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1909-1955 Bugatti Portfolio incl types 10 13 Brescia 22 23 30 35A B C & T 37A 38 39 40 41 Royale 43A 44 46 49 50S & T 51A 53 54 55 57C G S & SC Atalantic Atalante 59 73C 101C 251 & more 480 pags 1000 photos (40_Bugati_Port)
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Life at the Limit by Graham Hill 269 page racing history autobiography penned by the award winning motor racing world champion (52_GrahamHill)
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Roaring Races the true story of Enzo Ferrari race car driver by G. Schmidt (40_8876720065)
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Motor Racing with Mercedes Benz by G Monkhouse 191 page hard cover history (30_MBRacing)
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04-53 Auto Racing Old & New by H Lozier 144 page racing history covering the vanderbilt cup french grand prix targa floria indianapolis races & more (25_RacingLozier)
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Saga of the Roaring Road a Story of Early Auto Racing in America 189 page racing history (25_SagaWagner)
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Giannini history by E. Altorio 370 pgs Hardcover (68_10218)
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Mercedes & Benz at Indy by Wingrad: Scholarly work, only 500 printed (25_MB_Indy)
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The Supercharged Mercedes large Hardcover History in 100 pages by Schrader & Demand covering all models including 28/95 38/250 SS SSK SSKL 380 380K 400 500 500 K 540K 600 600K 620 680 680K 710 710SS 770 770K W154 W165 and more... (30_Supercharged)
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The Definitive Development History of Coventry Climax Racing Engines; 192 pages by D. Hammill (45_136213AE)
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No Excuses by Sheila Van Damm, on racign cars, 238 pages with illustrations about factory Rootes Sunbeam & Hillman Rally Driver. (45_NoExcusesSVD)
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They Call Me Mister 500 by Anthony Granatelli, hardcover and 341 pages. History of Car Racing (55_Mister500)
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Ferrari by Godfrey Eaton large hardcover 63 pages (56_FerrariEaton)
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Automobile Racing a History of Motor Sport by R Walkerley 230 page hardcover racing history ranging from 1906 to 1961 (23_AutoRacing)
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00-55 Mercedes Tre per una Stella history of style production & racing in English & Italian by F. Zagari (27_MB_Stella)
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Racing Stock by M Silber 160 page history (50_RacingStock)
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Complete Book of Hot Rodding by R Petersen 224 page hard cover history (25_HotRod)
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The Healey Story by Geoff Healey: 200 hardcover pages, the classic history of the Healey Motor Company and the Austin-Healey (62_123479)
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Great Racing Drivers of the World by H Tanne 126 oage HARD COVER racing history (29_TannerHC)
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Women in Sports Car Competition by E Mull 105 page racing history (30_WomenRacing)
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Mille Miglia 1957 the minor classes 208 pages hardcover by Dolcini (579788879115520)
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Crash Club by Henry Gregor Felsen Pulp novel about gangs and hotrods 202 pgs pub by Bantam 1958 (58_CrashClub)
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Moments That Made Racing History by R Walkerley 110 page hard cover history (30_MomentsWalke)
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Of Men and Cars; John Christy. History of racing and speed record trials. 208 pgs ill published 1960 (30_OfMenAndCars)
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Racing Cars of the World published by Shell Oil history book with inserted cards of famous racing makes such as Panhard Renault Bugatti Peugeot Mercedes Duesenberg Fiat Alfa Romeo Wynn Ferrari Lancia Maserati Jaguar Aston Martin Lotus Saab and more (30_RacingShell)
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Let 'em all go! by Chris Economaki (70_35834)
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Wayne Rainey - His own story, Authorized biography, 224 pages, Hardcover. (70_H401)
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Inside the Paddock - Racing Car Transporters at Work by D Cross & B Kjer (70_PaddockRacin)
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How To Book of Hot Rods by W Thoms 144 page history compiling articles on hot rod culture (30_HotThoms)
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