spirit of Competition F. Simeone Museum M. Furman (B019950065D2033)
$184.95 |
Going Faster Mastering the Art of Race Driving by C Lopez from the Skip Barber Racing School 276 pages (B01_Faster)
$19.95 |
51st Annual Pebble Beach Concours dElegance program for the year 2001 (B01_PebbleBeach)
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Monaco: Grand Prix de Monaco:465 pages, Hardbound, Oversized; History of the Race. Hundred of photos with year by year results and stories. by R.W. Schlegelmilch & H. Lehbrink with Foreword by Alain Prost (70_MonacoGP)
$69.95 |
52nd Annual Pebble Beach Concours dElegance program for the year 2002 (B02_PebbleBeach)
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