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The Golden Age of the American Racing Car by Griffith Borgeson (66_GoldenAgeAme)
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How to Build and Maintain Competitive (yet legal) Formula Ford 1600 Engines by Jake Lamont & Tom Andresen adresses rebuilding blueprinting maintenance tuning of both engine and ancillary components (70_FF_Eng_Prep)
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Physics for Gearheads An Introduction to Vehicle Dynamics Energy and Power by R Beikmann (80_GEBP)
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Directory of Classic Racing Motorcycles by Brian Woolley from AJS to Yamaha 215 pages (88_ClassicMotor)
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view cover of Goodwood events & history of Festival of Speed Revival & Members meeting 160 pgs hardcover by K. Gielen
Goodwood events & history of Festival of Speed Revival & Members meeting 160 pgs hardcover by K. Gielen (9783667101273)
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The Formula One Pack - A Comprehensive Interactive 3D Pop Up Book with Track Plans Driver Cars and much more... by Ron van der Meer and Adam Cooper (99_FormulaOnePa)
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50th Annual Pebble Beach Concours dElegance program for the year 2000 (B00_PebbleBeach)
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view cover of Volume 33, Issue 3 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Corvair, Fleetwood, M.G., Mario Andretti, & others.
Volume 33, Issue 3 of Automobile Quarterly featuring Corvair, Fleetwood, M.G., Mario Andretti, & others. (B20_AQVol33Iss3)
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Racing Cars Seventy Years Of Record Breaking By Golden Press (Racing_Cars_Sev)
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The Power and the Glory a Century of Motor Racing by Ivan Rendall 240 hardbound pages many color &b/w photos and illustrations amazing artwork (80_Rendall)
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view cover of the Spirit of Competition F. Simeone Museum M. Furman
the Spirit of Competition F. Simeone Museum M. Furman (B019950065D2033)
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Going Faster Mastering the Art of Race Driving by C Lopez from the Skip Barber Racing School 276 pages (B01_Faster)
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51st Annual Pebble Beach Concours dElegance program for the year 2001 (B01_PebbleBeach)
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Monaco: Grand Prix de Monaco:465 pages, Hardbound, Oversized; History of the Race. Hundred of photos with year by year results and stories. by R.W. Schlegelmilch & H. Lehbrink with Foreword by Alain Prost (70_MonacoGP)
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52nd Annual Pebble Beach Concours dElegance program for the year 2002 (B02_PebbleBeach)
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Dirt Track Chassis Technology Manual by Steve Smith (53_DirtTrackCha)
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Building the Hobby Stock Street Stock Car by Bob Emmons a Beginners Guide to Hobby Class Racing (56_BldStockCars)
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53rd Annual Pebble Beach Concours dElegance program for the year 2003 (B03_PebbleBeach)
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Passion for Speed 24 Classic Cars that Shaped a Century of Motor Sport by Nick Mason and Mark Hales Hardcover 208 pages (52_PassionSpeed)
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Into The Red - Twenty One Classic Cars that Shaped a Century of Motor Sport by Nick Mason and Mark Hales (98_IntoTheRed)
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54th Annual Pebble Beach Concours dElegance program for the year 2004 (B04_PebbleBeach)
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Pebble Beach Remembered by Art Evans (50_PebbleBeachR)
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The Le Mans 24-Hour Race 1949-73 by Christian Moity 210 Hardbound pages w/ Color & Black & White Illustrations 9"x13" (58_LeMans24Hour)
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The International Grand Prix book of Motor Racing edited by Michael Frewin (90_GrandPrixMot)
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Speed Secrets 5 -The Complete Driver by Ross Bentley (B05_SpeedSecret)
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Volume 45 Issue 2 of Automobile Quarterly covering HWM Mustang Franklin Volkswagen VW Beetle Vanwall Thunderbird Defuax and more... (B20_AQVol45Iss2)
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Speed Secrets 4 -Engineering the Driver by Ross Bentley (Speed_Secret4)
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Hot Rod Horsepower Handbook Big Block Chevy by D. Freiburger 160 page restoration guide (50_HotRodFreib)
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The Art & Science of Grand Prix Driving by Niki Lauda 245 pages (53_ArtofGrandPr)
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Autocross Manual by Peter Noad 80 pages (53_AutoCrossMan)
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Guide to Competition Driving by Paul O'Shea 126 pages copyright 1957 (53_CompetitionD)
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Dale Earnhardt Always a Champion A Tribute & Farewell to the Intimidator (Limited Edition) (53_DaleEarnhard)
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Driving in Competition Book by Alan Johnson (53_DrvngCompBoo)
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The Guinness Guide to International Motor Racing A Complete Reference from Formula 1 to Touring Cars by Peter Higham 544 hardbound pages (53_GuinnessRac)
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The Racing Driver The Theory & Practice of Fast Driving by Denis Jenkinson 205 pages (53_RacingDriver)
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Sports Car & Competition Driving Book by Paul Frere 138 pages (60_SportCarFrer)
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Champions! book about Hawthorn Hill Clark Surtees Stewart Hunt & Mansell by Christopher Hilton & John Blunsden (70_ChampionsHHC)
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Insiders Guide to the Nascar Tracks The Unofficial, Opinionated, Fan's Guide to the Nextel Cup Circuit by Don Coble & Lee Buchanan (75_NascarTracks)
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Playboy's Guide to Rallying, Racing, and Sports Car Driving by William Neely (80_PBGRS)
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Racing & Sports Car Chassis Design Book by Michael Costin & David Phipps 140 pages (80_RaceChassDes)
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Life at the Limit Graham Hill Autobiography 255 pages (85_LifeAtTheLim)
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Rodger Ward - Superstar of American Racings Golden Age by Mike OLeary (B06_RodgerWard)
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Speed Secrets 6 Engineering the Driver by Ross Bentley (Speed_Secret6)
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Hot Rod Kings Top Traditional Rod & Custom Builders by K Thomson 160 page hard cover history (50_HotRodKings)
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American Speed from Dirt Tracks to Indy to Nascar by LIFE Books Intro by M. Andretti & Afterword by Jeff Gordon 128 hardbound pages (53_AmericanSpee)
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Drag Racing History Book by Charles Comb 96 pages (53_DragRacingCo)
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Sport & Racing Cars History Book by Raymmond F. Yates & Brock W. Yates 116 hardbound pages (60_SRCHB_Yates)
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Indy 500 Mechanic Clint Brawner & Joe Scalzo The Inside Stroy of Big Time Auto Racing intro by Mario Andretti 194 hardbound pages (65_IndyMechanic)
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Stand on the Gas Sprint Car Racing in America by Joe Scalzo 205 hardbound pages (70_StandOntheGa)
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A.J. Foyt The Life of Americas Greatest Race Car Driver Book by A.J. Foyt with William Neely 260 pages (80_AJFoyt)
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