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Stock Car Driver by W Butterworth 208 page hard cover racing history offering a fictional account of the life of a stock car driver (33_StockCar)
$19.95 |
1906-1972 The Grand Prix Car by L J K Setright (39_GrandPrixCar)
$49.95 |
The LeMans 24 Hours Race by Michael Cotton - Forward by Derek Bell (89_LeMans24Hour)
$24.95 |
Grand Prix Racing by P J Williams 121pgs of detailed accounts of famous races & full glossary of grand prix terms. (33_GrandPrix)
$19.95 |
How To Watch Motor Racing by S. Moss Hardcover 150 pg (42_Racing)
$39.95 |
Hunger for Racing by J Douglas 192 hard cover racing history racing history offering a fictional account of the life of a race car driver (50_HungerRacing)
$9.95 |
Race Car Chassis Design & Construction by F Aird 128 page history explores the principles design & development of the race car chassis in detail (62_RaceCarCh)
$29.95 |
Aerodynamics for Racing and Performance Cars by Forbes Aird 138 pages history analysis design and measurement lots of photos HP Books (97_HP1267)
$39.95 |
Volume 05, Issue 4 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Lamborghini, Ford @ Lemans, Morgan, and more (B20_AQVol05Iss2)
$16.95 |
Golden Guide to Sports Cars by F Mortarini 160 page history with entries on such makes as Alfa Romeo Ferrari Fiat Lamborghini Lancia Maserati Austin Jaguar Lotus Triumph BMW Mercedes Porsche & more (33_GoldenSports)
$24.95 |
Grand Prix Driver by W Butterworth 123 page hard cover racing history offering a fictional account of the life of a race car driver (33_GranPrixDriv)
$9.95 |
Wheels of Fortune by William Campbell Gault - four racing stories by the author of Firt Track Summer (63_WheelsOfFort)
$49.95 |
The Racing Porsches R to RSR by John Starkey (87_F604)
$129.95 |
Color Treasury of Racing Cars Seventy Years of Record Breaking by F Bernabo hard cover history (33_RacingTreas)
$24.95 |
Hard Driving the Wendell Scott story by B Donovan 300 pgs all about NASCARs first black driver (55_WendellScott)
$19.95 |
Great Auto Races as Told and Painted by Peter Helck - 266 pages and hundreds of pictures and painted illustrations (75_GreatAutoRac)
$69.95 |
A Checkered Past - My 20 Years as Indy 500 Chief Steward by Tom Binford (93_CheckeredPas)
$29.95 |
Alfa Romeo by L. Fusi All Cars from 1910 Tutte Le Vetture dal 1910 hardcover 875 pages (B02_ChvT_C_Sv)
$499.95 |
The Salmson Story - by Chris Draper - The History of the Societe des Moteurs Salmson, the history of the Salmson car company and racing history (30_SalmsonStory)
$129.95 |
History of the World's Sports Cars by Richard Hough Illustrated 223 page hard cover covering first race cars thru 60's GP cars (30_SportH)
$19.95 |
My Motoring Reminiscences by Selwyn Francis Edge (35_MotoringRemi)
$159.95 |
Super Champions of Auto Racing, by Ross Olney (35_SuperChampsA)
$4.95 |
Design and Development of Indy Car by R Huntington 176 page history of Indy cars from the 1910s through the 1970s (40_IndyCar)
$34.95 |
Motor Memories - A Saga of Whirling Gears by Eugene W Lewis (47_MotorMemorie)
$12.95 |
view cover of Amedee Gordini - A True Racing Legend by Roy Smith - The story a man and a racing team as well as a complete record of all their achievements and failures
Amedee Gordini - A True Racing Legend by Roy Smith - The story a man and a racing team as well as a complete record of all their achievements and failures (50_196254AE)
$89.95 |
Redline 7100 - A Novel of Championship Racing by W E Butterworth (50_Redline7100)
$14.95 |
Targa Florio 20th Century Epic Race 500 page hardcover book by Pino Fondi (60_144831)
$499.95 |
The Racing Sports Car by Anthony Pritchard (60_RacingSpo)
$29.95 |
The Technique of Motor Racing book by Piero Taruffi foreword by Juan Manuel Fangio 125 pages (60_TechniqueRac)
$21.95 |
27-97 70 Jahre Nurburgring - 70 Years of Nurburgring by Jorg-Thomas Fodisch and Robert Ostrovsky in German (62_Nurburgring7)
$34.95 |
Grand Prix Driver - by W E Butterworth (69_GrandPrixDri)
$29.95 |
65-73 Targa Florio the Porsche Years compliation book portfolio by Brooklands 172 pages (69_TFMR65)
$32.95 |
50 Ans de Competitions Automobiles chronicles the first fifty years of Peugeot's racing involvement with many photos and illustrations in FRENCH by Paul Yvelin (70_AnsDeCompeti)
$119.95 |
Volume 03, Issue 3 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Cadillac Vauxhall Campbell and more... (B20_AQVol03Iss3)
$8.95 |
Brooklands by PJ Wallace intro by Whitney Straight 160 pages many B&W photos illustrations history of worlds first purpose built racetrack for cars & motorcycles & birthplace of British aviation published 1971 by Ballantines Special book No 1 (20_Brooklands)
$19.95 |
Only Seconds by Jack Albinson 119 page racing history autobiography penned by noted International Motor Contest Association Photographer (40_OnlySeconds)
$9.95 |
Land Speed Record : A complete history of world record-breaking cars from 39.24 to 600+ mph - by Cyril Posthumus (71_LandSpeedRec)
$39.95 |
34-06 BMW Racing Cars covering BMW's racing history from 1934-2006 by Karl Ludvigsen 125 illustrations (70_10292)
$29.95 |
Faster - A Racer's Diary by Jackie Stewart and Peter Manso (80_FasterRa)
$14.95 |
BMW - Motorsport Fascination by BMW - All about BMW and its motorsport racing history 124 harcover pages (92_MotorsportFa)
$24.95 |
Racing Car Design & Development by L Terry 237 page hard cover History (35_RacingDesign)
$19.95 |
The World of Automobiles vol 3 An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Motor Car covering models BR thru CH including British Leyland BRM Racing Bugatti Buick Cadillac Chaparral Chenard & Walcker Chevrolet Chevron & more (40_WOA_V03)
$29.95 |
Wonderful World of the Automobile by Ken W Purdy (63_WonderfulWor)
$12.95 |
The Remarkable Ride of the Abernathy Boys by Robert B Jackson (67_RemRideAbern)
$19.95 |
Goodwood Festival of Speed: A Celebration of Motorsport Hardcover 319 pgs including highlights & records of every car & driver since the festivals inception (69_Goodwood)
$39.95 |
Color Treasury of Formula 1 Cars with Introduction by Michael Gibson (70_ColorTreaF1)
$39.95 |
view cover of Excellence was expected 1688 page history of Porsche thru 2008 by K. Ludvigsen covering all manners of 911 917 914 Carrera Turbo 356 912 928 924 944 968 906 907 Cayenne and more.3-volume set incl 1854 photos & illustrations
Excellence was expected 1688 page history of Porsche thru 2008 by K. Ludvigsen covering all manners of 911 917 914 Carrera Turbo 356 912 928 924 944 968 906 907 Cayenne and more.3-volume set incl 1854 photos & illustrations (70_GPEX)
$395.95 |
view cover of Donington Park the Pioneers by J. Bailie 348 pages Hardcover
Donington Park the Pioneers by J. Bailie 348 pages Hardcover (73_OH)
$149.95 |
Castrol Racing Drivers Manual by F Gardner 160 page hard cover with numerous photos offering expert advice on racing (73_racingdriver)
$39.95 |
Castrol Rally Manual 2 by P Browning 128 page hard cover with numerous photos offering expert advice on rally racing (73_RallyMan2)
$39.95 |